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Be honest... Are you a bad person?
  • Nah, I'm an okay person. Sure I do bad things. I make mistakes and have problematic behaviour patterns from time to time. But I am working on it. That's what makes a "good" or "bad" person. It's almost never about what you do but mostly about intent and willingness to learn

  • How have your opinions on media you once enjoyed changed over time? Are there movies or shows you used to find funny but no longer do?
  • Oh man. So many and so much. Most of the "comedy" from the 80s, 90s, early 2000s is unwatchable. Older movies are sometimes straight up disgusting. I think it's a sign for how we grow as a society to be more aware of the sexism, racism and other forms of disrespect that has been sold as comedy or just as "normal". I consume much more consciously and through a more meta lense. For reference: I'm turning 40 this year

  • A second Trump term could slow the shift from fossil fuels as climate threats grow
  • Could it? Could it possibly do that? Are you sure?

  • NSFW
    [OC] Venus in Blue 3 [CW: artistic nudity with body paint]
  • Thank you so much for explaining:)

  • NSFW
    [OC] Venus in Blue 3 [CW: artistic nudity with body paint]
  • Thanks! I am quite surprised you used 4.5 and not the 1.4 your lense could do. Is there too much bokeh on 1.4?

  • NSFW
    [OC] Venus in Blue 3 [CW: artistic nudity with body paint]
  • Care to share your exif and/or lighting setup?

  • Weekend PC Game Deals: RPG specials, free donuts, and DRM-free summer sales
  • Is there a way to be reminded of that every weekend?

  • The Earth’s core is slowing down
  • TL;DR it's no cause for concern for now. Core is changing speed and direction in cycles.

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • You know what's "funny". Vegans DO fund not only alternatives but also meat subsidies with the taxes on vegan food. For meat to be as cheap as it is, a lot of tax money is going into the industry

  • Rassistische Straftaten: Ein besonders schlimmes Wochenende in MV
  • Und überall der gleiche Ruf "wie konnte das nur passieren". So rufen sie in 20 Jahren wenn sie wieder Trümmer aufsammeln und Gräber schaufeln

  • Kotak’s CEO says Indians should work 84 hours a week
  • all of them combined? They will have a lot of free time then! Amazing!

  • Removed
    When you stopped caring about staying in good shape?
  • Or happiness, or desire, or fun, or the taste of fresh fruit, or beauty

  • sounds almost like doctors advice
  • Haha how funny!!! Tricking people into sexual acts that they might not want to do is SO FUNNY!!! HAHA

  • Removed
    When you stopped caring about staying in good shape?
  • I know how you feel. Don't worry. I've been there, I will be there again. I take meds to not feel this way all the time.

    Here's something trippy: if , you disappeared EVERYTHING would change FOR YOU. The world as you know it would cease to exist. All options all routes ...gone.

    Am I important for the world? I am the most important person in MY world, because without me, it wouldn't exist.

  • Removed
    When you stopped caring about staying in good shape?
  • Can you get a standing desk? Or one of those sitting balls?

  • Removed
    When you stopped caring about staying in good shape?
  • No it's not. I'm going to be 40 in a few months. A job with lots of movement helps me a lot. Then I go dancing once a week. I need to do more. But I feel fine, I'm not fat and I can still play with the kids

  • Removed
    When you stopped caring about staying in good shape?
  • I'm sad that you were made to think this way. That you don't consider yourself important enough to care about yourself. You never need to "look good for others". Fuck that BS. I'm going to be 40 this year. These last few years I've been really experimenting with my looks. Never standing still, never stopping. You're not a painting to be put in a frame and stand still. You're a living, feeling being. Take care

  • Motherboard replacement questions
  • i'll save this comment to look back on it when it's actually time. this all sounds so well-thought-out. i'm really humbled by your thoughtful advice

  • Motherboard replacement questions
  • thanks. i'll look into that. i know about m.2. good advice :)

  • Motherboard replacement questions

    Hi y'all, i used to be so prolific at the whole pc building thing. but now i'm out of the game with age and not buying stuff in a while. so here's my question:

    my PC is fine and i upgraded parts of it during the years. but it may be time for a new motherboard, since mine only supports 32gb of RAM which isnt enough anymore.

    what do I need to do to replace my motherboard? I guess, i'd have to re-install everything, right? Isn't windows and all the software kinda bound to my motherboard?

    since i'm fine with my 2060Super, i guess getting a new PC is not worth it, my case and hard drives are fine. i will need new RAM and SSDs. So what should I look for in a motherboard?

    thanks for reading this ramble

    ambigram Music Watercolour (OC) [more pics inside]

    I designed this myself with the help of my tattoo artist

    ! !

    Versandkosten aus anderen Ländern sparen

    Hallo Leute, gerade gegen Weihnachten und diesen Festen wird es einigen von euch ähnlich wie mir gegangen sein, dass man Sachen kaufen möchte, aber das kommt dann aus Australien und der Versand ist 25€. Oder es ist ein Store, der Versandkosten erst ab einer sehr hohen Summe erlässt. Oder man hat Sorgen mit dem Zoll und den verbundenen Kosten. Hier meine Frage/Idee.

    gibt es Interesse, sich igendwie zusammen zu tun für solche Fälle? vor Allem wenn es nicht dringend ist? ist es sinnvoll, dafür eine extra community zu gründen? oder reicht eine Art Dauer-Thread hier aus?

    Man müsste eben in der Lage sein, zu sagen "Hey ich möchte bei XY bestellen, wer noch?" und dann kann man ein Paket schnüren und sich einen Teil der Versandkosten sparen.

    Schöne Grüße

    TIL that during the filming of Borat, Police was called 90+ times

    And the FBI was assigned to follow the film team on reports of a "vaguely middle-eastern man with a bear in an ice-crem truck", which has to be the funniest report xD

    this might be my last day before we all get sick of them.

    Here's the pic he's taking.

    And yes, it's a stock photo of a guy taking a stock photo of the stock market. Meta


    Winter motorcycle gloves TEXTILE

    (location: Germany) are there ANY decent, affordable winter gloves WITHOUT leather? I can't seem to find any in the shops that I frequent. i think so far i found one pair that wasn't in the shop when i went there.

    Mighty Mighty
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