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The Henson Safety Razor, a nearly 1-to-1 replacement for disposable razors, with all the environmental benefits of a regular safety razor, and certifiably BIFL

When I became more environmentally conscious many years ago, I decided to switch to a safety razor to reduce plastic waste. I landed on a reputable safety razor with a 'mild' angle, something that would be good for sensitive skin. Even with a good shaving soap, I found that I would regularly still get some discomfort from razor burn, despite learning a solid technique.

Enter: the Henson. This was touted as a 'new' design of safety razor that fully supported the blade, making it particularly well suited for sensitive skin, and much harder to nick yourself.

Well, I've been using this thing for a few months now, and I can honestly say the marketing isn't an exaggeration, it's been a game-changer for me.

It really is MUCH harder to nick myself with this, to the point where I can press it against my skin firmly like a disposable, and I still don't get irritation. It's one of the most pleasant shaving experiences I've had, and I can heartily recommend one for anyone who wants a truly mild safety razor.

Its made of machined aluminum, and built to tight tolerances. I anticipate I'll be using this sucker quite literally for the rest of my life.

Though do bear in mind, If you have a thick beard or non-sensitive skin, the mild henson might not be ideal for you. As an example I still use my old razor with it's more exposed blade to shave my head, as this henson gets clogged up far too quickly for that application (unless the hair is already really short). But for the face with light facial hair? Perfection.

  • I've used a safety razor for a little under 20 years. I've also spent maybe $30 in blades in that time. Love my merkur futur.

  • Though do bear in mind, If you have a thick beard or non-sensitive skin, the mild henson might not be ideal for you.

    I see they have the -M class for more blade exposure for thicker and longer hair. I wonder if this would mitigate that. Did you have the AL13 non-M model?

    • Yes, I have the standard one. I kinda wish I'd gotten the AL13-M now, as I suspect it might've been able to pull double duty.

      • As someone with thick facial hair who doesn't shave daily, I might still get the standard one. I have a safety razor already with feather blades. But if I could get one that more ensured a lack of nicks and razor burn when I do shave everyday, that'd be great.

  • I bought the aluminium and loved it so much I upgraded to the titanium. No regrets, although I can't say there's much difference except for the weight feels better.

    I haven't used any other safety razors, but I can't imagine how anything could be better. It's so good I can shave with just cold water (no shaving cream) and it still comes out perfect.

  • This is one of those products that very much lives up to the hype. Even if you already use a safety razor, the upgrade is well worth it.

  • Been using a Dual Edge Safety Razor for a year. It's so much more affordable and a better shave. I shave every day. I spent like $15 on my razor (1939-45 Gillette tech,) $15ish for 100 razor blades (I use Gillette Nacets) where each one I use for about a week. So what almost two years of blades? I use Arko shave soap which is like $8 a tub and it last me like 3 or 4 months. After shave about $10 again another 2 or 3 months. Most expensive thing was my shave brush which was like $35. Won't buy another for forever.

    Anyway. It's a nice thing to do. It will take a few weeks to get used to. The shave is excellent and once your used to it you can shave just as fast as the disposable ones with a crazy close shave.

  • For a long time I wanted to write a post about safety razors, but this will not be the time, again. I'll just summarize some of my experiences.

    First of all, different razor blades will work differently, but the sharpest seem to work great in Henson AL13 (note: mild model).

    Next, there are some cheap and good razors, like Feather Popular and Yaqi Mellon. There are also some mid-range good ones like Henson AL13 and Rockwell 6S/2C. Other razors are hit and miss in my experience, they may work well for you, they may work well for you with a specific blade, and they may also be total crap for you; you generally can guess which is which but not be sure.

    The shaving in three passes along the hair growth, across the hair, and against the hair is also very important. I used to think that shaving immediately against the hair was enough and would one day get me a smooth cut-free shave, but it wouldn't and I ended up bleeding quite a lot every single time.

    Last, on a tangential point, every time I see some product being advertised I feel being scammed, especially if the comments are largely positive. With Henson, it's probably the first time this is not a scam, but I am glad that I got the razor before seeing any of the praises online and already have tried it, otherwise I would have thought that to be another marketing bullshit and passed on it, most likely.

    All-in-all, I tried about two dozen safety razors in combination with different blades, and the Henson AL13 is in my top 2.

  • I have had one for a year and will never buy a new razor. The blades are ultra cheap and give an insanely good shave. I've gifted these razors to all my sons as well. They also love them.