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You can try Vertical Tabs in Firefox now
  • Not sure what you're actually losing on YouTube though... You go fullscreen quickly anyway. And if I put two windows side by side I just disable the tab because I'm likely doing it for a reason to have two specific pages on them, actually giving more screenspace because I don't have the bar at the top either.

  • You can try Vertical Tabs in Firefox now
  • Which website actually has a layout that makes use of your extra space, and doesn't center the content with empty space on the left and right side? I actually have barely ever noticed a case where it was useful

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • They're not supposed to, it's just about blocking them from using the software :)

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • The real solution is to include a few tiananmenSquare variables in all the repositories. Either they exclude the entire repository or just the specific file, in either case the entire project may be unusable.

  • Why defederation is extremely rare on
  • I was not able to express myself clearly enough that you understand what I was talking about. Should I try again or do you not care?

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • With Proton, a large majority of games run on Linux, and most even better than on windows.

  • Why defederation is extremely rare on
  • "Moderate" should not be a criterion for choosing anything. Rather you should choose the approach that has the best score when comparing reasons for and reasons against it, i.e. making a rational decision based on the available evidence.

    The reason your "middle of the road" approach doesn't make sense is because if you really decide like that, one side just has to get more and more extreme for you to "sympathize" with their side, since suddenly the middle will shift in their direction. You can be easily manipulated that way.

  • The heart we can't neglect indeed
  • The question is, how many people spent as much time and gathered as much knowledge as you trying to break LLMs? If it's not accessible to the majority, it might as well not exist.

  • Anybody know why Anna's Archive is torrents only and not IPFS?
  • Huh I thought I've been downloading stuff with ipfs from them the whole time

  • ‘Florida loves prison labor’: why most incarcerated people still work for free in the Sunshine state
  • What would theoretically happen if they refused?

  • Poisoned trees gave a wealthy couple in Maine a killer ocean view. Residents wonder, at what cost?
  • A repetition of the truth is always valuable. Not everyone fully understands how broken our society is. Even if just 0.1% read the comment and understand something new, it was valuable. Even if it's just a reminder, it was valuable.

    On the other hand, your comment is not valuable 100% of the time. Complaining about something generally true being there, which you could just ignore if you already know it, is absolutely useless. In fact, it's even negative value, because if your complaint was followed and someone came to the thread without the knowledge, they'd be denied an opportunity to learn.

  • Poisoned trees gave a wealthy couple in Maine a killer ocean view. Residents wonder, at what cost?
  • Are you a bot? This answer is so generic and not even addressing OP.

  • Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News
  • Any piracy costing money is also really really likely to be shut down relatively soon, making you need to change your setup.

  • Anon watches romance anime
  • Obviously you are completely alone in your fifties being single, everyone else is in happy relationships.

    If the sarcasm wasn't clear, it's literally never too late.

  • Ukrainian soldier after Russian captivity
  • Finally a diet that works!

    God, I'm horrible

  • Average vs Fame
  • Honestly I can't see why you'd choose average, non-wealthy. If you want quiet and peaceful, you're sure to get it when wealthy, just pay for a large residence and security on the outskirts, then stay inside. Use disguises/body doubles when going out. Except for a little organizational overhead, which you can also pay people to do for you, you can have everything you want when you're famous and wealthy.

  • Ctrl + Shift + A
  • I have no idea how selection works anywhere else, since I only ever used gimp.

    For me, I don't understand this meme, selection seems to work very intuitively, it seems to do what I expect it to do.

  • Let's Fix Villages At Their Source
  • I don't think there's any real will to update Minecraft to be objectively better anymore. Specific devs might still care, but management is in power and just extracting maximum value. Your thoughts are great but I'm sure they're never going to get in official.

  • Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important
  • But the thing is, we don't need to develop products. New products are just further resource usage, more greenhouse gasses, more "infinite growth". Also, a company or individual having "an edge" in competition by developing something first is simply waste of resources. Now only they are allowed to improve upon it, make it more efficient, whatever. If this didn't exist, yea they'd be incentivized less to create it in the first place, but also now everyone could take it and make it better.

    We have to go away from thinking as individuals in the direction of thinking as humanity.

  • Elon Musk has unusual relationships with women at SpaceX, WSJ reports - The Verge
  • Doesn't a SpaceX engineer technically already have a sugar daddy?

