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They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Just being able to spell "genocide" and recognize that it's not the new wings-and-mozzerella appetizer at Geno's Pizza puts a voter well into the 70th percentile of American political discourse.

    What a poetic sentence. I love it.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • This is how Bernie can still win. His good friend Biden will hand pick him as his successor ::: spoiler spoiler but then he'll lose becsuse none of us will vote for him after he hitched himself to Genocide Joe :::

  • Salon: we must block 3rd parties because they are a threat to Democracy
  • lmao they really are trying to grasp at straws to malign Jill Stein.

    Stein has echoed similar MAGA sentiments

    has she really though? Citation needed.

    arguing that the U.S. is at fault for Putin’s war.

    This is not MAGA shit and is also obviously true to anyone who looks at the situation. It is not possible to look at the history of NATO expansion in Ukraine and conclude otherwise. US Empire apologists keep repeating these buzz-phrases so that nobody even thinks to look at the events that led up to the war.

    She has a long history of touting Russian propaganda

    But then links to an article where she does no such thing.

    and after dining in Moscow with Putin and Trump aide Michael Flynn Apparently politicians aren't supposed to do diplomacy

    she received help from Russian election-meddlers during her 2016 run

    I have gone out of my way to pay as little attention to RussiaGate as possible because it seemed so obviously bullshit on its face, but what I did have the misfortune of learning is that 1. every candidate had bots making comments in their favor, 2. it was a small and insignificant amount, and 3. none of the candidates were behind those bots. It's not their fault if a psyop was attempted using their candidacy. Why is this asshole going after Jill Stein when Hilldawg also had bots botting for her?

    She has lied about Biden’s climate laws, Links to a tweet that is true.

    lied about his expansion of the Affordable Care Act Links to a tweet that is true.

    lied about his immigration policy Links to a tweet that is true.

    and accused Democrats of being fascists posing a threat to democracy Where's the lie?

    These are not the views of “radical left liberals. Literally one sentence after talking about how liberals are fascists and are therefore not part of the antifascist radical left.

    Do you think the people who write this shit believe their own bullshit?

    Simply put: There will be no ... President Stein.

    There should be. There would be if all the Democratic voters who claim to care about freedom, liberty, justice, equality, and defeating fascism actually cared enough to defect and vote for Dr. Stein instead of for their creepy war criminal senile uncle.

  • Salon: we must block 3rd parties because they are a threat to Democracy
  • Is there any reason I shouldn't vote for Jasmine Sherman instead? I like that their platform includes covid mitigations that acknowledge Covid is a current and ongoing threat, whereas Jill Stein's Covid policy treats it like something that is entirely in the past. Also, Sherman is for straight up abolishing the cops.

  • A good thread on installing win 11 properly
  • You know what fair point. A windows 10 update broke my wireless about a year ago. There's a gigantic thread on the Intel forums of people sharing tips on what drivers fix it, run by a former Intel employee, but the fix didn't work on my machine so I use it offline or with Ethernet now.

    I may as well find my Windows 10 OEM key and then give Linux a try. Worst case scenario I just reinstall Windows 10. Or, shit, there's 2 drives in this thing, I could dual boot off the 2nd drive.

  • A good thread on installing win 11 properly
  • I do not have a computer that can officially run W11 and W11 is pushing all sorts of AI malware shit anyway so idk what to do. I'm not abandoning my Windows computer, it was free, is only 7 years old, and still mostly meets my gaming needs. I don't need the latest and greatest bloated AAA game. Yeah yeah, "put linux on it it's gotten so much better for playing computer games" but everytime a friend tries they complain about what a pain it is.

  • Deleted
    I can't visit my uncle, and I don't know how to break it to him.
  • I'm glad you are still taking covid seriously. Not enough people do. I really would not recommend getting on a plane for that reason. Good luck talking with your uncle, your reasons are all sound so hopefully he'll respect them. If not, that's more on him than on you.

  • Deleted
    I can't visit my uncle, and I don't know how to break it to him.
  • Where I am people still mask but proportionally more bipoc people mask than white people and I don't know why. Why do we understand it better than the white folks? Is it just that we are less sheltered due to systemic oppression so we know that there is no safety, whereas they are used to things just "magically" working out for them?

  • Hexbear lore: The "power dynamics" thread
  • The AIs are being made by fascist and right wing libertarian (so, fascist but too delusional to realize that's what they are) tech-bros like billionaire-tears so the AI will say that only pedo shit is allowed :vomit:

  • 3 Arrows symbol - socdem trash or actually good?
  • Yeah I dislike it because it is explicitly anticommunist, made by people who didn't realize that anti-communism only helps fascists, and look where they ended up. I don't get how it's become an "antifascist" symbol and think it really doesn't belong in our library of icons

  • Don't know where to ask but what is our affiliated Mastodon instance?

    I remember seeing someone mention there is a Mastodon instance for Hexbear, but I don't remember what it was called. I got kind of bothered by the one I was on ( has a lot of cool rad people but it also has too many unserious people with "tankies fuck off" in their bio), and someone I want to follow blocked the entire kolektiva instance because he was getting harassed by too many racists from there, so I'm looking to make a new account. Hexbear has proven to be the best part of the fediverse I've found so far and it'd be nice to make my new Mastodon account there too.

    Are the Avatar the Last Airbender Comics Liberal Cringe?

    I watched the show Avatar The Last Airbender for the first time in my life in 2019 on a friend's recommendation. I was somewhat bothered by it seeming appropriative and orientalist, and how it was basically a show about Western imperialism set in the exotic trappings of Eastern and indigenous cultures. Still, I enjoyed those trappings and the martial arts choreography.

    But then early on it did anticolonial freedom fighters dirty yet that was portrayed as a good thing, and that bothered me. I chalked it up to children's cartoons in the mid-2000s having to follow certain tropes about violence and didn't just ragequit there. Then when they did the blood-bender dirty I rationalized it away with "well they're kids who haven't been imprisoned and tortured like she has, they haven't learned that you have to be merciless when fighting merciless colonizers." Then when Aang did some bullshit peace-policing and manipulated Katara into not taking the justified revenge she so clearly needed yet that was portrayed as a good thing, I figured hey, I wasn't raised Buddhist, I don't know how this spiritual system handles things, maaaaybe this is in character... (but it was still very shitty of him to get in her way). And I was very close to the end and wanted to see how this played out and I'd already excused a couple bits of lib shit so I kept going.

    Despite those flaws, I persisted in watching and found it pleasant and enjoyable enough. When it ended I wanted more. But the very first episode of Legend of Korra was an utter disappointment -- the liberatory heroes of the first series had just implemented neoliberalism and the setting was some uninspired 1920s new world shit, and the political questions that were being set up seemed utterly boring. So I stopped watching and dropped the entire franchise like a hot potato.

    Well, apparently the ATLA story gets continued in comics and I was wondering if they're at all good or not. I want to read them because I want them to be good -- there's enough fun stuff in the first series that it could be and there are questions the show left unanswered I think I would like to know. But at the same time the world-building and rank liberalism in some of the plots make me fear that I would just ruin what enjoyment I got out of the show the first time around. If they have even a drop more of liberal "killing your oppressors makes you worse than them" bullshit in it I feel like it would sour any positive feelings I had about the show.

    I guess now that I've typed it out the answer is obvious: Don't bother, there's better shit out there to read that isn't written by politically illiterate culturally appropriative liberals. Still, I'd welcome any comrades' thoughts!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
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