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  • Isn't that how imagining anything works?

  • Looks like something straight from Warhammer 40K
  • if you can stand looking at dead people's bones

    I much prefer it to looking at alive people's bones

  • Man impersonates cop only to pull over a real detective and get arrested
  • That's the one, it's how Phoebe and Gary meet

  • Man impersonates cop only to pull over a real detective and get arrested
  • Wasn't this an episode of Friends?

  • Wikipedia graph for generational spans over time
  • Yes, incredibly arbitrary, and yet that doesn't stop people immediately grabbing on to them for whatever tribalism they want to justify. The "baby boom" was a notable thing where suddenly there were a lot of post-war births, the rest is at best some vague suggestions that these people sort of behave similarly because of similar geopolitical conditions.

  • Cryptic Currency
  • Non-findable trolls

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • Unless it's actually a pair of them then no, and if some mod says otherwise then I don't want to use their children's internet

  • The stats don't lie
  • Yes, that is the joke

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • Don't censor the word tits ya fucking prude!

  • Always remember who you are
  • This is why wanker is such a good insult. I'm a wanker, you're a wanker, we're all wankers.

  • tankie censorship problem
  • Are you referring to any news stories in particular? Because the only big one I recall recently was the xz backdoor which took three years of social engineering to get in and was detected and patched within a couple of weeks!

  • tankie censorship problem
  • Are you new here? "Threadiverse" has been used to refer to thread-based fediverse technologies that use threaded comments since before Zuck's "threads" was even announced!

  • tankie censorship problem
  • it's easy to be communist of you only touched it online

    This is almost certainly the case, these kids read about the ideals of communism and think it sounds great, and they know about how things are in the USA and think that's bad. Two fair assessments, but they then deduce that the because capitalist America is bad, then Soviet Russia "communist" China must be good, ignoring the fact that every person who survived/escaped those reigemes described them as hell.

  • Shocked Brits react to rise in cost of living under Conservative government
  • Are you paying for an equal number of £10.50 pints though?

  • Shocked Brits react to rise in cost of living under Conservative government
  • The average cost of a pint is £7? I don't believe that unless the survey was exclusively London

  • Roland secured his legacy
  • I did one so bad once that they had to call a priest

  • Have you seen the new show?
  • You could tell me that half of those are real streaming services that only exist in the USA and I'd believe you

  • What is your loo roll of choice?
  • We've managed to cut the crazy units down to a handful just for special occasions

  • What is your loo roll of choice?
  • Quart? I'm not storing a bushel of grain to be inspected by the lord of the manor!

    Seriously though I do love efficient storage containers and would happily fill the house with them.

  • Even the fish are turning soy 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 I couldn't even edge my skibdi to this one
  • otherwise trans women would be downing soy milk like there was no tomorrow

    This is the classic counter-argument to so many superstitions and conspiracy theories. Storms are punishment from God for your homosexuality? Oh great, let's organise a big gay orgy everywhere there's a drought! Crystals can heal you and ghosts can tell you secrets from beyond the grave? Brilliant, every military and intelligence agency is going to invest heavily changing warfare and espionage immediately!

  • What is your loo roll of choice?

    Lavatory paper, toilet tissue, bog roll, bumwad, arse wipe, shit tickets; we all need it but I can't find a good one for a reasonable price.

    Obviously I don't want the tracing paper you get in a public toilet, but it seems a waste to pay for the quadruple-velvet perfume-soaked premium nonsense. Supermarket own brand is soft enough but tends to fall apart. Who Gives A Crap is environmentally friendly but their basic stuff disintegrates immediately and their premium stuff is even more expensive than the fancy Andrex.

    And no, there's no room for a bidet.

    Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much

    Do any of them know what the word "liberal" actually means?

    FozzyOsbourne FozzyOsbourne
    Posts 2
    Comments 103