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Tolkien wasn't always the most creative with names.
  • I think Middle Earth is meant to be more of an analogue of Midgard. It's the middle of the earth, as opposed to the sea in the middle of the earth.

  • Generation Ⲁ grows so fast 😊
  • Coptic alpha 😳

  • I don't believe it...!
  • Wait until you hear about what comes next...

  • Yup
    My weekly submission for moldy monday rule
  • Red guy should've waited three years to respond to that

  • Sunak rejects offer of youth mobility scheme between EU and UK
  • Or cutting off the electorate's to nose to spite its face

  • The efficiency is bonkers
  • I'm not a lady, but I am a fan of a good pump

  • Anon is in love
  • This is the most Feddit response, I love it

  • The numbers dont lie... and they spell disaster for you
  • Feel like I've seen this in Tbilisi before. Where was this one?

  • Calligraphy
  • лишишь

  • Deutschruled
  • It's true. In English we string words together instead of putting them into one word, so there's not really much difference beyond the odd bit of morphology.

  • exper(ule)t
  • This sounds a lot like an issue that can be solved by slightly opening a window

  • Obelisk of Theodosius, Istanbul (not Constantinople), Ottoman Empire, ~1855
  • The official name was still Constantinople until 1930 though, so maybe it should be "Istanbul AND Constantinople" rather than "Istanbul not Constantinople"

  • Wikitionary is vastly underrated and underutilized
  • Never underestimate the internet's ability to correct mistakes

  • Obelisk of Theodosius, Istanbul (not Constantinople), Ottoman Empire, ~1855
  • I know the title is for the sake of the reference, but I'm pretty sure it was still called Constantinople back then

  • smh do people really believe the bottom etymology?

    R5: PIE *h2o > o (although in Anatolian languages h2 is preserved as h), and it also looks like the chemical formula for water H2O, and French eau means water
