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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
10 mo. ago

  • Ya much as I hated Bush in his day, he was never a nazi. I called him a LOT of things over the years.....but I never remember calling him a nazi.

    How the fuck are we living in a timeline where a president who used a terrorist attack as justification for invading countries that never had anything to do with it, is now looked at as "he wasn't so bad...."

  • This isn't The Onion's fault, but the world has gotten so stupid, I don't even know what this headline is suggesting anymore, or how things like "DOGE" and "LiteCoin" are actual words, spoken by real humans, who understand their meaning.

    I'm waiting for the 2029 headlines that say:

    "President Dollywap engages the fruitasmo thrusters to engage the roryxorp."

    And other people will nod their heads, and say "Uh-huh, uh-huh, sure sure sure. I fully understand the severity of the situation."

    But then The Onion will write a headline:

    "President Dollywap removes the motortino thrashers to disengage the roryxorpilly."

    And people will be like "Ha ha ha! Another quality zinger from The Onion! I mean, can you imagine? Disengaging the roryxorpillies??? Hoooo boy! What a day that would be! Dollywap would have some explaining to do!"

    And another person would say "Dammit! I ate the onion on this one. I was real worried for a second...."

    Meanwhile I would be like "Ya know what? Screw this. I'm turning off the tv. I'm cancelling the internet. It's been said that you can either watch the news and be misinformed, or not watch the news and be uninformed. Well I chose uninformed! The fucking lot of you have gone nuts, and I'm just going to go home and do the only sane thing I can think of......go build lego sets in my underwear.

  • I just want WindowsXP without security risks. If Linux could make a WindowsXP clone, that works with exe files, and works exactly like WindowsXP, except handles modern standards, I would jizz all over the place.

    Yeah. I'm leaving it in as motivation for linux developers. If they don't want to hear about my jizz spraying like a firehose, they should made LindowsXP.


  • Fuck if I know! We fuckin curse all fuckin day at my fuckin job! Everybody fuckin hears us curse up a fuckin storm every fuckin day! Nobody fuckin gives a flying fuck!

    You need a fuckin job? I could fucking get you in. If you're fucking gal, you'll be a fuckin Disney princess. If you're fucking guy, you'll probably be a storm trooper.

    Then you'll sing all day "Do you fucking want to build a god damn snowman?"

    And kids will be little cunts. They'll say "That's not how the song gooooeeeesssss" and you'll tell them "Hey! Fuckstain! Who's fuckin singing da song right now? Me or you? Me or you? Yeah, that's right. Fuck off!"

    And the parents all clap because they want so badly to talk to their kids that way. They regret taking the creampie instead of swallowing.

  • Stress

  • I'm just waking up. My brain isn't fully on yet. I read that as

    I’ve finally actually snorted cocaine out of my parents assholes

    I was ready yo conclude you're from Alabama, but was confused by how someone from Alabama could afford cocaine.

  • Upvote for the video. Reading the headline made me think there was some level of questionable concept for IF it was a nazi salute.

    Watching the video you provided erased all doubt. The headline went soft. It should have been:

    Steve Bannon makes nazi salute gesture at conservative conference because he, and the Trump party are full on going nazi.

    See how MY version leaves no room for second guessing? That's what they should have wrote.

  • We also have taken the concept of reality television, and changed the concept. Now we just watch reality on our television. We like to watch moments go viral, and then......we watch that person crash and burn and ruin their entire lives. Then we have a sensible chuckle, and change the channel.

    A year ago P Diddy got arrested for doing some really rapey things at parties over the past 20 years. Then they found 10,000 bottles of lube in his batcave. Ok, it was his basement, but I always imagine the batcave, with walls that turn around to reveal a limitless supply of lube. C'mon, you know that vision of it is better than just a door, a flight of stairs, and lube on some shelfs. So now he's in jail, and we all had a sensible chuckle because he deserves the jail time. Then we change the channel.

    Recently, you just missed this one girl, who the internet dubbed the Huck Twah girl. She got famous for making a reference to sucking dick. Then she got taken advantage of, and now she's in jail. Sensible chuckle, because she didn't deserve what happened, but now we're onto the next person to destroy their lives!

    Who's next?

  • Not selfish at all.