  • Anyone have good ways to search through lemmy posts?

    Neither DuckDuckGo nor Google are particularly good at it, since you can't do something like How do you guye search or is this just an unsolved problem?

    War. What is it good for?
    4min 30sec of leaving no dwarf behind LEAVE NO DWARF BEHIND! - azzuritetv on Twitch

    azzuritetv went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Deep Rock Galactic VOD now.

    LEAVE NO DWARF BEHIND! - azzuritetv on Twitch

    I really don't think it could have been any closer :D I'm really proud of this save

    Is it possible to change "custom mode" options in an existing save?

    I'd love to enable the hidden dice rolls on my save that was made before the "custom mode" arrived, but there doesn't seem to be a way inside the game, unless I'm missing something.

    Does anyone maybe know if you can edit the save file to change this? Or some other way?

    Is WhatsApp bad for privacy?

    And if so, why exactly? It says it's end-to-end encrypted. The metadata isn't. But what is metadata and is it bad that it's not? Are there any other problematic things?

    I think I have a few answers for these questions, but I was wondering if anyone else has good answers/explanations/links to share where I can inform myself more.

    How do I calculate if a test like this is statistically significant?

    I let people rate how much they like different things on a scale of 1-10. How do I actually tell if people like one thing more than another thing if the sample sizes are different? This is not about any real scientific study, more like a personal test :)

    For example, if one thing got voted on 10 times and has an average value of 6.5, and another thing got voted on 6 times and has a 6.1, is the 6.5 thing actually more liked? Or is this small sample size still so random that it could with a high chance go both ways?

    I've never done anything like this, if someone could explain it or direct me to the correct key words/links, that would be hugely appreciated :)

    I've read up a bit on p-value determination, but I'm not sure what my "null hypothesis" is here actually, numerically. If I'd put it in words I guess my hypothesis would be "this thing is more liked than the other thing", but honestly, it seems like my specific case would be much simpler than all the stuff I'm reading here :D

    What is the correct way to report communities/users?

    I don't see a report function either for communities or users.

    Anyway, and and only purpose seem to be to spam ads.

    How do you think tweets will be called from now on?

    Will you be xing xes instead of tweeting tweets?

    What if someone sends you a video? To differentiate it from tweets/xes, would you call them XXX videos? You could maybe use as a CDN domain.

    Annoyed by Lemmy links not going to your home instance? I just updated LULs, the script that changes all Lemmy links everywhere to your home instance! Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Ensures that all URLs to Lemmy instances always point to your main/home instance.

    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    If you didn't already know about it, I included the full description after the release notes.

    > # Release 1.3.0 > > * You can now add multiple secondary instances: so if you, like me, also have an account on (or of course any other instance), you can add that there and not have links rewritten for that instance > * You can manually enter your home instance. Useful for self-hosted instances that didn't show up in my instance list. > > ! > > > # Full Description Below: > > ### Description > > Lemmy Universal Link Switcher, or LULs for short, scans all links on all websites, and if any link points to a Lemmy instance that is not your main/home instance, it rewrites the link so that it instead points to your main instance. > > Also works on Firefox Android with the Tampermonkey extension! > > ### Features > > * Rewrite links to Lemmy posts/comments to point to your home instance. Only after hovering over them, because getting home posts/comments links require communicating with the Lemmy servers, and we don't want to spam the servers. > !video demonstrating links to posts being rewritten > * Instantly rewrite all links of community or user links to Lemmy/kbin on all websites everywhere to your new instance! The rewritten links will have an icon next to it, and hovering/touching the icon will show you the original link, allowing you to go there if you want to. > [!community links being rewritten]( > > * If you are already on a page that has a corresponding page on your home instance, a link will automatically be added to the page header. > [!the header link to your home instance when already on a remote post]( > > > ### Home Instance Setup > > Simply visit the Lemmy instance you want to set as your home while the script is active. You will be asked if you want to set this instance to your home instance: > [!popup to select home instance]( > > ### Settings > > If you want to change your home instance or add secondary instances in case you have multiple accounts, simply go to the script settings, accessible within Violent/Tampermonkey directly, or alternatively within any Lemmy instances' settings. > [!button to set your new home instance]( > > ### Common Issues > > * Does not work with Greasemonkey. Use Violentmonkey (open source) or Tampermonkey (closed source) instead. > > ### Coming soon > > * Rewrite kbin post/comment links > * Better rewriting support for kbin community/user urls (e.g. sort options are currently ignored) > * Nicer tooltip styling (fit into page theme) > * Signify that "Show at home" button is loading for posts/comments > * Integrate with redirector >

    [UserScript] LULs, the script that changes all Lemmy links to your home instance, now has support for more than one home instance! Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Ensures that all URLs to Lemmy instances always point to your main/home instance.

