TheSanSabaSongbird @ TheSanSabaSongbird Posts 0Comments 960Joined 1 yr. ago
There's a bit of a learning curve, but just be cautious at first and you'll figure it out. It's not rocket science. Also don't use dull blades as that's an easy way to cut yourself. Fortunately they're dirt cheap.
So normal Internet stuff then?
Also, throw massive temper tantrum about "crisis at the border," but refuse to do anything about it. If anyone is wondering, the answer is no, the Republicans do not want to make a deal with Biden on border policy; it's way too politically convenient for them to have it both ways.
They want to use it as a campaign talking point and as a political cudgel, while also refusing to do anything about it. Also they can't give Biden anything that might look like a win, no matter how much the American people want it.
Unfortunately they have right wing media on their side so their constituents will never understand the two-faced game they're playing.
All you can do is to be the best person you know how to be. Your situation sounds pretty bad and as you say, there is no clear set of directions that anyone can give you.
That said, stay positive and keep doing what you think a good and kind person would do, and however it all pans out, at least you will know that you did your best.
Take it from an old guy.
Lighten the fuck up Francis. Sometimes dark humor is just that. Not everything has to be a great big huge drama.
Besides, my parents weren't "trashing" me, they were poor, simple as that, you fucking idiot.
Also, one must always choose the lesser of two weevils.
Sorry, wrong Cpt. Jack.
I have a pet theory that in fact, apart from the few instances wherein people are deliberately open to having their minds changed, no one has ever, in the entire history of the Internet, changed their minds due to being presented with facts or arguments. Ever.
Also, learn Spanish. If you speak English, Spanish isn't that difficult to learn. Spanish is a Latin language while English is Germanic, but they're both Indo-European which means that they have a lot more in common with one another then, say, English vs Mandarin or Arabic.
100 percent this. Another way of putting it is to say that in general, we arrive at opinions and then use our intellectual faculties to reason ourselves into justifying them.
It's exactly the opposite of how we intuitively think about how we arrive at our positions.
Everyone does it. I do it, you do it, we all do it. What's important is that some of us are more aware of it than others.
It's also true that the scientific method is a self-correcting system that accounts for this.
The right loves this shit and is laughing at us. We basically can't get our shit together to do anything. We have our little purity tests and circular firing-squads and that's why they're kicking our asses while representing only a third of Americans. We can't combat their brutal and calculating assault on democracy if we can't find a way to put aside our differences and unite in opposition.
This is how democracies die! This is not a test! The plane is about to crash into the fucking mountain! Stop acting like children and do what has to be done. We can go back to hating each other over the tyranny of small differences once the election is over.
Well, to be fair, we're hobbled by the fact that we evolved to think in terms of short-term solutions on a very limited time-scale such that what makes intuitive sense to us is often at odds with what science tells us to be true.
Said short-term thinking has served us very well as we've become the dominant species on the planet, but now that we're here, it's a drawback in the sense that it's difficult for many of us to think outside of the parameters that evolution has equipped us with.
What science shows us is that most of reality, from geological time to the vast scale of space and the infinitesimally small is far far out of the relatively tiny range of reality that we've evolved to make intuitive sense of.
This, together with a much broader coordination problem that arises from our evolved tribalistic tendencies, means that in spite of our intelligence, we are not well equipped to address long-term problems that require collective action on a global scale.
That said, I don't have any answers. We're in a tight spot and I don't think we're going to get out of it without a lot of pain.
Having kids with your 1st cousin is rarely a problem unless it's a pattern that's repeated over several generations. I still think it's kinda weird, but as you say, that's a cultural aversion, not one that rises organically out of fear of inbreeding. That said, the incest taboo is one of a handful of human universals, like music, language and fire, to name a few others.
Also, not that I recommend it at all, but from an inbreeding standpoint first cousins having kids really isn't a problem, or at least not as much as most people intuitively think. When it becomes a problem is when it's a pattern that repeats over multiple generations.
I wouldn't be so sure.
We will see.
The mistake here is in assuming that it's either all or nothing; that self checkouts are either great, or some kind of disaster.
The reality is that they're great for some applications, but suck ass for others.
Here's the deal; if it's just me with a few items, yeah, the self-checkout is awesome, but if it's me and my wife and we have a shitload of groceries for the entire family, guess what? Self-checkout sucks ass and it's way easier to go through a regular checkout stand where there won't be a hundred little different ways for the system to get jammed up and require an employee intervention.
What part about this do people not understand?
I have to think that a lot of the hostility to regular checkout stands comes from relatively young Lemmy users who don't actually have to shop for families of their own.
Right? Thanks for nothing asshole!
Obviously you're not a golfer....
There's a good chance that it's weather-related, so I wouldn't take it personally.
I don't know how it is where you are, but here in the PNW everything is basically an ice-skating rink, and no one is driving anywhere.
Hells yeah! Us anti-Christmas guys gotta stick together!
Fuck Christmas! I never really liked you anyway! Made me cry when I was a little kid and Santa brought way more toys to my friends than me!
Seems like a red flag to me.
Maybe it's not a deal-breaker in and of itself, but if you get many more of these, you probably want to cut your losses and move on.
Take it from an old guy who's learned this shit the hard way.
In my experience it's the case that if someone shows you that they are crazy or psychologically maladjusted, there's very little that you can do about it as their romantic partner.
I don't say that people can't change, only that it's almost never going to happen when they are already in a relationship with you and exhibiting weird and abusive behavior such as what you describe.
That said, in all honesty I think you might want to at least consider getting out now. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be.
Again, I'm an old guy in his 50s and I have seen and been through some shit over the years. That doesn't mean that I'm somehow magically "right," but it does mean that I have some perspective on these things.
Take it for whatever you think it's worth.
Democrats do not have the equivalent of Fox News on their side. A lot of people think they do, but they are ignorant. It's an objective fact that there is no Democratic equivalent to Fox News, OANN, NewsMax, Sinclair or right wing talk radio. There just isn't. Nor do I think there ever could be given that the Democratic party is really a collection of very disparate political views whose only real common cause is opposition to what the insane GOP has turned into.