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How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)

This blog post by Ploum, who was part of the original XMPP efforts long ago, describes how Google killed one great federated service, which shows why the Fediverse must not give Meta the chance

  • An excellent read. My synopsis is that if any big corporations joined the Fediverse they would fracture it, and that no matter what Meta, Reddit, Google, etc. would never want to see a decentralized platform succeed.

    Pretty much the Fediverse needs to never let a big company tie into it. Our group needs to work at growing but at a sustainable rate.

    • We can't effectively block corporate injections, unfortunately. The admins of large hub instances are just of the opinion that bigger is better, and that more is more. They've been excited by the prospect of, I don't know, legitimacy or something, for a while now.

      The result is going to be the network... not fracturing, per-se, but significantly restructuring itself. Big instances will get sucked into Big Social's halo, and be like the suburbs to Meta's or Tumblr's metropolitan centres. Smaller instances will end up as the exurbs. Content will flow quickly between metro and suburban spaces, and trickle across suburban spaces between the metro and exurban spaces. And which Fedivesre site you choose to use will end up mattering even more than it does now.

      Right now, there's speculative reason to believe that Meta's offering up incentives to big instance admins. Those incentives will ultimately result in Meta owning them by proxy. They'll be client kingdoms, to mix metaphors, working on Meta's behalf, but getting relatively little in return for it.

      I think Reddit moderators probably have a good idea about how they'll ultimately end up feeling.

    • I don't think Google cares if the Fediverse succeeds or not. All they care about is that it can be indexed and people will be able to show Google ads on their instances.

      Google doesn't have a Reddit equivalent or even any other social network competitor (anymore; they killed them all). They explicitly chose to exit that entire concept of products.

      The only reason XMPP mattered to Google at the time was they were trying to compete with Apple for messaging on mobile devices. XMPP meant that Android devices using Google Hangouts/Chat/Gmail could chat with users on other platforms/services while Apple's chat app could only do SMS.

      I guess what I'm saying is that Google is mostly irrelevant from the perspective of the Fediverse other than the fact that it can index and maybe give priority to discussions of certain products/topics like it does with Reddit currently.

    • @MyMulligan @jherazob I disagree.

      I think the key thing is to just make sure that you don't use non #FOSS clients. #GoogleTalk started as a client for #XMPP, people migrated to it, and then #Google dropped support for #XMPP. If so many people didn't use #GoogleTalk, the #XMPP network would have remained unimpeded.

      • At this point it wouldn't matter, all they need to do is to mess with the protocol and it'd achieve the same thing, Meta and everything in it's sphere would "work well", but connecting with true ActivityPub servers would work just glitchy enough to annoy their users and point the fingers towards our side, just like it happened with XMPP

      • Exactly! Let them join…and be ignored.

        But how do we ignore them? Can you block an entire instance?

    • Given growth, it’s pretty much inevitable that certain instances will need funding to survive.

      Besides donation drives like Wikipedia, I can definitely see a world where small governments get involved.

      Places like Estonia, Israel and Iceland that want to cheaply promote their tech industries and cultural content. Things these countries are doing in centralized spaces like Facebook - but now with more control.

    • My synopsis is that if any big corporations joined the Fediverse they would fracture it.

      I'm not so sure. Facebook has an onion version that runs on the tor network. Big tech dominates the clear web but there's plenty of room for everyone else.

      Ultimately you have user types. In a few more months, LemmyVerse could have a couple of million active users.

      I'd bet the vast majority would scoff at a fediverse version of Facebook. It's just a different crowd - not unlike the tor network where Facebook (probably, maybe?) exists in nmae only.

  • One key difference between link aggregators (kbin/lemmy/reddit/digg) and microblogs (twitter/mastodon) on the one hand, vs social networks (facebook/myspace/diaspora/friendica) and instant messengers (aim/icq/xmpp/signal) on the other, is that the latter is highly dependent on your real-life social network, while the former is not. People using instant messengers and people on facebook want to use them to interact with their friends and family, so they have to use the platforms that those friends and family are on. On the other hand, people are happy to use link aggregators and microblogs as long as there are interesting people and communities to follow, even if they consist entirely of strangers.

