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2.0 Beta Megathread
  • It says I've been removed from the test program. How do I get back in?

  • Somehow snapchat for web doesn't support firefox đŸ€Š
  • Maybe they're trying to become the new Internet Explorer?

  • Welcome to the fediverse: Your guide to Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky, and more
  • Strange. Lemmy was the real entry point for me to enter the Fediverse.

  • Shocking News: Reddit has trademarks for forum names like "Explain Like I'm Five" registered on USPTO.

    I thought stuff like "Explain Like I'm Five" and "AMA" was proprietary to the community, or at least the Reddit community, not Reddit as a company.

    I checked and I found at least those subreddit forum names were registered as trademarks.

    • IAMA
    • RPAN (actual subreddit name is R/PAN but they messed up the word mark for the registration I think.)
    • ASK REDDIT (makes sense since this includes Reddit's name.)
    • NATURE IS FUCKING LIT (I thought you couldn't register word marks with swearing but I guess I'm wrong. Must be only for offensive terms then...)
    • ASK ME ANYTHING (yes somehow this "generic term" is a trademark now...")
    • AMA
    • ELI5

    Also they have some trademark registration applications for WALLSTREETBETS that have not been finalized yet.

    Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week
  • How do we combat Google Chrome being Internet Explorer 2.0?

  • Why the NSA Is Right About Periodically Restarting Your Smartphone
  • Feels like I need to reboot my iPhone daily in order to keep applications and tabs from being terminated from out of memory issues as quickly.

  • Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week
  • Now we gotta have websites developing for all web browsers instead of Google Chrome like it's Internet Explorer 2.0.

  • Happy Cake Day, Lemmy.World!
  • You created this server?

  • What do you think of Batty Koda from the FernGully series?

    He was an interesting character with antenna back in the first movie and a memorable voice actor.

    Happy 16th anniversary, #fediverse!
  • This has been going on for 16 years? I thought it was started in the mid or late 2010s.

  • There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now.
  • Wait, you need to post every day to get the achievement?

  • What's up with Bats and Bananas?
  • Why not apples? Is there a reason apples aren't a preferred fruit of bats?

  • AI Is Poisoning Reddit to Promote Products and Game Google With 'Parasite SEO'
  • So when did it become public knowledge? When the Google is broken controversy started?

  • Reddit has become the face of enshittification
  • Seems like the Bats community here on was popular due to some new posts every day.

  • Suspending my alt... for what?
  • Seems like someone closed your account without your permission.

  • If Reddit had a soul/conscience, I think it was us, and we're all on Lemmy now...
  • Strange. What happened to the discouragement of AMP links and why are they suddenly popping up now?

  • There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now.

    I just noticed this when I saw a strange "Achievement Unlocked" notification pop up on Reddit. What do you think of this? It seems like a retention tactic to me, like what Amino had with its streak leaderboards, and GameFAQs currently has with streak achievements for logging on ten days in a row and also for all days of a month.

    What's up with Bats and Bananas?
  • Yeah; that brown bat is still cute and I like the expression it's making in the picture.

  • Rip Striker 2000-2024 😭
  • How do you find the giant cow?

  • What's up with Bats and Bananas?

    What makes bats like bananas so much? Or is it just the humans' preferred treat for bats?

    Hammer-headed bat from Africa
  • Why are there two or more bat species that look like they're poorly modeled in a 3D model making program? That doesn't look like something Mother Nature or someone making 3D assets would make a bat look like.

  • Bat Fact: Bats have good eyesight
  • Why aren't there bats that can see better than humans that also have echolocation?

  • Have you seen this YouTube channel about bats?

    I was reminded about Bat Appreciation Day today thanks to this channel on YouTube.

    FINAL FANTASY XIV TTRPG (Tabletop Role-Playing Game) announced.

    What do you think of the upcoming TTRPG? I think it will be interesting to see as it is the first official Final Fantasy TTRPG to my knowledge. I'm not sure how Square Enix will translate the Final Fantasy related things into the TTRPG space, though I have seen several attempts at fan made Final Fantasy systems such as pathFinal Fantasy and Final Fantasy D20.

    How long do you think it will be until there's a battery type made of fully renewable resources?

    I saw the recent article about the Zinc-air battery and about a year ago I've heard of a solid state battery technology. It got me interested in thinking that there might be a battery made in the future that could be made exclusively from resources that can be grown or renewed. How many years do you think we're off from getting that kind of battery invented?

    What is your favorite Ghost type Pokémon?

    Federation didn't work properly for the original post - this is a repost.

    My favorite is Drifblim. I remember how mysterious it felt having Drifloon be only catchable on Fridays in the original Diamond and Pearl versions. It made breeding for their eggs more exciting than the regular kind of PokĂ©mon. Also it’s a living balloon which I like.

    What is your favorite fictional vulture species?

    I like Mandibuzz a lot - it wears bones as clothing.

    Kingdom Hearts Tag365
    Why is Atlantica disliked in Kingdom Hearts?

    The world gives a nice vertical element to Kingdom Hearts, even if Sora seems a little slower than normal. The ocean world breaks up the style of gameplay enough to give a new and interesting gameplay. But it seems like people don't like it much, why is that?

    Reddit comments aren't loading right now...

    Unfortunately a lot of Reddit communities have not transferred over to Lemmy so I have to use Reddit logged out. But now the comments aren't loading anymore...

