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How do you search for something niche/old or know if it is complete and healthy ?

Some sites even from the megathread of this /c/ doesn't sometimes show health or if it is complete . Also even reccomended torrent search engine websites suck and only crawls through some websites is there any you would rec ? Most traditional ones doesn't work either like DDG, Google or brave any that work ?

Edit : Because of some comments I thought I should mention the tools I use for more better answers

Browser - Fennec with ublock in default mode .

OS - Android.

Client - Libretorrent .

And I would also settle for direct downloads but most sites I've found suck in downloading even with a download manager like they would cut of just for pausing or leaving tab/app, connecting to another app, small network issue, and have more dead links and good ones tend to be taken down fast . So do feel free to recommend ones you use .

  • For movies/TV shows, try The interface is in russian, but the torrents almost always include english audio tracks for US/UK movies. Movies from other countries typically do include the original audio track and english subs.

    They have a tone of older torrents, with some relatively rare content. There are some strange nuances such as SD rips are often posted with Xvid encoding (even new ones) and HD releases have a rule where they need to include all known russian Dubs/MVO/DVO/AVO audio tracks, so a large part of the file is audio.

    But the good thing is that, even low health torrents often eventually have a seed appear. They have a massive networks of seeds/peers that are actually "federated" with lots of other trackers).

    For relatively high seed/peer content you can also basically stream the release via "Download in sequential order" and "Download first and last piece first". I regularly essentially stream movies via this method.

    They are decent for music too. Video games will likely be challenging if you don't speak russian and many releases actually don't include the original language.

  • Some people use Usenet for that kind of thing. I typically stumble across things I have been looking for on other social sites. For example someone makes a post with Adult Swim pilots and specials and other people will add additional material they happen to have. Sometimes it can help to think of what category what you are looking for is under then lurk around there for something like a bundle or a mislabeled version.

    Probably not the answer you are looking for but thought I'd mention it

  • One option worth checking out is Jackett. You can configure it to search multiple sources at once, and sort by the number of seeders to check for torrent health. You can integrate Jackett search into QBittorrent and/or the *ARR stack for a more seamless experience.

  • Best of luck doing this all on Android. Back when I didn't have a PC I ended up just giving up torrenting. Its not worth the hassle, plus as others have suggested you're going to want to use Qbit, with extensions. Beyond simple QoL things a PC is just going to make everything 1000x easier.