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What Christian leftist movements are there now?
  • Not really a movement, but what I've noticed is that within liberal religious traditions that have a bit of a history of social justice and mutual aid, the younger generations (who are mostly not active churchgoers at this point) have taken very kindly to radical literature and ideas.

  • What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • I can't understand how anyone remotely progressive actually liked Kingsman for the reasons you listed. It also just reeks of traditionalist masculinity, especially with the princess at the end 🤢. The only redeeming quality is the villain's silliness and Samuel Jackson's performance in that role.

  • Had to quit my thru hike :/
  • Absolutely not! I'm lucky that the trail wasn't actually backcountry for most of it, and I had an emergency sat phone, first aid kit, etc. with me, but I have seen some shit go down in the woods and know when to be careful.

  • Had to quit my thru hike :/
  • I probably planned it a bit too ambitious in retrospect. I'm a very experienced adventurer and camper with some long canoe and cycling trips under my belt, so I'm well used to keeping up spirit and mental resilience in tough conditions, but never done a hike longer than a few days.

  • Had to quit my thru hike :/
  • The pace was forced on me by the rest of my summer and fall being busy af, as well as difficult logistics on spots to stay (the trail I was doing has few official camping spots and they are far between). If I dedicate more time to it next year I could go quite a bit slower but I'll just miss out on all the other shit I wanna do in life, especially in the warm weather.

  • Had to quit my thru hike :/

    I made it 546 kilometres in 19 days, with ~350 left to go. Idk if my water filter failed or there was a hygiene slipup, but I woke up Thursday feeling super fatigued and that quickly slipped into beaver fever symptoms (or some kind of infection/parasite).

    Now I've spent the last few days recovering on the couch and picking up reading again. Still feels like a big achievement, but I had a bit of a short time window to finish the trail. Now I'll probably be too busy for the rest of the warmer season and have to wait until next year. !sadness

    How many of you have high paying jobs, and how have you prevented your material means and social circles from eroding your leftist convictions?
  • I found very few of them had any close contact with "outsider" groups - the big two that come to mind are queer people and neurodivergent people (at least those who would have trouble masking all day so as to conform to the culture, dress, etc.) Some of them were certainly a bit socially isolated, but they could count on being able to pay for not just basic needs but treats, comforts, and brand identity markers to paper over that. With an above-median personal income, the main next steps are to secure house ownership and then start a family, which can serve as your main purpose in life and also your main social unit that isn't governed by economic transactions. I found very little interest in community building or intersectional solidarity.

    When you're on that level there's no reason to question eating out or ordering food several times a week, flying across the world and staying in hotels several times a year, or ridesharing into work every day. There's no need to think about the massive amounts of service labour that go into making those comforts accessible at the push of a button, nor anything that would lead them to realize that very few of those labourers can afford any of that themselves. For them, service labour is something you do in high school for some extra spending cash and a way to teach diligence to the youth.

  • How many of you have high paying jobs, and how have you prevented your material means and social circles from eroding your leftist convictions?
  • I was in tech for two years recently. It gave me enough money to purchase a vehicle to live in and to coast for the next little bit, but among the many reasons I quit (it was bad for my brain, it took up way too much of my time) was feeling the distinction in class interests. The biggest expression of this was that my coworkers had such bubbled views of social relations and had strange expectations of what the world owes them simply on account of how much money they have.

    I think if you're committed to your principles you'll be fine. I just found I didn't like being around people of that class for such extended periods of time.

  • r/collapse is the most insidious fash cesspool on reddit and they're not even hiding it anymore
  • It's so stupid because there's such a simple gotchya response. You think there are too many people for the resources we have, and some need to go one way or another? Then it makes sense to start with the people that use the most resources, right?

    In fact we probably don't even need to get rid of that many - let's just off the 5000 or so richest people on the planet, expropriate their stuff, and that will free up far more fuel, land, water, energy, money, whatever than you could possibly hope to get from letting millions in the global south perish.

  • stephen colbert did a "skibidi biden" bit, it's even worse than it sounds
  • Wow the only thing I've seen that comes remotely close to this is Ajit Pai with the fidget spinners seven years ago.

    Pro tip for the libs: do not try to use the latest, hippest memes to paper over a gap in youth support that exists for material reasons.

  • Is there a Fediverse platform for redistribution of used goods?

    I mean something like marketplace or kijiji, but not necessarily monetary. It's probably a ridiculous question but I'm curious if anybody's been exploring this space.

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