I'm sure there will be people that take this seriously lol, PSA to others don't do this. It fucks up the land and nearby water sources as it spreads out. In the US you can be forced to replace the contaminated soil
Tradition is to save it and use it as a wood oil so the wood will not decay after some time on the rain. Absorbs really good, doesn't stink or stick...
Shit like this is why people doing home gardening, especially in areas that have been inhabited for hundreds of years, without testing the soil first give me heart palpitations. What are you eating?? I don't know, and neither do you!
My grandpa would just set the old oil filters when he would change the oil in the 3 farm tractors he owned. He did that for years and 30 years later that spot is still like blacktop. At least it’s only a 2’x2’ spot but I couldn’t imagine if he dumped the actual oil. And that’s only 3 diesel tractors twice a year.
The thought that shops were doing it for years is sad
The modern way of doing this would involve reversing the process of dinosaur bones turning into oil. So you just put into the oil-to-bone-inator and bury those bones back into the ground where they originally came from.