    What do you think of the Morph homebrew class from EN Publishing?

    Some time ago, like in 2021, I discovered this Morph class from EN World's A Touch of Class document on 5E SRD licensed to be put on the website by EN Publishing themselves.

    "Morphs are the embodiment of transformation. Whereas a druid looks at the power of beasts as just one weapon in their arsenal, the forms morph characters take are the core of their being. Each morph has an exceptional degree of versatility in adventuring, because they could as easily become a rat, wolf, or monkey to resolve the situation at hand. Furthermore, each morph has forms (and problemsolving strategies) they prefer."

    "Why hide when you can become a rat?"

    "Why cast spider climb when you can become a spider?"

    "Why don a disguise when you can simply assume a new identity?"

    It looks like a cool shapeshifting class for fifth edition D&D, similar in scope of the Master of Many Forms prestige class from D&D version 3.5. You don't get spells with this class so it is definitely more focused on shapeshifting than the Druid's Circle of the Moon subclass.

    The class description starts by saying that each Morph gained the ability to change into other forms as a result of an incredible experience of some kind. Reasons it suggests your character could have gotten this ability include your character getting "blessed" by a fey creature or cursed by an aberration, a horrible event like a failed arcane experiment or shattering of identity, or your character beginning training to be a Druid but focusing far more on the shapeshifting element, possibly to the point of not properly being initiated as a Druid.

    You choose between one of three subclasses when you acquire this class, choosing between the Doppleganger, the Primordial Beast, or the Trickster essences, which while only giving you a feature at level 1 and level 17, some traits you can choose from require a specific essence.

    The class has a talent system in which you can pick and choose some aspects of the class to acquire, up to eight at level 18. The Ancestral Beast trait allows for using the Natural Weapons acquired from the Primordial Beast while shapeshifted, more of them in general, and to pull them out all at once with an action, useful for feeling more like a chimeric creature. All-Terrain Physiology, available at class 15th level and higher, allows you to cast Alter Self at will for no spell slots similarly to Druids from the Circle of the Moon. Some traits allow you to change into additional forms by using two uses of shapeshift. Tiny Changeling allows for shapeshifting into anything that has a CR less than 1, but for humanoids you keep your equipment and not acquire the form's regular equipment, while Form of Artifice allows for turning into constructs or inanimate objects, but requires completing a long rest before using again.

    Some traits relate to spellcasting as well, though don't give nearly as much power as a spell caster would. Morphed Spells can be acquired at character level 18 or higher, and allows for using spells and preforming the somatic and verbal components of spells in alternate shapes like the Druid class gets at the same level. It seems to be most useful if a few levels of the Morph class is taken at a high level with the character having a majority of their levels in a primary spellcasting class. Characters with only Morph levels and some spellcasting feats may be able to benefit, though not as much since the Morph class is not inherently a spellcasting class.

    The amount of shapeshifting uses you get increases to three at level 8, four at level 15, and unlimited at level 20. You get to turn into forms up to CR 1/2 at level one and up to CR 9 at level 20 with the class. At third level you get the ability to speak normally in shapeshifter forms and also modify the appearance of your forms to have some superficial aspects of yourself.

    Favorite prestige class from version 3.5 and third edition?

    I like the concept of turning into other creatures on my own volition. There's a prestige class in third edition called the Shifter which allows for changing into various forms far more than a regular wild shape would allow, such as humanoids, oozes, plants, constructs, dragons, and outsiders (I could turn into an Achaierai if I wanted to). It also comes with full talking capabilities in any form provided by wild shape so I can be a talking animal temporarily. Version 3.5 has a nerfed version of it called the "Master of Many Forms" which has less available form groups to turn into (no outsiders means no turning into an Achaierai) and no unlimited form shifting at max level.

    The closest official option in fifth edition is the Druid's Circle of the Moon which provides slightly more powerful forms to choose form, but doesn't allow for anything other than slight humanoid changes, elemental forms, and stronger beast forms, and doesn't provide the ability to speak in wild shape. Unofficial classes such as EN World's Morph class try to replicate that Master of Many Forms experience.

    What's your favorite prestige class?

    Favorite fictional bat species?

    I like Swoobat from Pokémon. It's a nice loving type of guy. During courtship a male Swoobat produces waves that uplifts anyone hearing the waves. Also it sleeps upside down from its tail, not its feet. Its color scheme is nice - in the artwork at least, other sources have it take on a greenish hue instead of the nice blue shown. It's pretty interesting.

    So, what's your favorite fictional bat species?

    Is the Achaierai your favorite monster?

    I've liked it ever since I saw that picture of it in the version 3.5 Monster Manual for Dungeons & Dragons. A very cool and comical looking monster in the artwork here. It's strange that it got retconned from chaotic evil to lawful evil when Planescape was introduced.

    What's your favorite CYOA?

    I've gotten enveloped in the Jumpchain series. What about you?

    Favorite fictional pig species?

    What's your favorite fictional pig species? I'm pretty partial to Grumpig due to its similarity to the pearls before swine thing and that it is a nice dancer.

    Why are there bat species that have males lactate milk?

    Some sources claim that the Dayak fruit bat, Lesser short-nosed fruit bat, and Bismarck masked flying fox (flying fox is another name for fruit bat actually) have males lactate milk. How did the males of this species gain this ability and what do they use it for?

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