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From my resistance lib mom... It's so joever
  • yeah made that point to my mom today. kinda disheartening since she's turning 60 this year aware

  • From my resistance lib mom... It's so joever
  • I went and watched some highlights of him in the 2012 VP debate w/ Paul Ryan. He was lively, dominant even. Now? Well...

  • From my resistance lib mom... It's so joever
  • abandon all Jope, ye who enter here

  • From my resistance lib mom... It's so joever
  • kinda ironic given the start of the debate was by far his worst showing. they got concentrated rizzless joe

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • From this article:

    One major Democratic donor and Biden supporter said it was time for the president to end his campaign. This person described Biden’s night as “the worst performance in history” and said Biden was so “bad that no one will pay attention to Trump’s lies.”

    “Biden needs to drop out. No question about it,” the donor said in a text message, proposing an alternate ticket led by the governors of Maryland and Michigan.

    It depends on how major we're talking, but if important donors are pushing for this there's no way it doesn't happen

  • #Debate 2024 - brain as smooth as 3000 grit sandpaper
  • If Joe Biden did this shit I'd vote for him

  • Gooners 4 Corbyn
  • Quad-monitor goon cave Corbyn or McDonald's bathroom xhamster in phone browser Starmer? The choice is yours, Britons

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • They do make it pretty hard to do so, but I think the oobe\bypassnro trick still works

  • Julian Assange is free
  • if I were him you would not catch my ass in any country with a US extradition treaty

  • I replaced my phone battery and it made me feel somewhat competent!
  • I don't think there's anywhere I can do that (apartment building). But I'm gonna find an electronics disposal/recycling and/or household hazardous waste disposal place to take it to soon

  • I replaced my phone battery and it made me feel somewhat competent!

    I've talked on here about my Pixel 4a and how much I like it, but the battery life has been really dreadful as of late. I was at 900+ cycles on the stock battery so not exactly a surprise, but I didn't want to buy a new phone so replacing the battery seemed the best way forward. I got a kit from iFixit for ~$60 including an OEM battery.

    I read online that it's a tough process since the 4a has a very fragile screen that's likely to break during such repairs, but everything went (mostly) fine! The iFixit guide got me most of the way there but I supplemented with a YouTube video. Hardest part was actually removing the adhesive strips keeping the battery in place, I ended up having to use isopropyl alcohol to dissolve some of the glue instead of pulling it out. Also I did kinda puncture the old battery which shot out some sparks, but it seems to be stable (currently chilling on my kitchen table until I can take it to be recycled/disposed of properly).

    One thing to note about the iFixit kit is that the included adhesive strips for sticking the screen back on are kinda doodoo and likely to get stuck on the kit packaging during transit, which ruins them. I tried to make do with the remaining strips but noticed edges of the screen sticking up, so I replaced it the next day using some TESA tape I got off Amazon which seems to work great.

    Overall kinda sucks that you have to jump through so many hoops, but was also somewhat satisfying to feel like I accomished something. And of course battery life is much better!

    Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • ya perishable and rental jokers are sneakily very debilitating, the former in that there's a chance your run-winning joker craps out on you in five rounds, the latter absolutely demolishes early game econ. it really does feel like you need to just restart until you get a decent joker to escape early game hell and hope you can find something in time before faster ante scaling from purple stake destroys you

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • Trying to gold stake a few more decks in Balatro, at 4 or five out of 15 so far? Shit's hard

    Also running back another Dark Souls 1 enemy/item randomizer after just finishing one. There's a lot of fun to be had retreading a game you know well with so much stuff shifted around, especially one like DS1 where the first half is so intricately designed. It's basically a metroidvania with how you're trying to open new areas. Otoh there can be really annoying enemy placements - Darkwraiths my detested >:(

  • Kier Starmer, confirmed human for sure
  • I don't know if I've ever seen a more rizzless individual

  • Huge W ⚾
  • dudes rock

  • "She asked you a followup question; obviously she was planted by our political enemies to make you question your Faith to Labour." --- Labour Board Runner
  • I could talk vaguely about allowing for more infrastructure development by cutting planning red tape but I don’t

    "I could actually answer your question, but I won't"

    It's not hard. "Even if you don't need new housing, building more housing means more economic activity that funds the government through already existing taxes to do things like hire dentists."

    I'd feel some sympathy if this guy's only option was to explain Modern Monetary Theory to someone who's probably been indoctrinated by years of "the govt budget is just like a big household budget" rhetoric, but this is easy street.

  • Have you ever heard of "PTO" working like this?

    Had an interview today that I feel okay to good-ish about. Was hoping to talk to the person I'd be working under but they were tied up on time sensitive stuff so I just talked to the HR person.

    He was telling me that in addition to a very modest amount of conventional PTO, they give a paid weekday off every three weeks. It was spun like a good thing because the amount of total time off was more than the national average, but that's pretty dishonest right? PTO is conventionally understood to be time you can take off whenever for whatever reason, not fixed days off like holidays.

    I generally like the vibe of the place but it's got weird things like that, plus not being open to hybrid because it doesn't align with their "values" and some Russel Brand quotes hung up on the walls

    PSA: check if the government is "holding" lost money for you

    So turns out there's this concept called "Escheatment" where governments will take custody of unclaimed property, like if a check is sent to your previous address so you never cash it because you didn't know about it.

