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Ironvest still hasn't upgraded their masked cards -- looking for an alternative.
  • Yeah, most online stores don't accept gift cards, unfortunately. 🙁 Especially Amazon...tried to order some much needed products with Amazon cards, and they require a bank card.

    IME, (on Amazon at least...and a few others I've tried) masked cards are usually accepted as bank cards. Gift cards are not.

    I'd love to build myself a privacy-respecting online store that accepts everything from Monero to cash to Apple pay (for the general populous that doesn't care), but I sort of lack the capital. 😅

  • Ironvest still hasn't upgraded their masked cards -- looking for an alternative.

    From what I understand does not have a method of ensuring your identity is separate from your card, but IronVest does. Been using IV for a while now, but earlier this year they put their masked cards under construction

    Which is kind of a shame because I had online purchases in mind.

    Is there any alternative people have found?


    Suggestion for Business Podcast?

    My dream is to own my own business (just kidding--own several businesses), but I'm currently experiencing financial hardship. After frantically looking for work for over a year with a network that let me down, I finally managed to find part-time work at a local nonprofit.

    But I want to keep the foot on the gas (quite literally). Looking for a good business podcast I can listen to on my drive. I've listen to some in the past, but the quality of them has gone down. Oftentimes the guests are showboating, with like 30 seconds of helpful nuggets in the middle. Or I'll roll my eyes when I see the guest is some Dr. Oz-like green juice prophet.

    Yes, I realize podcasts need to make money. I fully accept that if a podcast is free, ads are unavoidable. I simply skip past them.

    Previous podcasts that have fallen out of favor with me: University of Adversity, School of Greatness, Achieving your Goals with Hal Elrod, Mel Robbins, Entrepreneurs on Fire, and How I Built It (where each episode just sounded like a 50-minute commercial for WordPress).

    Looking for ones that focus on becoming rich, but also ones that talk about how to bolster a network and overcome hardship. Somewhere along there.

    Any ideas?

    What was your favorite fiction book you read this year?
  • I currently can only read free books (open for recommendations, although I think I wrung the classics dry for all their worth), but I found a book in one of those mobile libraries that does actually have me hooked: The Innocent by Harlan Coben.

    It's not even close to being the best book I ever read. But it's well written enough and well plotted enough to keep me hooked. Probably my biggest gripe is the author's description of the women is how attractive they are. Even when he's describing the protagonists' wife, he only describes how much the main character thinks she's hot. Not a complete turn-off, but still a gripe. 😅

  • What book that everyone seems to love do you dislike?
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    It wasn't terrible by any means. But I kept being told how-fast paced and gripping it was.

    The fastest the pace went was the main character ducking behind a barrier in a very brief firefight.

    I'm not one of those action junkies, but I was kind of expecting more.

  • What did you get up to during the COVID quarantine?
  • I was living at or below the poverty line for years before COVID. As a senior developer, I wasn't finding any work. Then when COVID hit, I wasn't able to keep up with the work. I was finally earning 6 figures. I was able to travel (like in a jet, legitimate travel) for the first time--just because. It was amazing. I was able to network with people and provide value for people. I felt like my career was suddenly moving!

    Then around 2021-2022 all my clients abandoned me, my network ghosted me, and I was back to square one. That's where I am today.

    I'm working on having a breakthrough because someone college-educated with a GitHub profile should not be standing at food bank lines every month.

  • How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse?
  • Ah, I see. Yeah, I keep forgetting that a lot of people use LinkedIn for job-searching (I mean, I kinda do too, but been active on it like 7 years without a single follow-through). I see it as a networking tool. Job-searching may be part of it, but business leaders and ultra wealthy use it to make connections and support each other (theoretically). Businesses/creators would be the target market. Maybe some job-search aspect to it at some point.

  • How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse?
  • Yeah, that's what I was hoping for. I'm a believer that money = value. If something or someone is valuable, it should be paid for and there's nothing wrong with that.

    I'm also a believer that you can operate in FOSS/Fedi-mode and still make money.

  • How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse?
  • Job-seeker/employer is only a drop in the ocean of what professional networking (and LinkedIn) is about. It's a community of businesses that all help each other collaborate and build...a way to share ideas and make new least, I think that's what everyone wants it to be.

  • How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse?
  • Nope, no verification system...complete'd just need to pay an I don't care who you are (I'd even take crypto like Monero). I think being on week 4 of wrestling with LinkedIn's verification system (being in LI jail for the 3rd time!) has made me sick of it.

    One thing I like about the fediverse is it's very community-driven. If I come across a spam message on Mastodon, I'll start to report it to the community but find 10 others who are saying the same thing and within 5 minutes the dude is out. Meanwhile LinkedIn has a draconian verification system that treats its users like toddlers, while every other week I have someone asking to take over my UpWork account (and LI doesn't ban them).

  • How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse?

