"Get the politics out of sports!"
"Get the politics out of sports!"
"Get the politics out of sports!"
70% of NFL fans are white and 53% of players are black.
So the white fans want to watch black athletes but not have anything to do with black artists. They can probably block out that the players are mostly Black, Hispanic and mixed race because they have helmets on and are just jerseys to them.
The underlying assumption here seems to be that white people don't listen to hip-hop, which I don't think is true at all. I think Superbowl audiences just span several generations and Kendrick, while pretty popular, isn't so famous to be known by a lot of old people. This has been an issue with Superbowl acts for a while now... there's not as much of a monoculture with pop music as there used to be, and so musicians aren't reaching the same status in pop culture as they used to.
Well I didn't want to type out more stats from where I found them but the bigger majority of the white breakdown was 55+, which probably does have a smaller group of hip-hop listeners than lower age groups.
I'm 54 and grew up as rap was invented and became popular. I wouldn't expect many people older than me to dig it. And like country music, I like the older rap. What can I say? Our musical tastes get frozen in our teens and 20s.
If you start wide with your musical taste then your taste can still be pretty diverse, but I agree older music has more depth than most things coming out now.
Tool, NIN, Rage against the Machine have messages that are hard and heavy but mean something. They take multiple listens to fully open your mind to what they are saying but sound awesome even before you know the whole point.
We all are mixed... we are all humans... we all are homo sapiens (modern humans) Race is a concept to divide and conquer by some humans
Not like the shape of our nipples. Am I right my fellow tiny nips?
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The formatting on this is fucked up.....but I tried.
biblically accurate tits
Our government apparently (dei)