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Was Assange an asset for the US government? Was Assange an asset for the US government?

Amid the end of Assange's trial, we look at his past and the history of Wikileaks.

Was Assange an asset for the US government?

Let me know if this isn't relevant to privacy-minded people but it seems on topic considering the org AND not getting caught up in honeypots for your own security.

The more I look at 'Israel', the more I'm reminded of the last days of Imperial Japan The more I look at 'Israel', the more I'm reminded of the last days of Imperial Japan

If you like this article, please don’t hesitate to click like and restack! It’s a quick way to make sure more people will get to enjoy it too. And don’t hesitate to subscribe to my newsletter for free to receive my new articles right in your inbox! In 1937, Japan invaded China by staging a border in...

The more I look at 'Israel', the more I'm reminded of the last days of Imperial Japan
The more I look at 'Israel', the more I'm reminded of the last days of Imperial Japan The more I look at 'Israel', the more I'm reminded of the last days of Imperial Japan

If you like this article, please don’t hesitate to click like and restack! It’s a quick way to make sure more people will get to enjoy it too. And don’t hesitate to subscribe to my newsletter for free to receive my new articles right in your inbox! In 1937, Japan invaded China by staging a border in...

The more I look at 'Israel', the more I'm reminded of the last days of Imperial Japan
The more I look at 'Israel', the more I'm reminded of the last days of Imperial Japan The more I look at 'Israel', the more I'm reminded of the last days of Imperial Japan

If you like this article, please don’t hesitate to click like and restack! It’s a quick way to make sure more people will get to enjoy it too. And don’t hesitate to subscribe to my newsletter for free to receive my new articles right in your inbox! In 1937, Japan invaded China by staging a border in...

The more I look at 'Israel', the more I'm reminded of the last days of Imperial Japan
The dictionary of Palestinian Resistance The dictionary of Palestinian Resistance

It occurred to me recently that if you are just getting around to trying to wrap your head around the genocide in Palestine, you may come across words you can’t make sense of, or terms that feel conflicting or confusing. I hope to provide a short and clear lexicon of terms on this page. This lexicon...

The dictionary of Palestinian Resistance
The dictionary of Palestinian Resistance The dictionary of Palestinian Resistance

It occurred to me recently that if you are just getting around to trying to wrap your head around the genocide in Palestine, you may come across words you can’t make sense of, or terms that feel conflicting or confusing. I hope to provide a short and clear lexicon of terms on this page. This lexicon...

The dictionary of Palestinian Resistance
Zionism is antisemitism, and Palestine
  • I finally have some time to take a look at your question. There's that part like you said, that zionism supposes that no matter where Jews live they will always be alien. And also that they "need" to have their own ethnostate as they could never integrate with anyone else. In no uncertain terms, Zionism says that Jews are predisposed to committing genocide.

    The first argument is exactly what Hitler and tbh many (non-Jewish) people before him believed in, he didn't come out of nowhere. The second is what eugenicists believe.

    Some people don't like the comparison but it's becoming more mainstream as the world sees what 'Israel' is doing in Gaza. Zionism shares a lot of traits with fascism, to the point we could probably call zionism a form of fascism. Zionism didn't come out of nowhere either, it shares a history with the rise of proto-fascism of the late 19th century.

  • New Critical Stack: War over Taiwan would only benefit the United States of America War over Taiwan would only benefit the United States of America

    In mid-May, public discourse was suddenly fired up after the People’s Republic of China (PRC) ran military drills “near” the coast of the island of Taiwan, which is held by the Republic of China (ROC). Instantly, the disinformation warriors took to their keyboards to let the world know that China wa...

    War over Taiwan would only benefit the United States of America
    Prolewiki is pure quality
  • There's definitely improvements we could enact that we know about 😄

  • Banned on reddit, how to evade`?
  • Just wait a week and make an account again

  • I got tired of the Zionist media and I'm preparing this. Link inside!
  • It has access to most markdown formatting options; I changed the article to look like a blockquote, maybe that'll make it clearer to the reader. I'm also going to be preparing my own original piece on this topic!

  • I got tired of the Zionist media and I'm preparing this. Out now!
  • The pedophile Dershowitz also believes this, but he extends it to all Palestinians. He wouldn't extend the same definition to 'Israelis', however.

    As he is on the side that has the power, he can get away with weasel words. He can legitimately say "of course I don't want children to be killed" while internally cackling every time a video of dead Palestinian children pops up on his feed.

    He can do this because the child-killing will continue no matter his opinion of it. He knows it will, even if he was somehow influential within 'Israeli' politics (he probably is with all the pedos they harbor). He could publicly tell Nethanyahu "Stop killing children", and they would look at each other with a smile on their face, knowing that the public eats it up.

    As the oppressed side and being on the side of the oppressed, we have to be much more direct with our arguments. I don't believe any settler is innocent, and saying this instantly puts me at odds with the child rapist Dershowitz who said "sure some people in Gaza are innocent, why not". However in this case, I was directly rewriting his article to make a point, and thus the line that some settlers might be innocent was included as it was part of the original article (although, from the further arguments in the article, I was actually arguing they can not be innocent, much like Dershowitz was subtly saying the same about Gazans).

    I plan on expanding this argument if I end up writing my own article based on the title of this one, which is looking increasingly more likely.

  • I got tired of the Zionist media and I'm preparing this. Out now!

    cross-posted from:

    > Article is now out here:

    I got tired of the Zionist media and I'm preparing this. Link inside!

    Article is now out here:

  • I can believe hillary is a strike breaker tbh

  • d-_-b
  • childrens book of hillary rodham clinton with hamas red triangle over her head dot jpeg

  • Removed
    If your hands didn't look working class, the Bolsheviks shot you. What is the modern equivalent?
  • Nice strawman have you ever talked to one of us

  • I couldn't resist

    The video is Cockshott's new one where this weirdo gets personally quoted and debunked throughout:

    "The United States, the UK, Germany, and France—these are some of the most oppressive and repressive governments in the world"
  • What you said is ableist. You might not care. At least, I don't expect that you will. But maybe a few weeks or months from now, you'll think about it again.

  • US intelligence agencies are now admitting that Putin likely did not order opposition leader Navalny's death.
  • Find me any place in Russia that doesn't go below -32C in the winter. Or are you saying Russia is right to have annexed Crimea, so they can have access to warmer climates and build prisons there?

  • We are looking for Palestinian Resistance material to add to our library! [see inside]

    cross-posted from:

    > ProleWiki's library is looking to add more writings by the Palestinian Resistance, both current and old (PLO, Hamas, PFLP, etc). > > We are, in the first phase (and as is our habit), collecting as much as we can in one place, and then will go through the data. > > If you have any writings/texts/books/pamphlets, etc, basically any written material by the Resistance, we are very happy to collect it! Please format your submissions like this: > > Title (author) type link > > (if you are able to find a link online, which is much faster for us as we'll have to source the document somehow to upload it. Look on websites like anna's archive, scihub, etc). > > The writings don't have to be in English necessarily, they can be in Arabic. We'll try to find a way to translate them.

    ProleWiki is collecting criticism and self-criticism from you (link inside)

    cross-posted from:

    > Basically you can submit your criticism (even as readers of the wiki) and we'll collect it, organize it, and go through it at a later date to be defined. > > You don't have to be an editor, but this pre-supposes a minimum amount of familiarity with ProleWiki. If you've never heard of it before it's as simple as visiting the website and logging what you notice in the form. > > The feedback is anonymous so don't worry about being too harsh or anything, it's good that we hear it. You can also add a way to reach you in the form if we need to. > > Link:

    CriticalResist8 CriticalResist8
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