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Ain't paying shit.
  • Come on guys, this is Tech 101. Don't you know how the tech industry works? Everyone knows the 3 steps:
    1.) Create a new service
    2.) Do nothing to help it catch on. Spend no money and don't promote its existence at all.
    3.) Charge money for access to the feature nobody is using.

  • Locked
    The cringe is so visceral it makes me wanna throw up
  • The class war is a war like any other, and most wars I know of were won by having a clear plan of battle and strong leadership.

  • Does anyone have experience developing for HarmonyOS?

    I heard Huawei's HarmonyOS is planning to drop support for Android compatibility and currently doesn't have a lot of native apps. What SDKs support it, and what tools do you need to test for it? I'm especially interested in whether any of the big game engines like Unity or GameMaker can be coaxed into working on Harmony. Please share any information you have!

    I too love spreading bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Imagine if someone throws up on the vines. How would you ever clean that?

  • Some energy we can all get behind
  • Daphne out here warding off enemy men-at-war with her puckle gun

  • Stephen Colbert's 'cringe' Joe Biden parody as toilet leaves fans fuming
  • Here's the actual video of Skibidi Biden, since I couldn't find it in the article:

  • It Only Gets Better:tm:
  • This is pure speculation. You can't see into its mind. Commercially implemented AIs have recommended recipes that involve poison in the past, including one for mustard gas, so to give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it was even tangentially correct is giving it more slack than it has earned.

  • It Only Gets Better:tm:

    Microsoft Copilot AI demo'd answering banal Minecraft questions

    This whole thing feels so contrived and scripted. The Division and its consequences, so on and so forth.

    When is this gonna happen to this website
  • God imagine if we get bought by fucking Facebook or some shit.

  • When is this gonna happen to this website
  • I don't mean that they have one for like Hexbear itself or any particular person, more that they just use it to find people of interest (and to keep tabs on ones they've already picked up on). In that respect, it's not so different from other social media, but the density of people with """unacceptable""" political beliefs might make it a particularly alluring source. Dossier is probably the more accurate term, as case file implies some kind of pending action.

  • When is this gonna happen to this website
  • Probably never. It makes a lot more sense to keep the site running as is and skim a trickle of information off the top. People blow off steam here sometimes, say things they probably shouldn't say on the Internet, and that gets added to the case file as just another exhibit.

  • Anyone know what this is before I click on it?
  • If you're interested in doing anything Cool, you should really never post to this website at all. I've resigned myself to a life of being boring and not doing anything particularly controversial, so I blather on all day, but the powers that be can track your social media accounts a lot more easily than your web browser.

  • Taiwanese Parliament member reportedly stole a bill and ran away with it to stop it from being passed
  • Imagine Kamala Harris dashing out of the Senate with a USB key containing all 1,776 of the US Congressional $VOTE tokens.

  • Taiwanese Parliament member reportedly stole a bill and ran away with it to stop it from being passed

    News from Dexerto via Twitter   Also why does Hexbear strip audio from uploaded videos?

  • I always liked Chapter 4, tbh. The backtracking wasn't that bad, and I felt it was good for the atmosphere.

  • Requesting an emote for the pig in the TTYD concept art

  • Beating US Sanctions, Chinese Scientists Achieve Mass Production Of Optical Chips At Low Cost
  • Can you please remove this post or find a better article? This one was written by GPT 4 and not a real person.

  • Vietnam bans Valve's monopolistic game platform Steam
  • I did only hear from one guy when I asked about this, so I'm not sure what the full extent of the situation is, but aforementioned singular Vietnamese developer called the provided explanation a "very wild theory" and that the quote seemed to just be speculation from a random guy, "...and as of today, people can access Steam normally."

  • Vietnam bans Valve's monopolistic game platform Steam
  • This story seems to be a bit exaggerated - a Vietnamese game developer I spoke to reported that people still have access to Steam and that the source for this story isn't super well substantiated.

  • Syndicates of the Father

    Original tweet:   Labornotes article linked in post:

    SEC intends to sue Robinhood Crypto
  • Because the crypto companies really really wanted them to not be securities and kinda just went "Nahnahnah, I can't hear you!" This is just the SEC slowly working through its backlog because suing an entire industry isn't something it was ever really intended to do.

  • SEC intends to sue Robinhood Crypto

    Link to post in screenshot:

    hate it when this happens
  • Love how there's no fucking water on the snake. Talk about hydrophobic lmao

  • NSFW
    (CW: sexism, domestic violence, SA-R) The ancaps are not alright
  • I gathered as much from the Wikipedia page, but I was curious about the "mentality" being talked about, the psychological aspect, since Wikipedia mostly just discusses basic facts and events.

  • Canadian Citizens & Permanent Residents, the Petition to Stop Killing Games just went live! Please sign it here.

    The Petition   General Information:

    UK Government Petition to Stop Killing Games just received more than 10,000 signatures, guaranteeing an official response. UK citizens & residents, please continue signing, the next milestone is 100k! Petition: Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state

    Require publishers to leave videogames (and related game assets / features) they have sold to customers in a reasonably working state when support ends, so that no further intervention whatsoever is necessary for the game to function, as a statutory consumer right.

    Petition: Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state

    If this gets 100,000 signatures, it will be discussed in parliament. We have half a year, so this is doable! Sorry for indulging in so much electoralism lately, but this really does feel achievable.

    Go to for information about the campaign. Be sure to follow all the steps the website gives you if you can, especially if you live outside the US, and sign up to the mailing list if you want to be notified of any future actions that open up to you.
