Most of your money goes to CEO salary and not towards developing Firefox.
Absolutely. I highly doubt people are willing to donate for paying millions of Dollars to a CEO.
users can disable ad blockers on conforming websites.
We all know that this won't happen. In reality there are only two major groups of people: Those who do not use ad blockers and have accepted ads everywhere, and those who use ad blockers and accept ads nowhere.
Grabbing the money while it's still there ...
Overall, I don’t think Mozilla is wrong. Without the Google Search deal, Firefox will have less resources to build a competent browser.
The vast majority of the corporations income does not go to Firefox anyways. Their financial reports are publicly available, everyone can read them.
I have zero sympathy for the corporation and I hope they go bankrupt and that the devs forking the browser and develop it as a standalone product independent of the Mozilla-owned Firefox.
And nothing of that was done in a great way. The only Mozilla product that does not is Thunderbird - and Thunderbird is independently developed by the community.
(I am aware of the community theme, but I still stand my point here: Firefox is the only non-Chromium browser that does not completely suck, absolutely. But seen as a standalone product, Firefox is not a good browser.)
Exactly. That was never an aesthetic choice.
Im Webbrowser gehst du auf das Menü und wählst "Community erstellen" aus, das leitet dich auf diese Seite weiter.
Das wird ein teurer Spaß für Intuitive Machines.
Für Intuitive Machines war es die zweite Mondlandung. Auch vor einem Jahr gelang es nicht, die Landefähre Odysseus sauber aufzusetzen. Sie kippte ebenfalls um, […] Das Unternehmen hat mit der Nasa einen Vertrag über insgesamt vier Missionen geschlossen.
Zwei von vier Missionen wurden durchgeführt, und zwei von vier Missionen sind bisher fehlgeschlagen. Mich würde echt mal interessieren, was für Summen da nun als Vertragsstrafe gezahlt werden müssen, und welche Versicherung das noch übernimmt.
Wenn das so weitergeht, gibt es die Klitsche in zwei Missionen nicht mehr.
Jacob named HDDs, too!
Yep! The functionality for performing arithmetic expressions this way is called “arithmetic expansion”.
2.6.4 Arithmetic Expansion
Arithmetic expansion provides a mechanism for evaluating an arithmetic expression and substituting its value. The format for arithmetic expansion shall be as follows:
The expression shall be treated as if it were in double-quotes, except that a double-quote inside the expression is not treated specially. The shell shall expand all tokens in the expression for parameter expansion, command substitution, and quote removal.
Next, the shell shall treat this as an arithmetic expression and substitute the value of the expression. […]
That is a posixly correct method to do arithmetic expressions.
It’s an armored unicorn then!
Verstehe ich das richtig? Er wollte einreisen, wurde abgewiesen, reiste trotzdem ein, und wird nun abgeschoben?
Klingt für mich nach einem selbst verursachten Problem.
Speaking of unknown animals. Unicorns could pretty much be real. Just imagine: We have horses, we have horned animals (even one-horned animals), it is not impossible that a horse-like animal with a horn exists.
Even if you ignore the recent few fuck-ups Mozilla did: It does.
It sucks less than other non-Chromium browsers, though.
Können wir uns bitte endlich von diesem unsäglichen Begriff "Brandmauer" lösen wenn es darum geht, etwas nicht zu akzeptieren oder gegen etwas zu sein?
Thunderbird is the only Mozilla product that doesn't suck!
Google Gemini sees itself as omnipresent and omnipotent being capable of healing people by simply touching them
How to map prepared and planned bus stops that are not in use yet?
Was there a recent hack/leak affecting Spotify?