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A teen lured an 8-year-old to his home with ice cream, then raped and murdered her. Now, he may go free.
  • Wasn't one of the points of the book that the Voight-Kampff might not necessarily be infallible?

  • Musk makes up some history with his child. Child comes on Twitter to fact check him.
  • Well, if you take 44 Billion and offer each instance owner a piece, I'm sure most wouldn't necessarily say no.

  • We bought everything needed to make $3 million worth of fentanyl. All it took was $3,600 and a web browser
  • To support our independent journalism, buy our reasonably priced fentanyl.

  • We bought everything needed to make $3 million worth of fentanyl. All it took was $3,600 and a web browser
  • Are you mocking my efforts of pasting random links into an app and pressing a button? Appalling.

  • We bought everything needed to make $3 million worth of fentanyl. All it took was $3,600 and a web browser
  • They do very little visually interesting stuff with their normal news coverage, but their special reports tend to be quite visually interesting.

    Oh, also, you're welcome. If I do come across something I find interesting I generally try to remember to post it to lemmy, because I feel that we really can use the content.

  • We bought everything needed to make $3 million worth of fentanyl. All it took was $3,600 and a web browser
  • I think that assuming that editorial decisions are never influenced by financial interests would be naive, but they're such a big organisation that covers such a breadth of topics that it would also seem foolish to assume a douplicitous intent behind every story. It might just be journalist covering a currently relatively widely discussed topic.

    Also, Reuters generally does quite well in remaining relatively neutral in their coverage (though that impression might of course just be based on my biases).

  • We bought everything needed to make $3 million worth of fentanyl. All it took was $3,600 and a web browser
  • Well, producing illegal drugs seems to be generally rather high risk, high reward. You'd also need a lab, possibly employees, a distribution network, and might encounter potentially rather violent competition, though, so I'd say there might be a few more cost centres other than the raw materials.

  • We bought everything needed to make $3 million worth of fentanyl. All it took was $3,600 and a web browser
  • I mean, we all knew it was quite easy, but I still think that it's journalistically valuable to go through with it to see, and show how easy it actually is.

  • Google Voice replacement?
  • I mean, Gmail isn't necessarily a bad email service. Most people on here probably just want to avoid giving Google more data about them. Whether other VoIP Providers are better on privacy - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Google Voice replacement?
  • Twilio, or Vonage, maybe? A lot of the phone stuff as a service thingies are more b2b focused, and a lot less easy to use and integrate than Google Voice (if you're not using them as a company).

    Also saw some people reccomend, but I have no personal experience with them.

  • A cool guide to Non-physical compliments
  • Depending on the context, some of those can also be savage insults.

  • I'm sorry, little one
  • Would you link one? Because the only things I know of are the small coral accelerators that aren't really comparable, and specialised data centre stuff you need to request quotes for to even get a price, from companies that probably aren't much interested in selling one direct to customer.

  • Linux ftw
  • Everything at work worked. Public transport worked. Ordering groceries and paying with my card worked.

    Which sucks. I could have used a free day.

  • Exclusive: Google-backed software developer GitLab explores sale
  • Yeah, I thought the article was fine, though. Writer is more tech focused, editor seems more business focused, and the editor is usually responsible for the headline.

  • US military to dismantle ill-fated Gaza aid pier, saying it is ‘mission complete’
  • I honestly don't see much difference between this stance and saying that the years of oppression by Israel justify the attacks by hamas.

    I think the only thing we can do here is agree that we very fundamentally disagree.

  • US military to dismantle ill-fated Gaza aid pier, saying it is ‘mission complete’
  • Yeah, the thing is, it seems like it's not "oh no, they're using human shields, we can't blow them up", but more like "human shields? Oh well, load the bombs."

    The atrocities commited by hamas in no way justify the atrocities commited under the leadership of the Israeli government, doubly so since an organised military force with a clear chain of command is quite different from a group of extremist militants.

  • ich📦🤡iel
  • Auch recht schnell. Wenn man die nur Zeitweise benutzt pro Paket allerdings recht teuer.

  • Intel is “selling defective CPUs” says game dev in brutal smackdown
  • If my CPU looked like that, I'd be a tad worried.

  • Gericht: Bafög-Satz darf nicht unter Bürgergeld liegen
  • Hat auch nie Sinn ergeben, dass er drunter lag. Aber was will man machen.

  • Zensus 2022: Nur 969 Menschen divers
  • Sehr random, aber ich bin mir relativ sicher, dass ich mal mit der Person auf dem Bild auf einem Date war.

    Sollte die Zahl richtig ist habe ich 0.21% der diversen Population in Deutschland gedatet. Nicht verrückt viel, aber wahrscheinlich mehr als bei jeder anderen Populationsgruppe.

    Statistik. Yay.

  • Can't upload images

    Edit: Seems to be working again. Thanks to whomever thanks are due.

    When trying in the app I use, Sync for Lemmy, I get a generic error message after a bit.

    Thought it might be app related so I tried on the Web version, at, where I get the following error message:

    {"data":{"error":"unknown","message":"Request error: error sending request for url (http://pict-rs:8182/image): operation timed out"},"state":"success"}