    Before you start throwing 💩 , hear me out...

    I'm a huge fan of the's returning to the original design of the Internet...where everyone can communicate freely and openly and corporations have a very difficult time pulling anything creepy that LinkedIn/Twitter (yes, I'll still call it Twitter)/Facebook does.

    But I sense a huge frustration with businesses that want to network with others but feel their hands are tied by these walled gardens.

    I figure, why not make the fediverse business friendly?

    Right now most people on Mastodon/Lemmy/etc. seem to be more of the anarchist/weekend hacker types. So part of my concern with this is that it would taint the fediverse with a bunch of spam. But by the same token it would also help grow the job market and provide opportunities for people that they may not have had on LinkedIn. Of course, I'd stress for anyone on the site to operate in a community-first mindset.

    So, some question...

    1. Would this type of instance be met with disgust? I mean, obviously the great thing about the fediverse is that you can block servers you don't want on the network, but having the instance blocked would kind of defeat the purpose. 😅

    2. If you're excited by the idea, what things would you like to see? In my own armchair brainstorming, I thought joint accounts would be a good idea, as well as analytics.

    3. Suggestion for already-existing platform? Can't find a good one that would be ready-to-go to build off of. There's friendica, but I'm not much of a fan of PHP, and it seems to not have great adoption, either.

    What is your ideal amount of socialization per weekend?
  • With me it depends on quality & depth.

    If I socialize with a really good friend (or a romantic interest--which hasn't been for a while 🙁 ) every day, that invigorates me.

    But if I drag myself out to even one hour long social event for a week I have to spend 8 weeks recovering. 🤣 (OK, maybe not that long, but you get the idea).

  • Cats Filled the Prison. Then the Inmates Fell in Love.
  • Just goes to show that love can help turn someone's life around.

    Thankfully I haven't been in the prison system (and I don't know anyone personally who is), nor do I hope to. But it seems like a very bleak existence.

    I'm glad cats are giving the prisoners at least a substitute of love and support.

  • Does "Rock music is evil / of the devil" have racist roots?

    As a Christian most of the circles I'm around are pretty stone-cold fundamentalists. But I have been around people (and even had family members) who are 100% convinced that rock music is evil and will lead people to engage in witchcraft and draw pentagrams all over their home.

    The root of the belief is that rock music uses drums, which are used by voodoo tribes in Africa to entrance people.

    Along a different track of thinking, from where did rock music originate? Slaves. They created the guitar because slave-owners didn't allow them to make music with drums.

    So then is "rock music is evil" sort of an echo of that attitude?

    What kinds of things would you like to see in a dating app?

    Yeah, I'm a programmer and I've got the itch to create one. DEAL with it! 😝

    That said, open to suggestions...I realize that most dating apps have--shall we say--less than desirable people on it, but I'm concerned more about the way the platform operates.

    For me, I think the dating app world is a hodgepodge of garbage. I've been on a lot of the common ones (and I'm willing to pay for one), But most of them are strictly an app--no web interface, and fully closed source and a privacy nightmare...or online but they block you if you even think about using a VPN (because obviously only criminals use VPNs).

    So from a technical standpoint REST-based dating apps are best, because it can start on the web (and remain on the web), then a smartphone app could be built on top of it. Then again, my aim isn't to digitally violate my users, so I've probably lost that game. 🤣

    So, what about you folks? What would your ideal dating app look like?

    Is Fear of Repetitions a Thing? Can't find a lot of information... Fear of repetition Dittophobia. Dittophobia -

    Dittophobia is the fear of repetition Dittophobia. Symptoms of Dittophobia Phobias are to be taken seriously. If they aren't given proper attention and treatment, might start to limit the sufferers life. In some cases up to the degree of extreme anxiety and depression. Knowing how to manage thoughts...

    One thing I've found is that I have kind of a fear of repetition. Usually this manifests at work if I'm in a job that's repetitive. I have this kind of out of body experience where it's almost like I wonder how long I've been there and how many times I've done the thing.

    And in college I always tried to sit in a random seat for lectures. Any time I felt I sat in the same seat more than once I would start to feel anxious.

    I've somehow been able to cope exercising, not sure how since I take a few laps around my block when it's still dark out. I think it might be that I set a timer? I'm not sure, but there are times when I get that anxiety when I repetitive exercises.

    I've been trying to research online for ways of coping, but I'm not finding much. The link I posted seems to be just an article on phobias in general, and "dittophobia" sounds like something someone just made up.

    Should I Give Babylon 5 Another Chance?

    As a Sci-Fi fan I've been a huge fan of shows like Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse, Terminator: TSCC, Star Trek, etc. I keep hearing Babylon 5 is awesome.

    I was too young at the time to watch the series when it was on. But then as an older teen/ young adult I decided to give it a try. Everything was so cringe it was hard to get through 3 episodes. IMO the whole vibe was "safe..." maybe even a bit corny--not the intense, exciting, politically-tense space opera that I was told it was.

