My wife is Arab, wears a headscarf. She stopped at a red light, cop car whips around to the side of her vehicle and told her that driving the vehicle she has will catch attention and get car jacked. They outright told her never to stop at that red light and the following three red lights on that road, day or night.
That's pretty fuckin wild, but I believe it. Have gotten lost off 75 around Detroit and all of the burnt down homes and block boys weren't too welcoming lol
Got stopped by cops walking back to the room while staying in Philly, walking from a music festival with a female friend in little more than a bikini. We were told not to continue walking our intended route, they made us chill and hire a ride..
Bruh.. in California, Southern California (Inland Empire) and Northern California (the Bay), you could be walking through a wealthy neighborhood, one street over and it's the fkin hood and it legit looks like a fkin hood. I can't even wrap my head around it. At least in SE Michigan, you can see the gradual change from wealth to knocking on death's door. Or at least from my experience.
There's a lot to do in Detroit, honestly. Downtown that is, including family activities. I pretty much go to Dearborn every month for bulk purchases of halal chicken, beef, and lamb and dining in. Downtown Detroit isn't that much further away.
That said, things have improved enormously in the last 10 years. There is a vibrant downtown area, and fairly large pockets of redevelopment around it, with safe(-ish) and affordable housing.
To assholes yeah. I grew up in a pretty rural area and still drive through some holes in the wall regularly with traffic lights where I'm stopped and there's no traffic in miles. I still stop because that light is there for a reason. To save lives by enforcing some consistency in the rules.