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Raivo wiped all of my TOTP codes
  • @Charger8232
    So what? You use #Apple and worry about #privacy, #security?
    Looks like a cognitive dissonance.

  • Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain
  • @CaptObvious
    No, not "for the asking" but only on court order. And they even challenge those, see transparency report.
    And targeted advertising be the lesser evil? I beg to differ.
    Google combines everything they know from tracking you. And that's a lot if you don't fight against it. I for one had two evil experiences with them: (German): (further links inside).
    And you have nothing to hide?
    Oh well.

  • Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain
  • @CaptObvious @throws_lemy
    "Seem"? An utterly wrong perception.
    Does Proton
    - read all contents of all emails (sent and received) and exploit them for targeted advertising?
    - collect the metadata (who corresponds with whom)? and exploits ...?

    The answer is: NO.

  • Mozilla to protect Firefox users from bounce trackers - Stack Diary
  • @fmstrat @boredsquirrel
    There is already: NoScript and predefined lists. Or Pi-Hole.

  • PSA: Nova Launcher has been owned by analytics company Branch since 2022
  • @Denalduh @spiritedpause
    But that is not FOSS and it contains 3 (three) trackers from Google!

  • Facebook snooped on users' Snapchat traffic in secret project, documents reveal
  • @filister @ininewcrow
    That's right, no double standards.
    Ban TikTok AND ban #META entirely!

  • Android 15 will let you find your Pixel 8 even when it's off
  • @iturnedintoanewt @otter Yeah, that must be the famous "price for progress". 😜

  • Android 15 will let you find your Pixel 8 even when it's off
  • @noodlejetski @LWD "one of the best phones"? I beg to differ. Are they produced fair? No. Is the battery user-replaceable? No. Does anyone have control over the proprietary BLOBs still necessary? NO!

  • "How to bypass and block infuriating cookie popups" 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
  • @peregus @hellfire103 Yes and no. Yes: Some poorly programmed websites require JS. No: Nonetheless you can employ NoScript to fine-grained block JS from evil domains. No harm is done when you allow the main domain (if necessary) but block crap such as doubleclick or google-analytics as "not trustworthy" (NoScript language).

  • How mobile carriers make money off your data behind your back
  • @N0x0n @LWD Or get rid of Android completely and install a clean Custom-ROM.

  • NSA Confirms Purchasing Data on American Citizens' Internet Behavior, Circumventing the Need for Warrants
  • @Kata1yst @Blaze But someone has to collect all the data so that NSA& Co. can buy it. 😎

  • Deleted
    Privacy Checkup Quiz: How well do you protect your privacy and security?
  • @Undertaker @ForgottenFlux
    Yes this "test" is plain crap. -
    For me the best handling of cookies is done by "Cookie Autodelete".

  • PC_Fluesterer Christoph Schmees

    Physiker; lange Jahre Angestellter in Investitionsgüter-Industrie, Schwerpunkt Automatisierung und Leitwarten; Projektleiter internationaler Forschungsprojekte; den Rest gibt es hier: \#security #privacy #tracking #big-data #FOSS #surveillance #linux #politik #klima #umwelt

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