    So maybe the beginning episodes are just world-building? What do other people think?

    What flavors do you find "grounding?"

    Title is basically it.

    For me, it's usually coffee, or anything spicy, like cayenne pepper. Apple cider vinegar usually does it, too.

    Do you ever feel like people hold you at arm's length?

    I'm someone who craves (and thrives) on intimacy and closeness. I'm never been afraid to be vulnerable (I'd actually had to learn that I shouldn't be vulnerable with everyone). I love it when someone is really passionate about something, even if that thing bores me to tears. I love hearing about peoples' hopes, fears, dreams, opinions...

    But I often feel like people hold me at arm's length. Like they say, "OP, I like you, you're interesting, but stay right there."

    And it doesn't seem like it's a matter of following the "relationship journey" either. It seems like eventually I hit a wall of someone not wanting me to come any closer. And it hurts.

    Being neuroatypical I do realize I have an intense personality so people may not know how to interact with me. That may be part of it.

    Anyone else experience this? How do you cope?

    For folks who write for, what's your engagement like, and how much do you make?

    I'm wondering if it's financially worth it to cover the $5/mo membership.

    I post Medium articles fairly regularly, and each email update shows I get ~500 reads total.

    Is that enough to cover the $5/mo? Would it be a wise financial risk?

    Are people willing to share their readership and total MMR?

    Edit: shouldn't have shared my financial situation; was interested in data/advice only.

    It would be cheaper to foster an economy with more better-paying jobs so students would be able to pay off student loans, than creating a student loan relief program.

    I mean, seriously. I was stupid enough to take on the burden of student loans. At least give me the dignity of having the responsibility of paying them off.

    Was considering recording my AMA vid today...couldn't do it.

    I post videos, content, or articles almost daily on my social media to show tech companies that, yes, I'm the guy you need on your tech team since I know my stuff.

    But each time it feels so...blah...because nobody ever reads anything I write. At least, nobody with money (despite me writing FOR people with money).

    I recently asked people to submit questions for an AMA on databases. I got 3 questions back. I think I'll use my local LLM app to generate a few more.

    But it felt like...what's the point? Even when I record and publish the video, so far nobody's ever engaged with my last 100 posts. Why would they do it for this one?

    Anyone else feel this? How do you cope or overcome?

    As an AHDHer how are receptionist jobs for you? Anyone got stories? I'm needing to step outside my comfort zone and asking folks who have been there before

    I'm in tech and working with a guy on a very small project, but I'm definitely not able to make ends meet (thankfully family & friends have pulled me out several months lately). I've also been looking for a stop-gap job until I find a tech company that actually knows how to hire. But even that seems to be really difficult.

    Like most ADHDers, I have a processing disorder. Grocery stores trigger panic attacks. Monotony also triggers it. I'm also not good with detail-oriented tasks (so that leaves something like electronics manufacturing off the table).

    But I am a hard worker. No matter the pay, I will go above and beyond for my team to get a job done.

    I'm scouring indeed and Craigslist trying to find something I can get in the interim.

    For other ADHDers, what has your experience been doing a receptionist job? Is it ADHD hell? Or am I over-blowing the mistakes I'd probably make into major catastrophes? I realize it all depends on the employer. But what stories do people have (positive or negative) who have been receptionists?

    Mood Boost Question: What makes you awesome?

    No, not what I've said what others say makes you awesome (though if they're supporting arguments, that's fine).

    What do you say makes you awesome?

    For me, I'm highly creative and imaginative. I'm unusually playful for an adult and refuse to grow up. Life's too short. I use humor to rise about any obstacle or any situation.

    What about you? Let's brag about ourselves!

    How do you handle being misunderstood?

    I'm sure lots of ADHDers know what I mean. Situations where you're not meaning ill intent, but the way that a situation turns out makes it seem like you're the bad guy/girl.

    How do you handle the situation without seeming like a victim or that you're making excuses for yourself? Do you explain the situation or just accept it and hope that enough time will reveal your true character?

    Photography PlanetOfOrd
    Lightning Strike

    I'm ecstatic I was able to capture this!

    Thunderstorms are rare for my area due to the standard weather pattern. When the do pop up they last for a half hour--max-- before either dissipating or moving on. For me, doesn't matter what I'm doing, I drop what I do to watch the thunderstorm. They're always exciting, beautiful, and mesmerizing.

    I usually jog this early in the morning, but was sitting on the can for my pre-workout deposit when I heard the first rumble and decided it wouldn't be wise to head out. Instead, it was dark enough I figured a time exposure was possible, so I set up my camera on a tripod in my bedroom, set it to bulb, and tried a few times to get a flash exposed.

    I got another bolt as well that illuminates more of the details of the cloud formation, but I love the way that this one arcs.

    Anyone else love trying to capture lightning exposures?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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