What's the specific town/suburb/village within "everyday driving-distance" from you with the most toxic people?
What's the specific town/suburb/village within "everyday driving-distance" from you with the most toxic people?
What's the specific town/suburb/village within "everyday driving-distance" from you with the most toxic people?
Southwest Washington, north of Vancouver and south of Tacoma. You might as well be in Alabama in these parts. This is where a lot of the Proud Boys come from.
Osceola, IN. Klan haven, horribly backwards community full of racists and weirdos. A few anecdotes:
What are those? A type of food. Right? I read about it online years ago, but I can't remember what they are. Boston baked beans?
Huntington Beach, CA. So, so many public meltdowns in the Karen/Kevin sense get uploaded to the internet from there. Lots of drunk people and road ragers.
Klan haven, too.
This is so crazy. HB was like the chillest town ever 25 years ago. It was already moving towards commercialization back then, but it was still a quiet little beach town paradise. It's really sad to read online about what it has become today.
Nice try
Not going to get me like that big gov!
WTF kind of question is this?
I'm pretty close to Ohio.
Washington DC. Aside from the obvious, just trying to drive into DC makes you think that perhaps you could get off on a technicality or plead insanity.
Miami or Orlando. Take your pick.
Can I pick both?