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Firefox is the only way.
  • Also there’s now a DuckDuckGo browser!

  • who is this?
  • This is why ethical non monogamy was invented.

  • I need some other RPG systems (not really, its just for the meme)
  • Yeah sort of. They create a timeline/history together. There are surely ways to then play games or write stories or what have you within the world that is created but mainly it’s creating a history of a place that sort of gets created as you go.

  • I need some other RPG systems (not really, its just for the meme)
  • If you’re really looking for not-catch-all systems you should check out ADRPG (Amber Diceless RPG) I haven’t played it properly but I’ve read the books it’s based on and read through the rule book and it looks really cool and unique. Another unique one is Microscope. I’ve also not played it but read the rule book and it comes highly recommended. It’s a completely different kind of tabletop game, one can almost not even call it an RPG, but there are roleplaying elements. I’d recommend checking it out.

    If you’re not really looking, well, there you have it anyways I guess. Feel free to ignore.

  • Just came out of the oven

    We’ll see soon if I added enough rosemary to make it count as a rosemary loaf.

    Place is going exactly as expected
  • Fair enough. Sorry to contribute to a broken record. 😕

  • Place is going exactly as expected
  • I think all the Lemmy folks don’t want to give Reddit the traffic. At least that’s my theory.

  • Does anyone use PixelFed?
  • Also why? Can’t you just add the photo directly in lemmy?

  • Does anyone use PixelFed?
  • How do you do that?

  • If you could have one small thing as a superpower. What would it be and why?
  • That makes sense. And thanks! I have it set as a shortcut on my phone any time I have an exclamation point next to a question mark. It’s not hard to set up on an iPhone, I’m guessing it’s not hard on android either. (Although I think I did have to get a keyboard that had the actual interrobang symbol in it. But also not so hard to find 🤷🏻‍♀️). I am trying to make it a thing. I don’t think it’s working. But I think I got one person at least to do it. So that’s awesome. You should totally do it! 😬

    I should write a guide for how to do it and post it somewhere.

  • If you could have one small thing as a superpower. What would it be and why?
  • Really‽ I’m so impressed. You must be some kind of superhero.

  • If you could have one small thing as a superpower. What would it be and why?
  • The ability to know if a fruit is going to taste good just by holding it. Perhaps being able to experience the taste of it (when it ripens) by holding it. Perhaps also being able to tell peak ripeness. But that may be op. I’d settle for the first part.

  • Does anyone use PixelFed?
  • Nevermind I think I found it.

  • Does anyone use PixelFed?
  • Oh cool! You access it from your computer browser?

  • Does anyone use PixelFed?
  • Sad day!

  • Does anyone use PixelFed?
  • That’s so cool that you can import your photos from instagram. I’m always impressed by things like that. And yeah. It seems like Instagram is 95% ads and “Suggested content” or whatever. It’s really frustrating.

  • Does anyone use PixelFed?
  • That does seem like a pretty basic feature. I remember being baffled by Twitter not having it for a very long time.

  • Does anyone use PixelFed?
  • Cool! How do I find it to download on testflight? do you have a link?

  • Does anyone use PixelFed?

    Also, is there a good app for iPhone for it? I tried out Vernissage and it’s nice in some ways and confusing in others.

    [Self Promo] I've just made Avelon (a native iOS app for Lemmy) available for download!
  • That’s alright! It’s a work in progress. It’s really impressive as it is to be honest, even though it has some ways to go.

  • [Self Promo] I've just made Avelon (a native iOS app for Lemmy) available for download!
  • I’m not seeing a way to favorite/save a post for later. Am I just missing it?

  • What if Musk ran for president?

    This occurred to me the other day and I feel like it’s so crazy that it maybe could happen. Is it too late for him to run in the upcoming election?

    What did me and Julio do down by the schoolyard?

    I’ve often wondered this. I have a few possible answers, but I’m curious what you all think.

    Replacing Rye/Pumpernickel Flour

    So, I want to play with making a levain, which I’ve never done before, and I’m drawn to this recipe: mostly because I have used other King Arthur recipes with a lot of success. The thing is, it calls for pumpernickel flour and my spouse isn’t a fan. So can I just replace it with the same amount of… Whole wheat flour? Or just white all purpose flour? Or does that not really work and I need to find a new recipe?


    Bread knife recommendations?

    I just posted about this in c/sourdough but I thought maybe some of you would have opinions and suggestions too. I’m not sure the etiquette around this kind of thing so feel free to scold me or just ignore the post.

    So: I think my bread knife may have become too dull to use. It won’t slice through the crust on my sourdough and I end up hacking it to very uneven pieces. And I’m afraid I’m going to cut myself. Any suggestions for a new bread knife? Is there a big difference between the really cheap ones and something more expensive? Thanks!

    DBT app recommendation

    So, I’ve been doing DBT for over a year now and first of all it’s the thing that has made the most difference for me. Completely changed my life and how much I am able to manage my emotions and my interactions with others, especially my spouse. And I’m not a person who ever says “changed my life” about anything. So yeah. If you have access, I know not everyone does, I highly recommend DBT. It’s the bees knees.

    Anyway, I recently switched therapists to a fully DBT oriented therapist, and she suggested I use this app to track my skill use and stuff and I just wanted to post it here in case it helps anyone else. There are other apps out there but this one is the one I’ve been using and it’s been pretty great so far. And it’s like $5 one time on the iPhone App Store. Not sure if it exists for android or whatever. The other one I just looked at is like $12 a month forever.

    The app is cool partly because you can send all the data for the week to your therapist (or whoever, I suppose) by email so they can look at how that week went, with skills use, a motions, behaviors, and also there’s a journal part for writing notes. But also the whole thing is super customizable and there’s info in there about each skill. Etc. It’s pretty great.

    So yeah. Here’s a link:

    The interface is kinda old and janky looking, but whatever. Once you get used to it it’s pretty easy to use.


    Sourdough baked in my lodge enameled Dutch oven

    Not sure how to add more images but I guess the one is enough. I love baking bread in my DO. So far that and boiling corn are the only things I use it for because it’s so big for just two people (6qt).

    Bread knife recommendations?

    I am realizing that my bread knife is not strong enough to handle the crusts on my loaves and it’s impossible to get through the bread much less evenly. What bread knife do you use/would you recommend? Is it just a matter of sharpness or are there other factors to consider?

    30 degrees from what?

    So, everywhere I look people are saying “getting an ear is easy! Just score it all the way across with a 30 degree angle. It’s so easy!” But what does 30 degrees mean‽ 30 degrees from what? 30 degrees from the table it’s sitting on? Is it the angle of the blade as it enters the dough, or it is 30 degrees up the surface of the dough? Or something I’m not thinking of? Any help would be awesome. Thanks!

    Is it really a mass exodus? And is it really a mass exodus to lemmy?

    I guess it’s self explanatory but I keep seeing all this stuff about how everyone is moving from Reddit to lemmy and I’m wondering if anyone knows if that’s really what’s happening. If you have numbers that’s even better.


    A foster kitten from a while back

    He just stood there with that face. What a weirdo.

    Photography AnarchoPlayworker
    A foster kitten
    baking vs frying

    Anyone else notice that their seasoning does better (aka increases more) when baking or roasting as opposed to frying? I guess it’s why we season in the oven generally but I feel like I hear people saying “just cook with it” but never differentiating between in the oven and on the stove.

    anarchoplayworker AnarchoPlayworker

    Avatar is courtesy of AI generation. I did not draw that. I wish. I did take the banner photo. Quite proud of that one.

    Posts 24
    Comments 44