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Lmao the Pod Damn America guy ratiod the president.
  • Do you know how your own government functions?

    as if it was ever going to get passed in 5 month….

    Do you like know how congress works lol

    Take a course in US Government 101.

    Bro thinks bills pass in a day


  • Tagline material? The Rogue Dunk_Tank, a Game of Comms story
  • I did not remove c/the_dunk_tank. I did not advocate for its removal.

    I un-removed c/the_dunk_tank to make this comment, and now I am re-removing it


    Also, get fuuuuuuucked. pigpoop

  • What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • I expect a total clown show. We'll probably get a few funny moments, and if we're lucky we might even get new emoji material.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • I'm getting the impression here that is the inescapable result of what has been trying to be and how it positioned itself. By trying to not be too hard on potential libs and chuds (like not clamping down on misogyny, transphobia, etc. hard enough, and stuff like thinking being federated with loli instances is acceptable) because when you care more about growing the platform, you attract a lot of garbage. This kind of garbage can seep into the mod team. If you then have admins who feel like they no have choice but to defend this monstrosity they've created, you're in deep trouble.

  • Plan to establish US Marine regiment in Guam 'to escalate camp confrontation, stir up regional tensions'
  • But China is the confrontational one, though. Look at how aggressive Xi pushes this button: xi-button

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • What is petty about people simply calling out a community moderator for defending pedo material and having a history of transphobia and other reactionary garbage?

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • What is this nonsense semantics game you're playing here? So by your ridiculous logic, generating AI nudes of an actual underage girl to bully her is not considered abuse material? Are you fucking clowning on us right now?

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • We're reactionaries now, apparently. They keep calling anyone who criticizes their defense of AI generated CSAM "reactionary". Shows what a clown this person is.

  • i wake up 🔄 there is another psyop
  • I knew I recognized this fucking guy. A friend of mine keeps sending me his Bigfoot videos.

  • hexbear has a tankie problem.
  • Trans people feeling safer in more tankie spaces. That's something that still upsets libs.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • Stalin stopping at Berlin is a mistake we'll all have to live with for the rest of our lives.

  • OceanGate co-founder organising trip to one of world’s deepest sinkholes a year after Titan disaster
  • I'm liking this new annual tradition of rich people donating their bodies to feed marine life via voluntary deep sea implosions. sicko-flipped

  • more like midwest.liberal
  • Welcome to the thunderdome motherfucker.


  • more like midwest.liberal
  • smuglord

    Apparently your feelings were hurt enough to report him.

  • The French Left unites behind a new Popular Front to take on the far-right

    After yesterday's EU elections in which the far-right got more than 30% of the vote, huge anti-far right protests happened in France, and a new Popular Front (in reference to the 1936 anti-fascist Popular Front) was proposed by politicians, major unions, and hundreds of personalities.


    > A few days to build a Popular Front.

    > We held talks today to face the historic situation of the country, following the results of the European elections and the dissolution of the National Assembly.

    >We are calling for the creation of a new popular front uniting in a new form all the forces of the left humanists, unions, associations and citizens. We wish to defend a platform of social and ecological disruption to build an alternative to Emmanuel Macron and fight the racist plan of the far right.

    >In each constituency, we'll support a single candidate from the first round. They will defend a disruption platform explaining in detail the measures to enforce during the first 100 days of the new popular front government. Our objective is to govern the country in order to answer the democratic, ecological and social emergencies and for peace.

    >Echoing the call from unions and the youth tonight, we are urging you to join the processions and to protest a lot.

    >In the same way we are going to rule, with a clear direction, we want to build this new popular front with all the forces who share that ambition and that hope.

    >- The Ecologist Party >- France Unbowed >- The Communist Party >- The Socialist Party >- Public Square >- Generations >- Socialist & Republican Left

    >Waiting for more!

    9's c/collapse community moving to after mod gets temp ban for eugenics We've moved to -- please update your subscription - Hexbear

    Because of admin interference with the content and disciplinary actions we obviously can't stay here. We've set up shop on ! [/c/] so please update your subscription if you intend to continue to follow this commu...