    In the US, this is handled by state governments. If you google "[state] escheatment" you should see a .gov website that will let you search your name to see if they've got anything for you so you can file a claim. There are aggregator searches like, but it didn't list some of the entries that the official one did so I wouldn't recommend it. You should check any state you've lived, and maybe your family too if you're feeling saucy.

    I didn't find anything in my name, but it showed similar results by last name and I found stuff for my mom, dad, sister, a few aunts and uncles, and even my late grandmother! It usually won't be much, but it's your property, so you might as well get it, right? Plus in the case of your family you get to ring them up and say "Hey, how would you like some money?"

    America has fallen Red Lobster files for bankruptcy | CNN Business

    Red Lobster, which brought affordable shrimp and lobster to middle-class America and grew to become the largest seafood restaurant chain in the world, has filed for bankruptcy.

    Red Lobster files for bankruptcy | CNN Business

    Millions must go without cheddar bay biscuits !boohoo

    The Midwest will pretend to be normal and then have an alien invasion every 17 years

    Periodical cicada nymphs from Brood XIII are crawling out of the earth and moulting on trees, leaving husks like in the picture. For the next several weeks they'll be everywhere in the affected area. Then they lay their eggs in young tree trunks and other such supple plant stems, which hatch later in the summer only to burrow back into the earth for 17 more years.

    I may return with other cicada facts as more come out. Very curious to see if it's any different from the last time in 2007 due to climate change

    getting progressively pissed at the android phone market

    I've been looking at phones to replace my Pixel 4a as the battery goes and it becomes increasingly silly to get it replaced instead of getting something new. I don't like huge phones, which i consider to be anything over ~6.2". Everything under that is either:

    • A Google Pixel with poor efficiency, thermals, and call reliability
    • A Samsung Galaxy S with a high price, locked bootloader, dodgy privacy, and bloatware
    • A miscellaneous brand with abysmal software support lifespan, variable bootloader lock status, and little to no custom rom support

    the ASUS Zenfone 10 would have been honestly perfect for me - sub-6" screen, headphone jack, good performance. But they just haaad to remove bootloader unlocking despite promises to the contrary so now you have to settle for one more OS update and three more years of security updates for something that costs $600+. blurgh.

    Microsoft Closes Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, and More Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda - IGN

    Microsoft has closed a number of Bethesda studios, including Redfall maker Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks, and more in devastating cuts at Bethesda, IGN can confirm.

    Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda - IGN

    RIP Arkane Austin. I know at this point the people who made Prey aren't there anymore but it still stings

    Me normally: I like hexbear, I think it's pretty cool

    Me without hexbear for less than half a day: !kitty-cri-screm !aaaa

    I do not have the type of social life to tolerate downtime well

    What are your experiences working overnight?

    Interviewing for a job where I'd either be working 11pm-9am four nights a week or one 14 hour day and two 10 hour days or something.

    My mom is very skeptical about the overnight, and I'm aware there are health risks, but if they offer it I don't think I've got much choice as I am currently sans job. I'm already a bit of a night owl, is it manageable if I take precautions?

    What are your thoughts on organic products?

    Do you buy them? Will you refuse to buy conventional if organic isn't available, broadly or on a per product basis?

    I confess I've always blown off organic foods as kinda silly (unless you've got a sensitivity to whatever's in the conventional stuff) in large part due to overlap with GMO panic. Still, as we hear more about microplastics and harmful chemicals showing up in most everything I've been wondering if it'd be good for my long term health to be an organic andrew

    Do not, my friends, become addicted to arguing with redditors

    It will take hold of you, and you will regret it's absence

    \- a stupid idiot who thought they could explain why arbitrary age limits are a poor heuristic for experience to a /r/politics user

    god typing that out really sells the stupid idiot part huh

    This is the first birthday where I'm really feeling how objectively worse my life has gotten in the past year. How do I deal with that?

    Last year I was employed at a decent paying job with good benefits, doing work that mattered. Now I'm seven months unemployed, out of benefits and still getting ghosted by employers. Most everything else has remained the same (no friends, uncertainty with my gender and how I want to live my life, stuck living with my mom) except that I started seeing a therapist ~10 months ago who I really like.

    It just feels really, really bad. I'm assuming other people have had this experience in their life already (I am both fairly young and a late bloomer in most respects), so I guess I'm asking how you dealt with it and how things got better, assuming they did :aware:

    you can also commiserate with me if you like

    thanks gamers

    Can't believe this dropped after I already finished my New Vegas gooner playthrough >:( The Goon Cave

    The official goon cave mod for Fallout New Vegas. Discover the goon cave, learn its story, and experience gooning for yourself.

    Also here's a pic of Goonin' Gary since I don't think I ever posted one !

    Ah well, nevertheless Trump back on ballot in Colorado while state Republicans appeal ban to Supreme Court

    The Colorado Republican Party has appealed that state's Supreme Court decision that found former President Donald Trump is ineligible for the presidency.

    Trump back on ballot in Colorado while state Republicans appeal ban to Supreme Court

    Apparently temporary until the supreme court rules on it, still very funny

    What are your best interview tips? (plz help)

    I've got one on Tuesday that looks like my best shot at a new job since I got laid off in the summer. It's with a vice president of the company and the person whose position I'm filling since she got promoted

    I'm just a little weirdo, I don't know how to make them want to hire me !boohoo

    Paid mods are back babyyyyy

    Tbh idk what the difference is between this and previous "creation club content" but it's amazing to see todd coming back to the Skyrim well for more money

    RION RION [she/her]
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