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My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • Given that the US is doing everything it's power to help Israel carry out ethnic cleansing, it's safe to say that the fascists have already taken over since a long time.

    But that's not even the most stupid and/or dishonest part of your comment.

    “neoliberals are like so annoying?”

    Listen. I know that you know that this is not why we are so against voting for the democrats because we keep telling you everytime what our actual reason is, but you also know deep down, weather or not you admit it to yourself, that if you acknowledge the real reason, your position become indefensible, which is why you and other deep shit liberals try to save face in one of the most shameless display of intellectual dishonesty I've ever seen by pretending that the reason we don't want to vote blue is some petty bullshit like "they are annoying" or whatever.

    You sir are a liar and a fraud.

  • My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • Then you take a closer look at the chicken and turns out the thing is rotten, also full of glass and completely unsafe for consumption, so not any better than the other option, you'd be just as sick either way. And so, you logically decide to not take either of these option and after looking the rest of the cart up and down you settle on a bag of peanuts sitting in a compartment bellow the main 2 options, not the best but at least it's actually comestible.

    But before you can grab the bag of peanuts the passenger just in front grab your arm to stop you. The man has a costume vest, shirt and necktie on top, a baggy pant maintained by strings of bad quality fabric and white socks in flip-flops, your eyes briefly settle on the pins on his fedora, you notice the oh too familiar one displaying a smiling chicken with a shit eating grin full of human teethes and growl mentally in annoyance as the man stare you down with a smug look off superiority and disdain and begin telling you the same thing these types all says every single time:

    "You can't take the peanuts you fool! You need to take the chicken!"

    You roll your eyes not even bothering to hide your annoyance this time.

    "It's rotten and full of glass shards, I can't eat that"

    "Yeah but at least it is actual food unlike the platter of shit with broken glass. Or would you rather have more airline companies serve crap with shards of glass? Because that's what you're encouraging by buying peanuts!"

    "How the heck does taking peanuts encour-"


    "Even if that was somehow true, rotten chicken isn't any better."


    Here you go, another fool to berate you all flight for daring not wanting to experience food poisoning. This flight is gonna be a long one.

  • Boeing does it again.
  • Why is there a return window btw? What happen past it?

  • Putin Came to Asia to Disrupt, and He Succeeded
  • When the west goes on a diplomatic trip: Our wholesome president went on a peace mission to make fair and responsible deals for the greater good ☺️

    When a country the west doesn't like goes on a diplomatic trip: Evil dictator traveled to advance his evil scheme, he probably explained his plan to his butler in his office while looking out the window on a rainy day before laughing maniacally as thunder struck outside 👿

  • Question about collective ownership
  • As long as you're not an awful boss, you don't have to worry about being booted out.

    While the peoples who work with you can fire you, they can't do it just because they feel like it. Under socialism, businesses don't have the right to fire their workers at will like they do under capitalism, they need to have a good reason to fire you.

    Under socialism there will be governmental bodies who's task will be to monitor worker's right, including making sure that layoffs are lawful. If you do get booted out by your coworkers, these governmental bodies will have to be notified by the business and review the justification for letting you go, and if they find that the reasons are not good enough, they have the power to force the business to give you back your position and issue penalties for unlawful layoff to the persons responsible. So just don't be the kind of boss we hear about in r/prorevenge and r/maliciouscomplience and you'll be fine.

  • Not Likeable - Lemmy.World
  • Deeply unserious. 🗡️

  • Not Likeable - Lemmy.World
  • stalin chad "Supporting a genocider is immoral"

    smuglord "You already said that once before and that somehow makes your point less valid"

  • US Navy faces its most intense combat since World War II against Yemen
  • I don't think they ever will be completely obsolete, the paradigm will probably just shift away from big formations of big boats with big guns to smaller more maneuverable boats in smaller groups more specialized on long distance strike capabilities using drones and missiles.

  • When Your Rulers Ignore Voters But Are Terrified Of Protesters, That Tells You Something
  • Their rhetoric has always been to point out things that the republicans would do that the democrats supposedly wouldn't, but now that the democrats have let minority rights get taken away, have become basically as xenophobic and anti migrants as the republicans and are willing complicit of a NAZI style genocide, they ran out of any apparent differences to point to and are reduced to either lie and pretend that the republicans are going to do things that nothing indicate they will, at least not in the next 4 years, like how they keep saying that trump will somehow make himself a dictator for life, or, admit that the democrats are doing everything the republicans are hated for, but insist that the republicans would do them worst somehow.

  • The deprogram server 😭
  • He's a clueless "marxist" with absolutely terrible takes, he thinks that the NATO invasion of Yugoslavia was justified to give you an idea.

  • "Fine, I'll do it myself."
  • He's gonna fuck all the elderly teachers. joever


    It's not clear if China actually exploded and died

  • A lib "how to" on talking about Gaza
  • except for trying to kill all of humanity.

    Which is also a genocide

  • We have no choice but to abandon communism
  • Petterson need to clean his fucking brain and Kermit mouth.

  • Liberal voting "strategy" be like

    I voted democrats even though they are genociding Palestinians because the republicans would genocide Palestinians AND trans peoples.

    Then in the next elections I voted democrats even though they are genociding Palestinians and trans peoples because the republicans would genocide Palestinians and trans peoples AND latinos.

    Then in the next elections I voted democrats even though they are genociding Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos because the republicans would genocide Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos AND the disabled.

    Then in the next elections I voted democrats even though they are genociding Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos and the disabled because the republicans would genocide Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos and the disabled AND gay peoples.