    Eugenics? What eugenics? There is no mention of eugenics in this research paper. !smuglord Just the eco-fascist narrative that climate change isn't caused by capitalism, but by too many people consuming resources faster than they can be replenished. I'm sure that's not a dangerous idea useful to anyone or anything. !clueless

    It's obvious no serious discussion can be had here. !maybe-later-honey

    Muslim woman suspended from the Labour Party for liking a Jon Stewart video on Twitter

    When even a lib like Jon Stewart is too far left for the current Labour Party !ukkk

    Star Citizen crowdfunding passes $700 million, 12 years after development began and still without a release date Star Citizen crowdfunding passes $700 million

    Cloud Imperium Games' sci-fi space sim and RPG Star Citizen has passed another major crowdfunding milestone: $700 million. The latest $100 million has been raised in less than a year as well.

    Star Citizen crowdfunding passes $700 million

    Chris Roberts' vacation fund has reached a new milestone. !soypoint-2

    !so-true With your help we can get this up to 1 billion, which will ensure that Chris gets to visit more places and can enjoy more of the local cuisine. Oh, yeah, and it helps the game get finished sooner, of course.

    In other news, they finally reworked the game's UI after 12 years of R&D, and it now looks worse than it did before. Progress. !soypoint-1






    This is how Xi was welcomed in Serbia last week

    A massive crowd of around 20k people cheered "China! Serbia!". !sicko-wholesome

    Transphobes are doxxing Stardew Valley fans just because they asked for pronouns Transphobes are doxxing Stardew Valley fans just because they asked for pronouns

    Stardew Valley players are reportedly being doxxed by transphobes after a petition to add pronouns to the game went viral.

    Transphobes are doxxing Stardew Valley fans just because they asked for pronouns

    "Unlike you snowflakes, I'm not so easily triggered."

    !pronouns !trans-gun!stalin-gun-2

    US insurance companies use drones to spy on homeowners

    > Cindy Picos was dropped by her home insurer last month. The reason: aerial photos of her roof, which her insurer refused to let her see.

    >"I thought they had the wrong house," said Picos, who lives in northern California. "Our roof is in fine shape."

    >Her insurer said its images showed her roof had "lived its life expectancy." Picos paid for an independent inspection that found the roof had another 10 years of life. Her insurer declined to reconsider its decision.

    >Across the U.S., insurance companies are using aerial images of homes as a tool to ditch properties seen as higher risk.

    >Nearly every building in the country is being photographed, often without the owner's knowledge. Companies are deploying drones, manned airplanes and high-altitude balloons to take images of properties. No place is shielded: The industry-funded Geospatial Insurance Consortium has an airplane imagery program it says covers 99% of the U.S. population.


    When even the ghouls on r/neoliberal can't defend you on this


    Xi's powerful new weapon EXPOSED

    !xi-button Xi presses the Taiwan earthquake button.

    !xi-button Then he presses the NYC earthquake button.

    Where will he strike next?? !xi-god-emperor

    Don't forget to tune in for an analysis from our China watcher John Dungoof.

    Too Much Purity Is Bad for the Left Too Much Purity Is Bad for the Left

    If socialists want to be a political force in America, they need to form coalitions, defend democracy, and change real people’s lives.

    Too Much Purity Is Bad for the Left

    !maybe-later-honey Yes, he suppports a genocide, but you must still !vote for him because he has proven he cares about democracy and civic rights. !funny-clown-hammer

    China Urges EV Makers to Buy Local Chips as US Clash Deepens China Urges EV Makers to Buy Local Chips as US Clash Deepens

    The Chinese government has quietly asked electric-vehicle makers from BYD Co. to Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. to sharply increase their purchases from local auto chipmakers, part of a campaign to reduce reliance on Western imports and boost China’s domestic semiconductor industry.

    China Urges EV Makers to Buy Local Chips as US Clash Deepens

    > The Chinese government has quietly asked electric-vehicle makers from BYD Co. to Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. to sharply increase their purchases from local auto chipmakers, part of a campaign to reduce reliance on Western imports and boost China’s domestic semiconductor industry.

    "Quietly", lmao. It's not quietly, because they're very open about it. Gotta love them making it sound devious, when this is precisely what they've been pushing for. !parenti-hands

    > Directive could hurt Nvidia, NXP and other EV chip suppliers

    > Order is a response to US efforts to curb Chinese chip tech

    !porky-scared-flipped !xi

    For some Helldivers 2 players, the fascist role-play has gone too far

    No surprise there with the !freeze-gamer community. I saw some libs on ResetEra smugly downplaying this, because of course they would. Don't you dare say anything negative involving my treats. !maybe-later-honey

    SexUnderSocialism SexUnderSocialism [she/her]

    That scary trans commie the chuds warned you about. I eat libs for breakfast.


    "Death to fascism, freedom to the people!"

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