    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Release 1.3.0

    • You can now add multiple secondary instances: so if you, like me, also have an account on (or of course any other instance), you can add that there and not have links rewritten for that instance
    • You can manually enter your home instance. Useful for self-hosted instances that didn't show up in my instance list.


    Full Description Below:


    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher, or LULs for short, scans all links on all websites, and if any link points to a Lemmy instance that is not your main/home instance, it rewrites the link so that it instead points to your main instance.

    Also works on Firefox Android with the Tampermonkey extension!


    • Rewrite links to Lemmy posts/comments to point to your home instance. Only after hovering over them, because getting home posts/comments links require communicating with the Lemmy servers, and we don't want to spam the servers. !video demonstrating links to posts being rewritten

    • Instantly rewrite all links of community or user links to Lemmy/kbin on all websites everywhere to your new instance! The rewritten links will have an icon next to it, and hovering/touching the icon will show you the original link, allowing you to go there if you want to. [!community links being rewritten](

    • If you are already on a page that has a corresponding page on your home instance, a link will automatically be added to the page header. [!the header link to your home instance when already on a remote post](

    Home Instance Setup

    Simply visit the Lemmy instance you want to set as your home while the script is active. You will be asked if you want to set this instance to your home instance: [!popup to select home instance](


    If you want to change your home instance or add secondary instances in case you have multiple accounts, simply go to the script settings, accessible within Violent/Tampermonkey directly, or alternatively within any Lemmy instances' settings. [!button to set your new home instance](

    Common Issues

    Coming soon

    • Rewrite kbin post/comment links
    • Better rewriting support for kbin community/user urls (e.g. sort options are currently ignored)
    • Nicer tooltip styling (fit into page theme)
    • Signify that "Show at home" button is loading for posts/comments
    • Integrate with redirector
    Annoyed by links pointing to other instances, where you're not logged in? I have the solution :) Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Ensures that all URLs to Lemmy instances always point to your main/home instance.

    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher


    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher, or LULs for short, scans all links on all websites, and if any link points to a Lemmy instance that is not your main/home instance, it rewrites the link so that it instead points to your main instance.

    Also works on Firefox Android with the Tampermonkey extension!


    • Rewrite links to Lemmy posts/comments to point to your home instance. Only after hovering over them, because getting home posts/comments links require communicating with the Lemmy servers, and we don't want to spam the servers. !video demonstrating links to posts being rewritten

    • Instantly rewrite all links of community or user links to Lemmy/kbin on all websites everywhere to your new instance! The rewritten links will have an icon next to it, and hovering/touching the icon will show you the original link, allowing you to go there if you want to. [!community links being rewritten](

    • If you are already on a page that has a corresponding page on your home instance, a link will automatically be added to the page header. [!the header link to your home instance when already on a remote post](

    Home Instance Setup

    Simply visit the Lemmy instance you want to set as your home while the script is active. You will be asked if you want to set this instance to your home instance: [!popup to select home instance](

    If you initially set your home instance wrong or just want to change it, no worries - simply go to your settings on your new home instance and press the button for it! [!button to set your new home instance](

    Common Issues

    Coming soon

    • Rewrite kbin post/comment links
    • Better rewriting support for kbin community/user urls (e.g. sort options are currently ignored)
    • Nicer tooltip styling (fit into page theme)
    • Signify that "Show at home" button is loading for posts/comments
    Test Azzu
    Bug test

    [!]( : !

    ! !

    [UserScript] Lemmy Universal Link Switcher rewrites all links to Lemmy instances everywhere to your home instance! Now rewrites post/comment links! 1.2.0 Release! Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Ensures that all URLs to Lemmy instances always point to your main/home instance.

