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First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • This idiocy will end this mistake of a planet. Might be for the best, if life were to spread through the galaxy from here, we'd be contaminating it with so much war, slavery and other miseries. Good luck to whatever spawns here next.

  • Recently I haven't even opened Lemmy

    Too many users here prefer smaller communities and have openly stated they aren't interested in making accommodations to pursue growth to a truly large platform, even if it could be.

    Lemmy is the sort of site that will linger in the background and quietly die out, it'll occassionally be mentioned in the same sorts of conversation that bring up old alternatives like voat, rare conversations with few readers.

    I had some optimism at the growth spurt, but seeing what the opinions of users here were, that hope turned into cynicism. As I forgot about Lemmy, it's irrelevance was reinforced. It would be best, I think, if this foundation could replace its competitors. But I don't think it's going to happen.

    I don't think you want common idiots to like the site.

    Add-on: same password, same identity.
  • I have no idea about how to protect a password manager with an encrypted container.

    And to be honest with you, it's not something I'm likely to do even if you do attempt to explain the 60 minute long $10 18-step process to me. Or however long it takes and whatever it costs.

    And really, for all my ignorant ass knows you could've just as well been encouraging me to get malware and I'd be none the wiser.

  • Add-on: same password, same identity.
  • I've had security fatigue for years now. I'm sure most of you have. I've written down so many usernames and passwords and it's still not half of what I have, and to top it off, several of the written passwords are now wrong after obligatory password changes and I don't remember the new ones.

  • They use to tell us we couldnt trust Wikipedia. Now we know. Wikipedia is the only website you can trust.
  • Just call then out on it in talk by mentioning why you would add it.

    Alternatively make an upgraded English-only wiki alternative with way larger article max sizes so we can finally evolve it past 2005. And start using YouTube links and not (just) a native video player. And start quoting/including entire chapters from relevant books.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • It could, if cheap, light, efficient EVs become legal and popular in Europe.

    I personally want something that would never be legal; A 4-wheeled, beefed up, 100+ km/h electric velomobile with something like CanAm Spyder tires (and track width) and a proper comfortable seat. A bit like the LCC rocket, but fully enclosed and possibly lighter.

    I could get something more dangerous, like a motorcycle. While this would be in an illegal limbo between car and motorcycle.

    The Renault Twizy is a too tall, simply ugly, and thoroughly nerfed version of a simile of what I wish for, and Europe will continue just vaguely trying (and complacently falling) to make speed-limited microcars for cities of type L6e and L7e the "green option" looking for adoption, but that will never reach any kind of tipping point and we all know it. Not quite designed to fail, but definitely not designed for mass adoption.

    The legal limbo of what I think would be more appealing is due to both the public and the governing bodies being entirely unwilling to tolerate what safety-wise amounts to a motorcycle with a car's stability, without reducing speed. They'd never expect to successfully lock motorcycles down to "max 45 km/h", but the category of "motorcycle" is uniquely privileged as a traditionally recognized transport device permitted to trade away safety for other benefits. Presumably because the trade is explicit enough, as there's no mistaking it for a car.


    The conclusion is that no, "it" doesn't include vehicles, and won't any time soon. The only desirable electric cars will remain massive and heavy and expensive (but thoroughly armored), so adoption will continue to be fairly slow, and they'll be a big drain on the grid.

    I'll end on the note that motorcycles not being popular is a huge part of why western bureaucrats (barely) tolerate them. If this was to become popular among young guys who want a cheap fast car, it'd be extremely problematic for them, and not at all worth the accelerated energy transition.

    Last note, Sierra Echo is also one I've been keeping my eye on, but since it's fast and light, it's also open-air like all these things apparently have to be. Oh, and it's also not cheap.

  • Anyone know if reddit hides comments with strange links?

    I posted a comment with a link to an article on CNN and several links to architecture and construction websites. It seems like reddit doesn't like comments with untrusted links? Are they being subtly hidden from the thread?

    If this is being done at any scale at all I wonder if it's a significant cause of the feeling that the internet has shrunk into a few main sites, linking to a recognizable relatively small selection of news and media sources.

    Anon on credit scores
  • Credit scores are the West's social credit system.

    If we value our freedom from a controlling, oppressive system, then we should penalize the creation, selling, buying and usage of credit score data. And we should keep on top of it to include any emerging attempts to re-establish an equivalent system.

  • Spotify re-invented the radio
  • GEMA aeems to be doing a lot of shit I don't think should be done, like charging for live performances of GEMA-owned music. I also don't see why there should be an organization with memberships? That's not at all related.

    I'm also not pitching an organization at all, I wouldn't expect an additional one to be necessary. It's just conceived as a legal framework change,

    When I'm talking about starting companies, I'm talking about several, not competing through the size of they're libraries, but rather through other things like cost, quality, UI, searchability, recommendations, etc.

  • Spotify re-invented the radio
  • I am not talking about a concept for a company, I'm talking about revised ethics to inform revised laws which could perhaps enable what you seem to describe Grooveshark as.

    I think the DMCA experiment has gone on long enough and it's time to try to mitigate the negative results of it through a different approach.

  • Spotify re-invented the radio
  • I just wanna pitch something:

    What if it was impossible to publish something through a preferred publisher? What if any published piece of music was legal to redistribute with a published fixed global royalty?

    As in: You can start a music distribution service and you don't need to make any deals, you just use what's out there and pay the fixed fee per user who played the song.

    This could perhaps be enforced by there simply being no more legal grounds to stop your service as long as you pay, with fines for secret deals being extremely high and the award for whistleblowing also being very high.

    In general I feel like movies, shows and video games could be treated the same. Ending exclusivity has been something I've kinda wished to see forever. I think if you reconsider the ethics many of you might conclude that you agree with me.

  • What does kbin mean? Why is called that?

    Is it just random letters arrived to by keyboard mashing like a lot of federated websites seem, or is there any thought behind it?

    Why does it seem like some of my sweaters have a soft and loose "lint layer" on the inside?

    It's always particularly nice and soft the first time you put it on, but the one I got most recently is so bad it leaves a thin but thorough coat of black fur on my arms when I take it off. What's the production methods used when making sweaters like this?

    videos Comment105
    Space filling curves filling with water - by Steve Mould
    Why does the Posts>All>Active/Hot feed flood with new content sometimes?

    Isn't that supposed to only happen on Posts>All>New? Shouldn't Active/Hot posts require some existing engagement before appearing?

    Does sometimes sync with federated instances, which is when new content floods en masse?

    This is one of the experiences I've had that makes Lemmy feel far more janky than

    If you're feeling ________, help is available. Call 1-800-CARE

    "help" just means "a conversation"

    and that really doesn't make a difference

    worse, it's like you're saying "If you have cancer, treatment is available." but what you're actually offering is a daily bowl of fairly healthy soup. you're running exaggerated, optimistic advertising.

    I feel like I was born in the sunset generation.

    It was amazing for a decade or two, but now the night scares me, I do not know what awaits us in the morning.

    Idk if I think is a good alternative.

    I think this place is too fragmented into instances to ever generate a front page anywhere near what r/all is.

    If I understand this page right, will never show the top post of the day from,, or

    And the "front page/general" site is already split into several instances (,,, and, all claiming to be "a general front page lemmy instance")

    So what's the deal, which one are we betting on as the place to direct all the new traffic? What's the contender for primary public internet bulletin board? Right now the arrow to an alternative is looking like this:

    I'm personally guessing the conclusion is already reached; We have no place we're betting on. We're disinterested in pushing for any particular result. We don't expect people to migrate. Many might not even want them to.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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