    Back in the early days of XMPP, when it was still known as "Jabber", I tried switching to it from AOL Instant Messenger. I told all of my contacts about it, and tried to get them to set up Jabber accounts. I was super excited that instant messaging was finally being standardized the way email was, and we wouldn't have to deal with AIM vs MSN messenger vs Yahoo messenger vs etc. I think I was also still bitter about being forced to switch from ICQ to AIM because all my friends had switched. I don't think I got a single person to start using Jabber, though. At one point I even declared that I was going to stop using AIM entirely, and that people would have to switch over so that we could keep talking to each other. Didn't work, of course. I just ended up not being able to talk to anyone until I finally went back to AIM.

    A bunch of my friends use reddit, but we don't use the site to interact with each other in any meaningful way. This made switching to kbin really easy. Sure, I've told a few of them about it, but it doesn't really matter to me if they switch or not. As far as I'm aware, XMPP never really became it's own "thing" and experienced the kind of growth that the threadiverse has. Since we've passed the point of being self-sustaining, we can keep growing one user at a time, as individuals decide that they're tired of reddit and make the jump.

    Because of this difference in dynamic, we're in a much better position against Meta than XMPP was against Google. The fact that we can even consider outright blocking Meta is a really good sign for us, regardless of whether we do so or not. Even if we do end up in a situation where 90% or even 99% of users are on Meta's platform, we can still refuse to allow them to compromise the ActivityPub protocol. Attempts to "embrace, extend, extinguish" will likely just result in non-blockading instances joining the anti-Meta blockade. With the connection to Meta severed, we'll just go back to enjoying the company of the 1 to 10% that remain, and that portion will likely be much larger than what we have now.

  • Excellent article and it's of course a very serious concern regarding Meta's Project 92.

    I want to use this thread to share one other concern that I've seen coming up constantly on Mastodon: overzealous instance admins that take things personally.

    "You said X about me, I'll block your whole instance".

    "I don't like a particular nuanced view that instance staff holds, #Fediblock now".

    "Users of X instance reported me. I'll block the whole instance".

    A few of these things happened in the last couple of days. We can't have instance admins defederating because of trivial petty stuff. The only thing this does is drive users to larger instances, among which there might be corporate interests.

    • Instances with admins like that will weed themselves out, but I think you make a good point that when you join a smaller instance we should have conversations with our admins and make sure they will work together with their users to drive a better fediverse. There are going to be a massive amount of bad admins starting their own instances because they want power, so make sure you don't waste time with those.

      There are so many issues with this tech that are being exposed now that it worries me. "All" should never have been inclusive of everything just because one member of the instance subbed or viewed something for that other instance. Instances should have to reach a certain critical mass before that. There needs to be an "All" and an "Extended".

    • It's premeditated, the "Drama" is used as a scapegoat & a precursor (Divide & disintegrate).
      Typical tactics with conservative & neoliberal thrive on Repression/Regression/Chaos/Disorder (We're dealing with corrupt institutions & industry.).

    • Yeah, larger instances have a sense of stability about them, whether that's warranted or not.

      What might help is some sort of creed or manifesto that smaller instances can jointly promote, that would include "I won't defederate for petty reasons," "I won't sell out to corporate," etc. Might give people more confidence in smaller instances, and help foster a larger sense of community while keeping resources spread out.

  • Great read, warnings like this should be added to the conversation as long as federation with Meta is brought up. Especially for non-technical users or new users who haven't seen embrace, extend, extinguish before we will need some way to let them know what is on the other end of federating with large companies.

    Sadly that's exactly who Meta wants, is people who don't care about the underlying system and they I'm sure will spend much more convincing those users that federation with Meta is a good thing.

  • One thing we can do is encourage the Instagram users in our lives to open a fediverse account and use Instagram from the other side.

  • Excellent read. Have just re-posted this on 'key, thanks for sharing this.
    I agree that Meta is doing something very dangerous to the fediverse... hope they could be stopped in their tracks.

  • I red tha article and I think there is a problem in who it was managed at the time, if Google or Meta wants to join they should to us not us to them so if they break federation we should not care and continue implement our stuff, if something usable comes out of them joining we could use that but we are not their slaves, they are going to play in our home so we establish the rules.

    Plus I think that if we don't become meta's costumer support and I don't think we will, we are not that dumb, meta joining the fediverse would only benefit us because we could see all the posts from Meta while being on a private add free server, people wouldn't have to choose between Instagram where all their friends are mad pixelfed ecc.

    What do you guys think? Open to talk.

  • Great post by Ploum. Really sheds some light on how vicious these things can be and how federation will have to really push for openness and freedom.

  • Can anyone with expertise explain the structural difference between Matrix and XMPP?