    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    cross-posted from:

    > #### Please report issues with this version either here or at the issue tracker. > > ### Changelog v1.2.0 > > * Add rewrite support for posts/comments > * Try to not rewrite federation links > > > > ---- > > ### Description > > Lemmy Universal Link Switcher, or LULs for short, scans all links on all websites, and if any link points to a Lemmy instance that is not your main/home instance, it rewrites the link so that it instead points to your main instance. Currently only works for community/user links. > > Also works on Firefox Android with the Tampermonkey extension! > > ### Features > > * Rewrite links to Lemmy posts/comments to point to your home instance. Only after hovering over them, because getting home posts/comments links require communicating with the Lemmy servers, and we don't want to spam the servers. > ! > * Instantly rewrite all links of <em>communities</em> or <em>users</em> to Lemmy/kbin on all websites everywhere to your new instance! The rewritten links will have an icon next to it, and hovering/touching the icon will show you the original link, allowing you to go there if you want to. > [!]( > > * If you are already on a page that has a corresponding page on your home instance, a link will automatically be added to the page header. > [!]( > > > ### Home Instance Setup > > Simply visit the Lemmy instance you want to set as your home while the script is active. You will be asked if you want to set this instance to your home instance: > [!]( > > If you initially set your home instance wrong or just want to change it, no worries - simply go to your settings on your new home instance and press the button for it! > [!]( > > ### Coming soon > > * Rewrite kbin post/comment links > * Better rewriting support for kbin community/user urls (e.g. sort options are currently ignored) > * Nicer tooltip styling (fit into page theme) > * Signify that "Show at home" button is loading for posts/comments >

    [UserScript] Lemmy Universal Link Switcher rewrites all links to Lemmy instances everywhere to your home instance! Now rewrites post/comment links! 1.2.0 Release! Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Ensures that all URLs to Lemmy instances always point to your main/home instance.

    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    cross-posted from:

    > #### Please report issues with this version either here or at the issue tracker. > > ### Changelog v1.2.0 > > * Add rewrite support for posts/comments > * Try to not rewrite federation links > > > > ---- > > ### Description > > Lemmy Universal Link Switcher, or LULs for short, scans all links on all websites, and if any link points to a Lemmy instance that is not your main/home instance, it rewrites the link so that it instead points to your main instance. Currently only works for community/user links. > > Also works on Firefox Android with the Tampermonkey extension! > > ### Features > > * Rewrite links to Lemmy posts/comments to point to your home instance. Only after hovering over them, because getting home posts/comments links require communicating with the Lemmy servers, and we don't want to spam the servers. > ! > * Instantly rewrite all links of communities or users to Lemmy/kbin on all websites everywhere to your new instance! The rewritten links will have an icon next to it, and hovering/touching the icon will show you the original link, allowing you to go there if you want to. > [!]( > > * If you are already on a page that has a corresponding page on your home instance, a link will automatically be added to the page header. > [!]( > > > ### Home Instance Setup > > Simply visit the Lemmy instance you want to set as your home while the script is active. You will be asked if you want to set this instance to your home instance: > [!]( > > If you initially set your home instance wrong or just want to change it, no worries - simply go to your settings on your new home instance and press the button for it! > [!]( > > ### Coming soon > > * Rewrite kbin post/comment links > * Better rewriting support for kbin community/user urls (e.g. sort options are currently ignored) > * Nicer tooltip styling (fit into page theme) > * Signify that "Show at home" button is loading for posts/comments >

    [UserScript] Lemmy Universal Link Switcher rewrites all links to Lemmy instances everywhere to your home instance! Now rewrites post/comment links! 1.2.0 Release! Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Ensures that all URLs to Lemmy instances always point to your main/home instance.

    cross-posted from:

    > #### Please report issues with this version either here or at the issue tracker. > > ### Changelog v1.2.0 > > * Add rewrite support for posts/comments > ! > * Try to not rewrite federation links > > > > ---- > > ### Description > > Lemmy Universal Link Switcher, or LULs for short, scans all links on all websites, and if any link points to a Lemmy instance that is not your main/home instance, it rewrites the link so that it instead points to your main instance. Currently only works for community/user links. > > ### Features > > * Rewrite links to Lemmy posts/comments to point to your home instance. Only after hovering over them, because getting home posts/comments links require communicating with the Lemmy servers, and we don't want to spam the servers. > ! > * Instantly rewrite all links of <em>communities</em> or <em>users</em> to Lemmy/kbin on all websites everywhere to your new instance! The rewritten links will have an icon next to it, and hovering/touching the icon will show you the original link, allowing you to go there if you want to. > [!]( > > * If you are already on a page that has a corresponding page on your home instance, a link will automatically be added to the page header. > [!]( > > > ### Home Instance Setup > > Simply visit the Lemmy instance you want to set as your home while the script is active. You will be asked if you want to set this instance to your home instance: > [!]( > > If you initially set your home instance wrong or just want to change it, no worries - simply go to your settings on your new home instance and press the button for it! > [!]( > > ### Coming soon > > * Rewrite kbin post/comment links > * Better rewriting support for kbin community/user urls (e.g. sort options are currently ignored) > * Nicer tooltip styling (fit into page theme) > * Signify that "Show at home" button is loading for posts/comments >