    I've cut so many people from my life. I have a rule. If you exist in my life, and all you do is make me angry, there better be a REASON you're making me angry. Like when I was TRYING to get my dad to accept help from the government a few years back. His roof is failing. It's only getting worse. Our city has a roof replacement program for seniors. Totally free roof. His house is rotting. When it rains outside, it rains inside.

    So yeah, I fought him for 2 years trying to get him to take the roof.

    Yeah I made him angry, but it's because I care about him. And the fight is about getting him to take care of himself.

    Unlike my sister, who will call, just to argue, and fight, with no real reason. I don't answer her calls.

    And when I've had "friends" that only care about you when they need something, fuck off. I'm a generous person, who people think they can take advantage of. And I guess they can to a certain extent. I don't mind helping those in need. But there comes a point when you realize "I only see this guy every few months, and only when he has some sob story, and needs something".

    THATS when I stop talking to friends. OR when I realize that I'm ALWAYS the one who has to innitiate contact. Like if I just stayed silent, the friendship would just be over. Ok then. Guess you never think about me if I'm not already in your presense. I don't need those people in my life.

  • Have you ever explained things to him about his daughters viewpoints? Just tell him "Ya know, (his name), I've been thinking. People with (his hair color) shouldn't have the right to exist. People with (his hair color) are just no good, rotten nasty people! They don't have the right to live on MY planet, breathing MY air! Right? Don't you agree?"

    And make it as absurd as actual racism/homophobia is. Make it clear that you hate him for things he was born with, and he now has to pay for being a dirty (color) hair'd person! Don't be shy. Be as hateful as you've seen people like that be.

    Then ask him how he feels about you. Get him yelling at you. Get him insulting you. Ruffle his feathers. Smile at every insult he hurls.

    And then tell him "What I have just shown to you is a mirror. I have acted as you have acted to your daughter. These are the messages she hears you saying to her. It was hard to hear wasn't it? You didn't want to hear a single further thing out of my mouth. THAT is the same experience that your daughter has when you spew those same messages at her.

    YOU are an individual. YOU have the ability to change your views. All I can do is hold up the mirror to show you what version of you you're projecting into the world. Your daughter is an individual, and she has the right to live her life any way she wants. With or without you. If you care, it's up to you to be the version of yourself that she wants in her life. Not the version you try to force into her life."

    After that, there's literally nothing more you can do. Slap him with reality, and if he continues to be shitty to his family, he can die alone.

  • The first shot was to the back of his head. He fell to the ground immediately. Then, in struggling to pull himself to his feet he locked eyes with Luigi, holding a gun, and saw him shoot 2 more times. That was the last thing Brian Thompson saw.

    Pretty sure he knows how he died.

  • I wish I could love super metroid. I really do. The game holds up. The graphics are great, the sound design is bafflingly superb for a 16 bit game. Controls are tight. Map size is big but not daunting.

    And then you get to the part where you fall down a pitt. And the game teaches you to wall jump.

    ...........everytime I play the game, thats where the game ends. It's been 30+ years, and I still can't wall jump in that game.

  • "I just gotta get out everything I needed to say, if I saw a leather sectional, there's any price I would pay! These are my confessions! No need to worry about credit checks or money down, I'll take your whole stock, you know I'm a political clown! These are my confessions...."

  • Ice Cream

    Christmas music writers REALLY missed an opportunity by not making Frosty an ice cream man instead of a snow man.

    Unpopular Opinion

    The results of post WWII women enterting the work force have really fucked over everybody.


    We all need Seaman back in our lives!

    Just Post

    I need your drinks!

    Just Post

    Yeah, nice try, WWF!

    Stardew Valley

    Found this randomly in a shop.


    Does this song make you cringe, or laugh?

    Just Post

    I really don't understand Walmart's advertising mentality.

    Comic Books

    Would you accept Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as Superman if they decided to make a new Superman movie?


    Question about Linux culture.


    Christmas Specials from 1987 broadcast PEERTUBE


    Wondering if installation transfers is possible.


    Tool to check ssd health?


    Gaming Historian made me realize why I've always loved Super Mario Bros

    Comic Books

    Here's what I don't understand about comic books


    Wouldn't development of ReactOS from a larger community ultimately help ALL OS's?


    Probably an easy question


    I'm fairly sure linux just hates me.


    8bitdo ultimate software V2 on linux


    I just had a great idea for a Batman movie.