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Any operating system, you said?
  • Dear hacker,

    How did you get my camera to work on NetBSD? I'll send whatever shitcoin you want.

  • Alternatives to Hashicorp Vault?
  • It's no longer open source. Big Deal in my books.

  • Alternatives to Hashicorp Vault?
  • Vault features are cool. I really like it. But with Hashicorp now there is this big risk of "rug pulling" regarding its license.

    The wise thing, in my opinion, is to avoid this company as much as possible.

  • Alternatives to Hashicorp Vault?

    I want a centralized way to manage keys and secrets. And some service users with little privileges over a subset of the secrets. Ideally, a service user only should be able to read its own subset of secrets. So, let's say, if a container gets pwned it will only read its secrets and no more. It should be FOSS and self-hostable.

    And a beautiful nice-to-have feature would be access log, to know who read what and when.

    My only experience with something similar is Hashicorp Vault, but I don't want to be near any Hashicorp stuff ever again.

    Do you know a FOSS alternative to Vault?

    Check your email for the verification code we just sent you.
  • 🔒Verified secure ✅

  • The Verge shows how Google search is useless
  • you are a printer we are all printers

  • Neofetch development discontinued, repository archived
  • “Have taken up farming.”

  • Systemd wants to expand to include a sudo replacement
  • Oh, it's gonna use polkit. Sudo bloat is a grain of sand compared to polkit.

    Why people want to replace sudo with polkit? Visudo is no near as obscure as configuring polkit.

    I hope distro maintainers don't follow this.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • Parallel Desktop

    There are several FOSS alternatives. All of them are more popular that Parallels.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • Nobody likes Adobe, nobody wants to work with Adobe. Nobody can avoid Photoshop. That’s just the world we live in and I don’t like it.

    This sounds like Stockholm syndrome. You are just too familiar with Photoshop, so using anything else is hard and less efficient.

    In photography there is this mantra about "the most important part is right behind the camera". A good photographer is not a good Nikon user, or good Canon user. A good photographer can deliver decent pictures with a potato camera if needed.

    Sure, a potato camera is less efficient for any work that an actual good one. So it's good to invest in a good brand. But the point is: if you are not capable to make average results with a potato software, the problem is not in the software.

  • Reminder: crypto isn’t solarpunk. It’s cyberpunk.
  • Not true.

    The immutability of the thing is just Merkle trees. And integrity of the writings is any form of authorized blocks. From a certificate from an authority a la PKI to proof of work. And anything in between.

    The thing is that there are not too many applications for slow distributed inmutable databases.

    DNS is the only thing that I know that is globally distributed, with slow updates of domains being acceptable.

  • and they were roommates
  • omg they were roommates!

  • Reminder: crypto isn’t solarpunk. It’s cyberpunk.
  • You missed the part of they just hating money.

    A slow but decentralized and immutable database can have it's applications. You can have a semi-decentralized one if it's needed, doing stuff like PKI. I wish DNS were like that.

    But the popular use is currencies. And scams. And people here seems to hate money, even more than actual scams.

  • And the most popular man in the whole Fediverse is...
  • You are not gonna block the most popular man in the Fediverse, are you?

  • And the most popular man in the whole Fediverse is...


    democracy in Russia
  • Of course it's a user.

  • Improve Your Privacy Setup
  • If you’re concerned about security, consider GPG signing your kernel with Libreboot GRUB for an additional layer of verification at boot.

    Hey! I had no idea that was possible. I usually encrypt everything but /boot, because it's easy that way.

    I don't have a "threat model" of someone puting malware in /boot while I'm away of the computer. But it would be nice to know how to prevent that.

    Do you have a link of a guide or tutorial for that?

  • This was the first result on Google
  • Hey, ChatGPT, my uncle says new Macbooks are just glorified Raspberry Pis.

    How many MB/s are in a Raspberry Pi?

  • "How to help someone use a computer.", a guide from 1996
  • It's in the archwiki 😤😤😤

  • European Commission’s use of Microsoft 365 infringes data protection law for EU institutions and bodies
  • Keys and tokens will be shared securely via singaporean hotels wifi.

  • F1 Academy: Doriane Pin loses victory in Saudi Arabia after failing to realise race was over
  • Sky Sports F1's Damon Hill was critical of the decision, writing on social media platform X: "Maybe they should indicate the end of the race with lights too, instead of just waving a flag about 20ft up in a blind spot. Maybe? I'm not an expert. Oh! Yes I am!"


    I still blame the engineers. At least say "congrats! you are first" or something.

  • Is my NVME drive dying?

    My laptop is working just fine. It's from 2018 and it has an NVME drive.

    It has an EFI boot partition and other partition with LUKS and LVM on top of that.

