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I'm not *that* addicted
  • They really missed out on changing breaking news to braking news.

  • I wish there were more like him in the industry
  • Hmmmm you got some primary sources for those claims? Not saying you are wrong. It's just the first time I've heard this.

  • Harris raised $200 million in first week of White House campaign and signed up 170,000 volunteers
  • I agree. However, I think a growing percentage of the population is painfully aware how little difference there is between the two parties. My only hope is that Harris will perhaps give us time for the vastly more progressive younger generations to come into power. Also, fuck Trump with a cactus, he is the worst aspects of our country condensed into one putrid sack of dying flesh.

  • A year has passed since Niger’s dramatic coup. Life has become more dangerous and desperate
  • Wait so they are kicking out the people exploiting them? That's a good thing right?

  • Janice the Rabbit Girl From 1999's Chrono Cross (Pin-Up)
  • Is this AI? The hand looks fucked up.

  • Graffiti Alley
  • It's just off of an outdoor paid parking lot.

  • Graffiti Alley
  • Not 100% sure I was just visiting. It's a block away from No Land Beyond the local card store.

  • Graffiti Alley

    This alley is in downtown Baltimore

    Natural Armor

    This cool grasshopper was chilling on my car.

    I have a confession to make
  • Um... there there. It's OK.

  • Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims
  • I was given this nickname by an old guy at work that knew I was good with computers. Never actually owned an ipod lol.

  • Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims
  • Cause they are owned by American billionaires and as such are more ethical. /s

  • Name this monstrosity
  • Operation Outhouse.

  • Wild New Study Suggests Gravity Can Exist Without Mass
  • Huh... I'm not smart enough to comment on the validity of this but it seems interesting.

  • Who is watching this?!
  • Yup... I don't get.

  • Biden says he’s accepted an invitation from CNN to debate Trump on June 27
  • If both candidates are morally reprehensible and the political elite refuse to give the voters better options. Then revolution and overthrow of the government is the only ethical course of action available.

    I think you are describing a path of political damage control, but I am of the opinion that the political parties are two sides of the same right-wing coin. A vote for either results in our rights being stripped away to benefit the wealthy class. It's just a matter of speed and approach. Also, there is an argument to be made that minorities are already living under severe state oppression and to uphold the system as is only benefits the white majority.

    At some point I have to pull the moral rip cord and stop participating in a immoral system as much as possible. Otherwise I am just an enabler.

    I think there is better way to run human society and I don't think the American Republic as is has a path towards that.

    I think we might be the bad guys...

  • Biden says he’s accepted an invitation from CNN to debate Trump on June 27
  • I've heard this sentiment from many other people, and I understand where you are coming from. Six months ago I would have said the same.

    But, I can't stomach it anymore. I saw a video yesterday of Palestinian boy the same age as my youngest. He was screaming in frustration because his family is dying of thirst. The innocent rage on his face and the tears of hopelessness were like a punch in the gut.

    What Israel has done to Palestine and is currently doing is evil. Straight up Nazi-like genocide and ethnic cleansing. They have concentration camps... It's fucking awful. And the bombs that are killing those babies are paid for with our taxes and labor. And we can see it happening in real time, they aren't even trying to hide it.

    Biden might not say the quiet part out loud, but the billions of dollars in weapons he is sending to Israel will "finish the job" just the same. He is a war criminal funding genocide. Neither is an ethical choice. I'm choosing to do what I can to tear the system down and vote third party until it gains traction. Or till a civil war breaks out. Fuck the fear mongering trying to force a political binary, fuck both parties.

    10 million net worth is still rich by my personal definition. Biden also controls immense political capital which is another form of wealth.

    Anyways, I'm obviously a little heated about this, but hopefully I'm making some rational sense.

  • Biden says he’s accepted an invitation from CNN to debate Trump on June 27
  • June 27th is Dementia Live!

    Who will shit themselves first?! The odds of a stoke on live television have never been higher! Witness the long anticipated rematch of two rich geriatric white men pretending to represent the concerns of ordinary people! What insane lie will they tell next?!

    The Conman and the War Criminal. You have to see it to believe it! This is definitely the last time this happens before one of them dies! Don't miss out!

  • Never make the mistake of visiting a community for your favorite podcasts
  • Yeah I ran I to this with Critical Roll. Super toxic, super vocal minority of fans that made nuanced critical discussions of the show almost impossible. I don't think it's the show's fault. Rabid fans make for rabid community moderators.

    It's probably a symptom of how fucked our society is. Or it's just the internet.

  • by @dirtyiron
  • If you make prints of this available I would buy one.

  • C O L O N I Z E
  • A win is a win.

  • Residents Beg Michigan Mayor to Stop Solar Eclipse - He Scientifically Can't
  • This is some Merlin level superstition... Might as well claim that he is doing in on purpose while it's happening.

  • Inspired by my tree

    Happy Holidays! Made in Adobes Fresco.

    Been wanting to make this for a long time.

    I had an amazing Caprese salad years ago and I've want to recreate it ever since. I got my hands on some aged Basalmic and I'm hoping that does the trick.

    Drew a comic this morning for fun.

    There are two columns and it reads left to right. Sorry I'll format the next one for mobile.

    If anyone has any tips about better line quality, I'm all ears.

    Ipodjockey ipodjockey

    Where am I?

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