    [UserScript] Lemmy Universal Link Switcher now rewrites post/comment links! 1.2.0 Release! Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Ensures that all URLs to Lemmy instances always point to your main/home instance.

    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    cross-posted from:

    > #### Please report issues with this version either here or at the issue tracker. > > ### Changelog v1.2.0 > > * Add rewrite support for posts/comments > * Try to not rewrite federation links > > > > ---- > > ### Description > > Lemmy Universal Link Switcher, or LULs for short, scans all links on all websites, and if any link points to a Lemmy instance that is not your main/home instance, it rewrites the link so that it instead points to your main instance. Currently only works for community/user links. > > Also works on Firefox Android with the Tampermonkey extension! > > ### Features > > * Rewrite links to Lemmy posts/comments to point to your home instance. Only after hovering over them, because getting home posts/comments links require communicating with the Lemmy servers, and we don't want to spam the servers. > ! > * Instantly rewrite all links of <em>communities</em> or <em>users</em> to Lemmy/kbin on all websites everywhere to your new instance! The rewritten links will have an icon next to it, and hovering/touching the icon will show you the original link, allowing you to go there if you want to. > [!]( > > * If you are already on a page that has a corresponding page on your home instance, a link will automatically be added to the page header. > [!]( > > > ### Home Instance Setup > > Simply visit the Lemmy instance you want to set as your home while the script is active. You will be asked if you want to set this instance to your home instance: > [!]( > > If you initially set your home instance wrong or just want to change it, no worries - simply go to your settings on your new home instance and press the button for it! > [!]( > > ### Coming soon > > * Rewrite kbin post/comment links > * Better rewriting support for kbin community/user urls (e.g. sort options are currently ignored) > * Nicer tooltip styling (fit into page theme) > * Signify that "Show at home" button is loading for posts/comments >

    [UserScript] Lemmy Universal Link Switcher now rewrites post/comment links! 1.2.0 Release! Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Ensures that all URLs to Lemmy instances always point to your main/home instance.

    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Please report issues with this version either here or at the issue tracker.

    Changelog v1.2.0

    • Add rewrite support for posts/comments !
    • Try to not rewrite federation links



    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher, or LULs for short, scans all links on all websites, and if any link points to a Lemmy instance that is not your main/home instance, it rewrites the link so that it instead points to your main instance. Currently only works for community/user links.

    Also works on Firefox Android with the Tampermonkey extension!


    • Rewrite links to Lemmy posts/comments to point to your home instance. Only after hovering over them, because getting home posts/comments links require communicating with the Lemmy servers, and we don't want to spam the servers. !

    • Instantly rewrite all links of <em>communities</em> or <em>users</em> to Lemmy/kbin on all websites everywhere to your new instance! The rewritten links will have an icon next to it, and hovering/touching the icon will show you the original link, allowing you to go there if you want to. [!](

    • If you are already on a page that has a corresponding page on your home instance, a link will automatically be added to the page header. [!](

    Home Instance Setup

    Simply visit the Lemmy instance you want to set as your home while the script is active. You will be asked if you want to set this instance to your home instance: [!](

    If you initially set your home instance wrong or just want to change it, no worries - simply go to your settings on your new home instance and press the button for it! [!](

    Coming soon

    • Rewrite kbin post/comment links
    • Better rewriting support for kbin community/user urls (e.g. sort options are currently ignored)
    • Nicer tooltip styling (fit into page theme)
    • Signify that "Show at home" button is loading for posts/comments
    Azzu Azzu

    Creator of LULs (a script which helps links to point to your instance)

    Come say hi here or over at :) I like getting to know more people :)

    Play games with me:

    Posts 19
    Comments 786