    Since this week I see these logs from time to time:

    Mar 07 17:31:14 almendra kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1d.6: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer, (Receiver ID) Mar 07 17:31:14 almendra kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1d.6: device [8086:34b6] error status/mask=00000001/00002000 Mar 07 17:31:14 almendra kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1d.6: [ 0] RxErr (First) Mar 07 17:31:14 almendra kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1d.6: AER: Error of this Agent is reported first Mar 07 17:31:14 almendra kernel: nvme 0000:02:00.0: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer, (Receiver ID) Mar 07 17:31:14 almendra kernel: nvme 0000:02:00.0: device [8086:0975] error status/mask=00000001/00002000 Mar 07 17:31:14 almendra kernel: nvme 0000:02:00.0: [ 0] RxErr (First)

    The devices are: ``` $ lspci -vv | grep 1d.6 00:1d.6 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device 34b6 (rev 30) (prog-if 00 [Normal decode])

    $ lspci -vv | grep 02:00.0 02:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller: Intel Corporation Optane NVME SSD H10 with Solid State Storage [Teton Glacier] (prog-if 02 [NVM Express]) ```

    The laptop works like always, but I have the impression that the NVME drive is telling me something bad.

    It happens from time to time:

    $ journalctl --since yesterday | grep -c "nvme 0000:02:00.0: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical" 9

    Do you know what does it mean?

    Receive only email server

    Hello. Let's say I want to selfhost an email server (smtp + imap) that only will be used to receive email.

    I only will send email internally (from my domain to my domain) and receive from 3rd parties.

    Should I setup DKIM, DMARC, SPF and reverse IP lookup?

    To be honest, I'm having a bit of hard time understanding the madness of email authentication. So I can't figure it out by myself if those mechanisms are needed in my case.

    I haven't deployed anything, but probably will use Stalwart. It looks like it's easy to deploy. Is there any other beginner-friendly email service I should read about?


    Rate my setup: Raspberry Pi 400

    cross-posted from:

    tl;dr: It has been two weeks using the Pi 400 as my personal computer. It's good enough for what I do, but when I need performance y connect it to my old laptop.


    So, last year I bought a Raspberry Pi 400 and I did what I always do: absolutely nothing. It was kept inside its box getting covered by dust.

    About two weeks ago I decided to clean the mess out of my desk. This desk is very small and I've got my work laptop, my personal laptop, a monitor and a lot of cables and stuff. So I put my personal laptop below the router connected by ethernet and put the Pi 400 on the desk.

    It is way slower than my laptop, obviously. So when I need performance I make an ssh tunnel for vnc and pipewire, and got my laptop DE back.

    I used fscrypt for the /home partition, because I'm too paranoid to go unencrypted and it doesn't support full disk encryption. Also added a USB stick for more local storage, ciphered with the same tool.

    I don't play video games any more :sad-pepe: so I don't miss a graphics card in the Pi.

    I bought it with the official Raspberry mouse included. But I have no idea where it ended lost.

    So now this is my "setup" lol.

    Reject modernity. Embrace tradition.

    edit: Don't do this. Embrace modernity and don't pollute the soil.

    GitLab asking for credit card Concern about GitLab asking for credit card

    We are running a short survey on potential alternate methods to validate accounts on free plans (other than credit or debit cards). If interested, please fill it out here:

    cross-posted from:

    > I was reading this issue from LibreWolf project when I read that some of new GitLab users were asking to give credit card information. > > I had no idea this was a thing. According to the forum it's a measure to avoid bots to use free CI workers time to mine shitcoins.

    GitLab asking for credit card Concern about GitLab asking for credit card

    We are running a short survey on potential alternate methods to validate accounts on free plans (other than credit or debit cards). If interested, please fill it out here:

    I was reading this issue from LibreWolf project when I read that some of new GitLab users were asking to give credit card information.

    I had no idea this was a thing. According to the forum it's a measure to avoid bots to use free CI workers time to mine shitcoins.

    Photography vsis

    cross-posted from:

    > Un artesano toledano trabajando en una joya damasquinada.


    Esa era su antigua gatificación

    Uploading keepass database to the cloud?

    Is it insecure to upload Keepass database to Google Drive, Dropbox or any other file service in the cloud?

    I've read this answer in Security Stackexchange:

    So, I feel kinda confident if a put a big number of PBKDF2 iterations, like 10.000.000, it should be OK.

    My master password is based on diceware, but is not very very long because I need to remember it.

    What do you people think about this?

    Just finished this bad boi

    YMDK Air40 with DSA keycaps.

    I'm trying to not use mouse, but the keyboard instead. So mouse movement, scroll and clicks are mapped in keys in a convenient layer.

    It took me like a week to get used to ortholinear arrangement. But I've never type really fast in my life anyways.

    I'm definitely not faster, but my writs stay more relaxed and are almost always still.

    Quiero que recuerden esta obra maestra.

    Tiene como 10 años. Todavía no es superada.

    vsis vsis

    Errar es humano. Propagar errores automáticamente es #devops

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