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"To get rich in a socialist society means prosperity for the entire people" by Deng Xiaoping

"Wallace: To get rich is glorious. That declaration by Chinese leaders to their people surprises many in the capitalist world. What does that have to do with communism?

Deng: We went through the “cultural revolution”. During the “cultural revolution” there was a view that poor communism was preferable to rich capitalism. After I resumed office in the central leadership in 1974 and 1975, I criticized that view. Because I did so, I was brought down again. Of course, there were other reasons too. I said to them that there was no such thing as poor communism. According to Marxism, communist society is based on material abundance. Only when there is material abundance can the principle of a communist society — that is, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” — be applied. Socialism is the first stage of communism. Of course, it covers a very long historical period. The main task in the socialist stage is to develop the productive forces, keep increasing the material wealth of society, steadily improve the life of the people and create material conditions for the advent of a communist society.

There can be no communism with pauperism, or socialism with pauperism. So to get rich is no sin. However, what we mean by getting rich is different from what you mean. Wealth in a socialist society belongs to the people. To get rich in a socialist society means prosperity for the entire people. The principles of socialism are: first, development of production and second, common prosperity. We permit some people and some regions to become prosperous first, for the purpose of achieving common prosperity faster. That is why our policy will not lead to polarization, to a situation where the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. To be frank, we shall not permit the emergence of a new bourgeoisie."

Interview to Deng Xiaoping

How can we stop corporations from using Lemmy as a training dataset for AI?

Reddit third-party client ban closed user messages behind paywall. I think we the Lemmitors should stop AI training on us or at least monetise it (for our instances)

How do you deal with depression about climate change?
  • Capitalism is the cause of climate change. Corporations are interested only in max profits. This won't change under capitalist countries, ever. Study socialism and join a local org or party that you ideologically support.

    China is controlled by the communist party and its policies aren't driven by short-term profits. There are corporations but they can't go against the interests of the Chinese society, unlike the USA. Look at how China generates more clean energy than the UK total electricity output.

    Don't forget to go vegan

  • Why do we glorify horrible people from the distant past?
  • Slavery exists today

    Blame the translation. By "slavery" Stalin meant "slave society" instead of "forced labor". These two are very different things. Today's forced labor is yet another effect of capitalist contradictions

  • Disable shutdown when phone screen locked


    When a phone is being stolen, the first thing a thief will try to do is to turn on flying mode or shutdown. Google play has an app called "Cerberus" that disables powering off and control panel on your phone when locked, but it asks for too many permissions for a proprietary app IMO. Does anyone know any F-Droid alternatives?

    Why do we glorify horrible people from the distant past?
  • Historical materialism perfectly answers your question. Quote from On Dialectical and Historical Materialism by J.V. Stalin:

    "It is easy to understand how immensely important is the extension of the principles of the dialectical method to the study of social life and the history of society, and how immensely important is the application of these principles to the history of society and to the practical activities of the party of the proletariat.

    If there are no isolated phenomena in the world, if all phenomena are interconnected and interdependent, then it is clear that every social system and every social movement in history must be evaluated not from the standpoint of "eternal justice" or some other preconceived idea, as is not infrequently done by historians, but from the standpoint of the conditions which gave rise to that system or that social movement and with which they are connected.

    The slave system would be senseless, stupid and unnatural under modern conditions. But under the conditions of a disintegrating primitive communal system, the slave system is a quite understandable and natural phenomenon, since it represents an advance on the primitive communal system

    The demand for a bourgeois-democratic republic when tsardom and bourgeois society existed, as, let us say, in Russia in 1905, was a quite understandable, proper and revolutionary demand; for at that time a bourgeois republic would have meant a step forward. But now, under the conditions of the U.S.S.R., the demand for a bourgeois-democratic republic would be a senseless and counterrevolutionary demand; for a bourgeois republic would be a retrograde step compared with the Soviet republic.

    Everything depends on the conditions, time and place.

    It is clear that without such a historical approach to social phenomena, the existence and development of the science of history is impossible; for only such an approach saves the science of history from becoming a jumble of accidents and an agglomeration of most absurd mistakes"

  • What's your favourite country and why?
  • My favorite country is China. I like that it has a lot of Chinas. There is Shenzhen-types of China with high-tech and Xinjiang-types with endless nature. Also I like China for its politics

  • China registers notable upturn in air tickets for Cuba destination China registers notable upturn in air tickets for Cuba destination

    Beijing, May 5 (Prensa Latina) China registered on Sunday a 40% upturn in the search for airline tickets and hotels in Cuba, following the announcement of visa exemption for Chinese tourists.

    China registers notable upturn in air tickets for Cuba destination
    What's the point of doing business?

    Why bother making startups when I can just invest in shares&crypto and make my usual 1-2% per year? Capitalism "breeds innovation" but most startups are really just "make toilet paper a subscription" or "buy from China/USA/Germany and resell". There are few startups based on actual scientific advancements.

    Yes, I'm asking about investing while I'm broke

    EDIT: 5% was an exaggeration

    Feeling superior arguing with anti-tankies (weird?)

    Arguing with leftists on reddit is weird. They hate us tankies for loving AES, they hate all successful socialist states. Why do they deny their ideologies (anarchism, demsoc) failed miserably? Ok, maybe we the Soviets had to leave Makhnovites alone. Would they stand up to Western imperialists? No way

    Demsoc? The moment socialists win elections, your "democracy" disappears faster than I drink my vodka. Allende was violently toppled by Augusto.

    I want to visit China

    I spent 30 years living as a liberal and like every liberal I hated China. I was this annoying "democracy tho" and "Uyghur tho" type. Now that I'm a communist I really wish to go to China as a tourist, maybe even live there for a while. As a liberal, I reposted a lot of BBC-level propaganda about China on facebook like 5 years ago. Is there any speech I can be punished for in China even though I don't support this reposted stuff anymore? Did anyone here go to China after being a liberal?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Vegan T-34

    animal liberation, marxism-leninism-alcoholism


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