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Is it "comrad" or "comrayd"?

Which is it? Which do you use? Are there different associations between them?

I've always said it "comrad," but when I started to meet people in orgs, they predominantly say "comrayd" (within the same country).

Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • I loved DW3 as a kid. When I returned to it when I was a little older, I realised I loved it because I had a lot of time as a child. The game is fun and nostalgic for me, and has the makings of a great Digimon experience, but it's a huuuuuge grind fest. It simply does not respect your time at all. Large portions of the game are traversing a dungeon with random battles literally every 2 steps to find an NPC, only to retrace your steps to talk to another NPC, ONLY TO THEN BE TOLD TO RETURN TO THE FIRST. And there's literally no fast travel. I know it sounds on paper like standard 90's JRPG fare but even Pokémon had Fly... and Repels. You just waste so much time on unavoidable random battles, and they're slow because it's PS1 era stuff.

    So yeah, I love it... in theory. The Digivolution mechanics are cool - every Digimon can evolve into every other Digimon, I literally printed out spreadsheets as a kid of digivolution conditions, but this aspect is also absurdly grindy. I don't think I could ever actually properly play it again with everything that entails as an adult.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Comrade, for the sake of your health, you have to step away, you have to put a barrier between yourself and these people. They're evil, we know they are, what they're cheering is a populated residential neighborhood being flattened to kill one man. They are devils walking the Earth. We can't expect any better from them, so don't let them into your mind, don't allow them in. It's nothing but poison. I've been there, and I feel the exact same emotions as you've voiced, every single thing you've said is something I've felt from the news and events alone, but you cannot allow the scum's reaction to push you over the edge.

    Read the Gaza Q&A thread instead. If you've already read it, re-read it. Let the humanity wash over you instead, sorrow for them instead, and take to your heart their true belief in martyrdom instead.

  • This will never stop being funny.
  • I'd say great, it makes the losers deny themselves treats everyone else is playing for literally no good reason which must result in some gamer suffering at least, but you just know none of them actually have the principles to do that. They just wanna cry about woke and make little databases about it, but none of them will actually put down Baldur's Gate 3. Makes it doubly pathetic.

  • The Malaise of Video Essays
  • 56% wanting to be astronauts in China vs. only 11% in the US is pretty different, but I think his point is that when you look at those who aspire to be YouTubers it's 30% in the US vs. 18% in China, which is not the grand cultural difference OP is making it out to be.

  • Can you educate me on the R word, please?
  • The etymology of dumb is rooted in ableism, yeah. I'm not sure about stupid. Those are two I struggle with to this day, because in my mind they're so detached from the ableist definitions. I've never in my life associated dumb with a mute person, for example, even though that's the definition.

    To be completely real, I'm not sold on 'stupid' being ableist but I'll try to avoid the language if it has the possibility to be harmful, e.g. I edited one of my recent comments from stupid to silly. Ignorant is another good alternative.

    EDIT: Okay, yeah, the etymology of 'stupid' is also rooted in ableism.

  • Can you educate me on the R word, please?
  • If you believe broadly that people should be given dignity regardless of gender, sexuality, race, disability, appearance, etc. etc. etc., it should be clear that using a descriptor of those things to mean something generally negative deprives them of that dignity. You're saying they're lesser, inferior, below you, purely because they don't fit into the status quo.

  • Mods are asleep
  • Oh, I'm so so sorry about your ex... Yeah, I didn't mean to downplay how much those online spaces can mean to us. It's really awful that it was taken from you for not towing the mainstream line. I have a Palestinian flag pin that I put on my backpack but I take it off when I go into the office because no one at work would sympathise and I worry about retaliation for it, so I understand. Fucked up world we live in.

  • Depressed as fuck tonight, anybody up for a chat?
  • Hi friend. I know it seems hard right now but try to put yourself out there as much as you can, you'll thank yourself for it later. Do whatever you can to push through the anxiety and muster up the strength to talk to people and be social, in whatever way is available. You aren't annoying, you aren't desperate, you're just new and how you're feeling is completely understandable. The decent people know and understand that and there are loads of them. Good luck.

  • Depressed as fuck tonight, anybody up for a chat?
  • Hi friend. I know it seems hard right now but try to put yourself out there as much as you can, you'll thank yourself for it later. Do whatever you can to push through the anxiety and muster up the strength to talk to people and be social, in whatever way is available. You aren't annoying, you aren't desperate, you're just new and how you're feeling is completely understandable. The decent people know and understand that and there are loads of them. You can do it, good luck.

  • Mods are asleep
  • I don't think I'll ever be a huge, huge poster. But what this site offers to me as a lurker is hope. Sometimes I feel like we live in hell on Earth and part of the punishment is that no one else is allowed to acknowledge it, but we acknowledge it, we call it out, and we commiserate. I wish I was closer to people here but sometimes just waking up and seeing that other people see it too is enough.

  • Tonight I found out Shannen Doherty died (CW: Cancer)

    One of the few celebrities I knew and cared about because I grew up watching Charmed, still one of my favourite shows to this day, before I stopped watching TV. Shannen died on 13th July of cancer.

    And all I can think is... man, she was kind of a piece of work. She had been battling cancer for almost a decade on and off and I suppose had a long time to grapple with her mortality and come to terms with it. And in the end, it seems like what she chose was pettiness and bitterness.

    She had a "long" list of people who weren't invited to her funeral, because they wouldn't be coming for "the right reasons." She reignited a feud in the Charmed community with Alyssa Milano, using her cancer as the reason she had to "get the truth out" about a television show 25 years after the fact. She finalised her divorce with her husband one day before her death, presumably to prevent him from inheriting anything. The last one is contentious because who knows what was happening behind closed doors but still, that's definitely one last 'fuck you.'

    It makes me sad that she was filled with so much hate and bitterness that even in her dying moments, she only chose to amplify the bad than forgive and make peace. I'm not at all religious but I think it's a very human thing to want to seek peace and reconciliation in the end, before you can't anymore, and I was a little stunned to see her choice be to go out in a blaze of bitterness.

    That's it. There's not really any point to this. I was just stunned. I never knew her and don't have any right to judge her, and I'm not, really, deep down. It's just something that made me a little sad and that I don't really understand. People sure are strange.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    OrionsMask [he/him, comrade/them]
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    Comments 145