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A cool guide to sushi etiquette
  • It's just personal preference.

    I learnt it from a chef in Japan in 2009, and I assume he had been doing it for many years at that time.

    Generally, that's something done at a sushi train restaurant where the dishes won't have wasabi in them already. I'm guessing these notes are for a sushi restaurant where the chef prepares the sushi specifically for each customer, so if you wanted wasabi they'd put it in the sushi itself.

  • I turned the Click hole diversity video into a series of gifs
  • What is the source video for these? I'm not familiar with it, and I'd like to be.

  • Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software
  • Serif (which owns Affinity) was just bought out by Canva, so it's only a moment of time before they are enshittified unfortunately.

  • My dad just got back online after years of boondocking it - he likes tactical shooters with a rich map making scene - what's out there?
  • Arma 3?

    Haven't played it personally, I'm not big on milsim games, but it's got a decent following. Might not have the accessibility options though.

    I've heard good things about Battlebits, for what it's worth it seems decent.

  • What demos are you playing for this edition of Steam Next Fest?
  • Nice list, definitely gonna download some of these demos.

    The Alters looks really cool, and What the Car seems like a fun time.

  • Diablo 4 Vessel Of Hatred gets October release date plus trailer which I refuse to watch because it sounds horrid
  • Yeah, that trailer was brutal. I was impressed, it's definitely the most gnarly thing to come from Blizzard in a long time.

  • Starting out stardew valley. What advice would you give?
  • Have fun and do whatever you want!

    It's a very chill game, but you can make it as stressful as you want by trying to do everything.

    There's no time limit, you can play for as many years as you want, so don't stress and try and get everything done as fast as possible (unless that's fun for you).

  • Borderlands (2024) Exclusive Look – Cate Blanchett, Kevin Hart, Jack Black
  • This is gonna bomb.

    If Furiosa can't do well at the box office, how is this going to?

  • Sony unveils the PSVR 2 PC adapter
  • Does it require a PSN account to use the adaptor?

  • Only telling people my height in cm from now on
  • What? Yeah, they do, it's 22 yards long and 10 feet wide. The fields don't have a standard size.

  • A cool guide to camera resolution and print sizes
  • 300dpi is the industry standard baseline for printing, 150dpi is not "excellent" it's barely usable without pixelation being visible in the print.

  • math is hard
  • 1×2=2

    Wow. Much brain. Maths wow.

  • Canada's 2024 wildfire season expected to be even worse than last year's
  • When Canada gets as used to them as Australia, you will start to see that sentiment become commonplace.

    If half the state doesn't burn down, that's a good fire season in Aus.

  • Stop trying to turn Dungeons & Dragons into a Marvel-esque cash cow – it won’t work
  • That's literally been their business model since the beginning, it just used to be that the content was Umezawa's Jitte or Chrome Mox and now it's Gandalf or Doctor Who.

    The real pack sellers are power creeped cards, not the IP of that set.

  • What podcasts have you been listening to the most during the year?
  • They released one on Egypt pretty recently.

  • You Knew This Was Coming
  • It's the mindflayer power upgrade tree from Baldur's Gate 3.

  • God of War Ragnarok PC Port Announcement Is Imminent, Leaker Claims
  • Will it require a PSN account to play? Probably..

  • What's in your tsundoku pile?

    We've all got one. That pile of books waiting to be read, some of them surely doomed to linger for years as other more enticing novels are selected instead. What's in yours?

    Anyone else addicted to Balatro right now? Balatro

    Balatro is a deck-building roguelite where you must play poker hands and earn chips to defeat enemy blinds. Enhance your deck of playing cards, buy Jokers to modify each hand you play, and discover new and wild synergies to win!


    I'm not usually a huge fan of rogue-likes, but I've enjoyed a few, like Hades. I bought Balatro last week and have been absolutely smashing it ever since then. I love the way the game works, each run being so different even within the same framework, and the feeling when your build starts to go off is so incredibly satisfying.

    Anyone else hopelessly addicted to joker poker?

    Wet bulb events. Not as sexy as they sound. Wet bulb events. Not as sexy as they sound.

    When the air is hot and humid, you just die. That's kind of a big problem.

    Wet bulb events. Not as sexy as they sound.

    If you've never heard of wet bulb events, get ready for a new level of climate anxiety. When the air kills you!

    Starfield (Zero Punctuation)
    Steven Erikson's epic fantasy series Malazan Book of the Fallen available now on Humble Bundle. Humble Book Bundle: Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen by TOR Publishing Group

    We’ve teamed up with TOR for our newest book bundle. Get all 10 volumes of Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson and more. Pay what you want & support Covenant House!

    Humble Book Bundle: Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen by TOR Publishing Group

    The massive 10 book epic fantasy series is a classic of the genre. If you've been interested in the series at all, this is the cheapest price I've seen for the whole lot.

    A response to the Sarah Silverman suing OpenAI post from yesterday: [AI doesn't read or write like humans, and we shouldn't act like it does.] AI doesn't read or write like humans, and we shouldn't act like it does.

    We shouldn’t be affording companies the ability to profit off other people’s creations without their consent, and despite the intentions, that's basically how current copyright law works.

    AI doesn't read or write like humans, and we shouldn't act like it does.

    A long form response to the concerns and comments and general principles many people had in the post about authors suing companies creating LLMs.

    Why does Lemmy have a Malian domain?

    Just wondering why lemmy is on a .ml domain. (Which is Mali)

    ag_roberston_author ag_roberston_author

    writer/fantasy nerd

    working on: Singularity (novel)

    latest: Hide (short)

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