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The mythologizing of Killdozer continues
  • I wish Kill Dozer Guy was alive today, because I know he'd pull the same stunt on J6.

    Two of the funniest events in recent american history.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • Hang on, why does the UK have military bases in Cyprus?

  • "Ideally the lord" - a great example why the Bruenigs routinely delete their tweets.
  • First year philosophy student reads Plato once and this happens.

  • Burrito
  • Putting Hamster Exploder Operator on my CV.

  • Whywhywhywhywhy
  • If humans had tails, would they have thick, soft fur, or weird pubelike hairs like rat tails?

  • Bad news, everybody: the revolution is cancelled
  • Literacy is oppression for those who can't read.

  • All skink allowed at Pride
  • No skinkshaming!

  • Hero of the Russian Federation
  • I had no idea Glossu Rabban Harkonnen was that popular in Russia.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • I'm norwegian and even I'm confused. Jens Stoltenberg was such a cuck for america that he basically sold out the entire country for his top position in NATO. We are literally a vassal state to the US thanks to that bastard.

    The only explanation I have for why Norway occasionally speaks out against US policy is that we had a noticeable wave of anti American sentiment in the 90s and 00s that still lingers.

    But I doubt it makes any material difference in the end. Norway has been a playground for US and UK intelligence since WW2 and we've basically irreversibly fused ourselves to western imperialism and will continue to do what daddy US tells us anyway.

  • Ant smell
  • Huh, TIL I can smell ants too.

    I used to live in a basement that had regular cycles of ant infestations. I would know they had returned, because the room had started to smell a certain way. Kind of like, damp slightly sweaty skin, but also kind of woody?

    Every time I smelt it, I'd always find fresh ant eggs along the wall in the room.

  • 2 Many Butts
  • But how many balls does it have?

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Knowing redditors, Saturdays are when they are most likely to be on reddit

  • Italian teenage computer wizard set to become the first saint of the Millennial generation. 15-year-old who died in 2006 becomes "patron saint of the internet" after a second miracle is attributed.
  • I can confirm. I once touched his dakimakura and no woman has ever bothered me again. Miracles are real, folks. Praise jesus!

  • I'm bored, I'm gonna say some random thing is reactionary to get y'all to have a struggle session over it.
  • Tongue condoms are reactionary. A real revolutionary eats the pussy raw.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • "The one with the pussy is the one who makes the rules."

    -zun Tsu or something. IDK I'm drunk

  • The WaPo told its staff that it's pivoting to AI. "AI everywhere in our newsroom" to turn around its dismal financial situation.
  • I'm no expert, so take this with a grain of salt.

    I'm guessing the rate of profit has sunken so low that, paradoxically enough, having employees is too much of a cost.

    It's impossible to scale down operations. There is no more fat to trim. No other costs left to cut, except salaries and livelihoods.

    If it means the capitalists can squeeze out just a few more pennies in profit, they will gladly saw off the branch they sit on.

    There is no future beyond the next quarter. No no considerations, no planning, no self preservation. Only profits.

  • Big_Bob Big_Bob [any]
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