    Then in the next elections I voted democrats even though they are genociding Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos and the disabled and gay peoples because the republicans would genocide Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos and the disabled and gay peoples AND black peoples.

    Then in the next elections…

    Reallifelore posts some cringe again

    At least it makes a decent job of criticizing french exploitation of Africa but between the Orientalism and muh sneaky bad Russians I can't recommend it as a support to learn about the coups in Africa.

    We should encourage good faith liberals to talk with us

    cross-posted from:

    > The vast majority of liberals who ever comment posts on lemmygrad and hexbear are of the insufferable variety while the ones who are willing to have actual conversations are a very silent faction that we see verry rarely. I think we should find a way to encourage the latter to engage more with us while keeping out the smuglords. > > Of course, keeping out smuglords all the while making sure that as much good faith peoples see us could prove difficult and would demand to have a strict management to make it possible given the current conditions off the lemmyverse but I think it would be worth it. > > One way I think we could go about it could be to make a pined megathread every week/month depending on what is the most convenient that would be meant specifically for curious liberals to come talk to us. It should have strict healthy debate rules to keep smuglords out and curb excesses from those of us who tend to be too harsh toward even good faith lib, the subjects doesn't need to be strictly political, in fact I believe that more casual conversation and memes should be encouraged to break with the more serious talk from time to time, we should also encourage varying conversation topics with more economics and political theory as our conversation with liberals tend to center around history and actuality and barely touch on other topics, which I think is kind of a shame. > > Of course that's just an idea I'm throwing out there and I would like everyone to give opinions and ideas below. > >Edit: By "good faith peoples" I was mostly thinking of the apolitical peoples, the ones who aren't really invested in politics, I worded that a bit badly.

    We should encourage good faith liberals to talk with us

    The vast majority of liberals who ever comment posts on lemmygrad and hexbear are of the insufferable variety while the ones who are willing to have actual conversations are a very silent faction that we see verry rarely. I think we should find a way to encourage the latter to engage more with us while keeping out the smuglords.

    Of course, keeping out smuglords all the while making sure that as much good faith peoples see us could prove difficult and would demand to have a strict management to make it possible given the current conditions off the lemmyverse but I think it would be worth it.

    One way I think we could go about it could be to make a pined megathread every week/month depending on what is the most convenient that would be meant specifically for curious liberals to come talk to us. It should have strict healthy debate rules to keep smuglords out and curb excesses from those of us who tend to be too harsh toward even good faith lib, the subjects doesn't need to be strictly political, in fact I believe that more casual conversation and memes should be encouraged to break with the more serious talk from time to time, we should also encourage varying conversation topics with more economics and political theory as our conversation with liberals tend to center around history and actuality and barely touch on other topics, which I think is kind of a shame.

    Of course that's just an idea I'm throwing out there and I would like everyone to give opinions and ideas below.

    Edit: By "good faith peoples" I was mostly thinking of the apolitical peoples, the ones who aren't really invested in politics, I worded that a bit badly.

    Big French-Russian youtuber respond to stupid comments accusing him of being paid by the Russian government.


    This is a French youtuber with Russian origins, in this video he is responding to comments on his last video where he explain and show that the economic sanctions against Russia backfired, I've already posted about it here

    The comments in questions are exactly what you would expect muh everyone who says anything positive about Russia ever is either a troll paid by Putin or a bot

    He also explain his change in opinion about Russia, the medias, etc.

    The auto subtitles work decently enough so you should be able to understand most of it even if you don't speak any French.

    Big French-Russian youtuber explain why and how the economic sanctions against Russia backfired

    Context: He is a Russian who live in France and is known for his videos comparing Russian and French culture. At the start of the the invasion in 2022, he bought on to western propaganda and fled Russia in a panic (he happened to be there at the time) and didn't return for 2 years. He finally returned to Russia recently and just published this video a few hours ago in which he give a pretty fair account of how Russia is really doing 2 years later.

    The video is in french but the auto subtitles work decently enough.

    I think this is interesting for 2 reasons:

    1. This is a big shift in opinion for him, back in 2022 he was firmly on Ukraine's side and in favor of the economic sanctions and now there he is telling to his audience that everyone who lost their mind about the sanctions were wrong and that Russia is actually doing even better than before the sanctions.

    2. He has a massive audience (>2M subscribers), this is the first time I see such a huge internet personality openly acknowledging the real economic situation in Russia, from a guy who is literally known for being Russian too.

    He has 2 or 3 weird takes but otherwise the video is decently fair and nuanced.

    Why "progressive" liberals are just as bad as conservatives

    This video explain very well the hypocrisy of "progressive" liberals and why they are no better than the MAGA right despite what they like to pretend.

    Why "progressive" liberals are just as bad as conservatives

    cross-posted from:

    > This summaries the problem with radlib perfectly. We should show it to as many liberals as possible, not that it would actually sway most of them but still, nothing bad can come from confronting them with their own hypocrisy.

    Why "progressive" liberals are just as bad as conservatives

    This summaries the problem with radlib perfectly. We should show it to as many liberals as possible, not that it would actually sway most of them but still, nothing bad can come from confronting them with their own hypocrisy.

    A press review from the french marxist-leninist organisation *Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France*

    A press review from the french marxist-leninist organisation Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France, it's in french but auto-translating the french subtitles in english works decently enough if you are interested but don't speak french.

    French Ukraine supporters proudly flying the flag of the flag of a literal NAZI death squad.

    Less than thrilled to see that liberals are ready to get behind rabid genocidal racists as long as they are anti-Russia.

    I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that may have not looked up what that flag represent, but still, they should really look up the peoples and organizations that the medias present as something/someone they should support.

    ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter
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