I wonder how much fun they are having out there that I will probably never get to experience...
I wonder how much fun they are having out there that I will probably never get to experience...
I wonder how much fun they are having out there that I will probably never get to experience...
I always try to decipher their memes because they look funny.
Whenever I can figure one out through context I feel like a genius
That means you should start /c/moi_dlvv
Tbh I've kind of forgetten what little French I managed to learn earlier, so this wouldn't work for me either
Je vais «fuckin' subscribe» toute de suite
Moi aussi
Yep idem
Fr fr these guys look like some top tier shit posters.
I speak German and I can confirm, top-tier stuff.
And it's less funny if you translate it into English because part of the joke is literal translations that make no sense in German
I see the memes and laugh because I imagine a German person seeing it and laughing at it.
I'm legit considering getting back to learning German to understand their memes, they look so juicy
I especially liked their sausage starter kit (can't find the meme now)
I studied German in high school but I don't remember any of it. I like to pretend that ich_iel is just using made up nonsense words, like the Swedish Chef muppet.
ichiel is just using made up nonsense words, like the Swedish Chef muppet
We're more into dumb sturgeon puns.
To be fair, there’s a shocking number of made up words… that’s part of the fun?
Technically all words are made up!
Comme by !rance@jlai.lu !
Je pense qu'on est moins nombreux mais on s'y amuse quand même.
Bonjour ! Je suis actuellement en train d'apprendre le Français. Suis-je invité ?
And that's a real freaking stretch for what I know. And apparently I can't pronounce most of it correctly
!france@jlai.lu accepts any language. Especially Pascal.
C'est le probleme. Je vois !ich_iel tout le temps, mais !rance pas tellement.
Les allemands sont plus nombreux mais on est les plus braves
I took French in high school and barely scraped by. My wife took German and went on an exchange program for six weeks after high school and had a terrific time.
Close to 30 years later and I remember a lot of the French but she's forgotten most of the German.
So who's laughing now, huh?
Oh right, you got to have those six weeks in Germany. Merde.
You won cause you can insult the French in their own language. Your wife had to be in vague proximity with a 1990s French person.
Learning French in the US is such a let down. Spanish is the unofficial second national language and German has the best memes.
German jokes are the wurst.
What even is ich_iel?
Me_irl but german.
Ich, im echtem Leben.
// Änderung: Ich bin der, der dich runtergewählt hat.
Grammar and syntax aside, it's basically /me_irl for our German-speaking compadres. Most other languages - French included - generally have a community analogous to most of the popular English-language communities.
You miss all of it. Learn German instead. Drop the French.
Excuse my french
Says the guy on a french speaking instance.
In case you're learning French to be able to work at a bigger French company - don't. You will be very unhappy. The basic reason is, French companies, even those who think they're "modern", are still run like Louis XIV's is the CEO. Like an extremely rigid, top-down, feudalistic little empire full of screaming bosses and servile employees.
As a German who speaks french: French is probably the easier language since you don't need to declinate words and only really use 3 forms for time.
Yes but at the same time german writing system is almost phonetic while french have many way to write one sound.
I studied German in high school and then as an adult I traveled to India and studied Malayalam, the language of the southern-most state of Kerala. I was surprised at how similar Malayalam was to German (in terms of grammatical structure, not vocabulary) and learned that it's because of Hermann Gundert, a 19th Century German missionary who learned Malayalam (and a bunch of other Indian languages) and published its first formal grammar, more-or-less imposing German's grammatical structure onto it.
Damn those poor people lol
Fascinating though! Thanks for sharing that
As a swede who have studied both, I think French is way worse.
For me it’s Dutch. The Dutch own late night Lemmy for me and I want to know what I’m missing.
I’ve picked up on Overleden though :(
Dutch looks like someone got really drunk and tried to combine English and German.
No umlauts, just keep adding vowels and it’s more or less done isn’t it?
C'est la merde
Pro tip, you can use Google lens to translate (if you're like me and don't care as much about my privacy/have an android phone).
You can also type it into a translator
You also could use Llava but the results may not be great
Tu peux apprendre les deux ! Or join us on !rance@jlai.lu. Sure we are not as active as !ich_iel@feddit.org but maybe with your help will improve (_)
Tu peux apprendre les deux !
Ne nous emballons pas. On parle probablement d'un étasunien.
Sois gentil enfin ! Tu vois bien qu'il fait des efforts. Au polylinguisme les français ne sont pas non plus sur le podium.
Viens donc sur notre instance toi
Never too late to learn!
Es ist nie zu spät zu lernen!
Es ist nie zu spät zu lernen!
Il n'est jamais trop tard pour apprendre.
Just learn both! But ich_iel has a lot more going on, so prioritise German.
French and German are similar but you just spit on people with different consonants
Just wait until you see !i_itrl@feddit.org
What is even plier-english?
It takes like 3 seconds to screengrab and auto-translate? Gets the joke across like 99% of the time. Always worth it.
Understanding the language is great but it's not enough. Unfortunately the majority of stuff posted are inside jokes which is why a lot of people perceive them as unfunny apparently
French is so difficult to learn because of the pronunciation. Spanish is much easier to learn in comparison. I don't get why all school in Germany prefer French as third language before Spanish.
They do? Well probably because it's their neighbor.
The most populated region at war times was West Germany. It was governed by France after war.
I have no idea if this is actually the reason but we are incredibly thankful for restoring our country by our french friends - which we harassed and killed beforehand.
They still got up to the job.
Je parle les deux et je te confirme tu ne manques rien
guys i can read that shit and trust me you're not missing out on anything. if you could read those lame jokes, you'd block the community like i did
I've posted to ich_iel and I think it was funny 🫠
Don't listen to him. There is a lot of good stuff.
Expanding your brain by 20% might not go well... that's extra 20% to worry about.
You don't miss that much. They are trying to do edgy dank memes in german. The "culture" they represent is quite white and cleasend from migrant humor.
Its the german version of these alt right pepe memes.
Seriously, you missed nothing.
How is it "cleasend"? Did you mean "cleansed"?
I mean the community is very male and white dominated but not excluding anyone. And more self referential than edgy. What even makes it edgy??
Pepe memes are hilarious though. I suppose that is why you specified alt right pepe memes. It is indeed true, lotta right wingers can't meme
Well tell me how exactly a non white culture is supposed to emerge in a country with a non existent colored population, or am i missing some specific meaning here ?
I had a chat with them yesterday using google translate and apparently they think "From the river to the sea" is problematic. Not sure why, but it's probably their government lying to them and saying Palestine is an ethnostate.
Its problematic because its the Hamas slogan and rejects the existence of israel.
I reject the existence of Israel too. Before Israel, Jews and Arabs lived in peace in Palestine. But Britain invaded, created Israel, and cut Palestine in half. From the river to the sea, Arab Palestinians must be free to walk hand in hand with their Jewish siblings. Not imprisoned behind Israeli walls, forced out of their homes, and bombed in the name of stopping a Hamas government that Israel themselves helped gain power. Hamas is Israel's fault, not the fault of the innocent children in Gaza. Israel is responsible for the attacks against Jews in Israel and in the rest of the world. Because Israel has told the world that Jews are evil colonisers and their existence must be paid for in innocent blood. This is a slanderous lie against the Jewish people! Down with Israel! Down with antisemitism! Down with genocide!