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Supreme Court wipes out anti-corruption law that bars officials from taking gifts for past favors
  • Buy your very own public official on sale today! Don't miss this chance to grab a piece of the American Empire while these prices last!


  • Meta admits using pirated books to train AI, but won't pay for it
  • So the evil mega corp gets a free pass while the Internet Archive regularly has to fight for open access to knowledge. Fuck that and fuck Meta.

  • New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion
  • Makes me miss the wild west days of the internet. Everything felt more... human. Now it feels like a soulless corporate husk. It's wild that covid babies won't know what those days were like.

  • OneDrive automatically backups folders in Windows 11 without users' permissions
  • Microsoft is an abusive ex. It will keep abusing you because it knows no other way. You can waste your days trying to fight against it, trying to figure out how to disable and remove whatever new privacy invasive anti-consumer bloat Microsoft decides to roll out that Tuesday.

    Or you can leave and switch to Linux and waste time there instead. Tux is all about that respect and is handsome to boot. He might be a bit sensitive and break down rarely so you might need to spare a few to make sure he's ok, but it's nothing a little love can't handle. And he's only going to get better and stronger as he grows. You might even look forward to receiving updates (wow, I know). A stark contrast from your abusive ex.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Amazon had also appointed a former NSA director. Actually, it was Snowden's director.

  • Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • The remaining 40% was the iPhone removing the removable back and headphone jack.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • Ads have definitely added more load on electrical grids in aggregate than locally hosted and lightweight models, especially given that ads are fucking everywhere all the time. Websites, apps, the servers, even 24/7 electric billboards. I'm not worried about a few nerds using slightly more electricity sometimes for their own benefit and joy (it's still less power than gaming), as opposed to a corp that burns through power and breaks their climate pledges (Microsoft) for the benefit of their bottom line and nothing else. Corps don't get to have a monopoly on AI that was built with our data, only to have it fed back to us to pull more data and siphon more money.

    So basically fuck Google and fuck ads.

  • Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser
  • You mean you didn't enjoy sending giants flying?

  • the fastest transition in the west
  • arch-user

    I mean...

  • United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens
  • I admire your conviction. But in that case we also have to consider how your right to move about freely is being affected. If you feel like you need to choose not to travel when you want or need to travel, how will you reconcile? Do you weigh and choose the lesser evil? Seems like you just end up violated one way or another. I don't like it, not any of this.

  • Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in
  • Pretty sure they already said it would be opt-in. This is just planned damage control. The fools have already shown their hand. Again.

  • Do you prefer Reddit or Lemmy?
  • Lemmy, and I'm never going back. I just wish we had the abundance of content that Reddit does. There's a lot of communities I miss.

  • Chat surveillance law by the EU Parliament?
  • It's not just European elites who are afraid of upheaval. It's all of them. It's one of the reasons why they all have bunkers, why Zuckerberg is building another one in Hawaii recently. They know that we can actually do something about them because we outnumber them by a lot, so they build these systems of control. Governments, corps, elites have all become noticeably more brazen in the past several years.

  • United Airlines passengers to see targeted ads on seat-back screens
  • The Ad Algorithm

    It knows when you are sleeping It knows when you're awake It knows when you've been bad or good So consume for goodness sake

    Fuck this.

  • Windows updating just before thesis defense
  • Hahaha thanks. I like being extra and colorful like this. It's a good release in more ways than one

  • Windows updating just before thesis defense
  • I've gone off the FOSS deep end so it doesn't stop when I see Windows used in the wild.

    The longer I'm here, the more I recoil at the sight of people using products from Google so casually and thoughtlessly.

    I'll feel visceral disgust when I see the soulless, dystopian corporate logos of Xitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc that wormed their way into a universal presence on social footers of websites or promotional emails or search engines... and everyone's locked down devices, sucking up troves of data to map who you are, were, and will be. Even McFuckingDonalds has a clause in a policy saying they'll measure your intelligence.

    The greater the intersect between emotions felt while enjoying a cautionary fictional cyberpunk tale and those felt while experiencing reality... well, anyway you get the idea.

    Tldr I need a hug from a penguin or cocaine from a bear or something holy shit

    You, reader, go. Hug a penguin. Spread love to the world. Believe in the change you want to see. Be good to each other. And don't let anyone or anything take who you are, were, or can be away from you, be it a corp, a government, or a bad day.

    Have a good day

  • Internet Service Providers Try to Stop Net Neutrality in Court | Cord Cutters News
  • He's not even the FCC chairman anymore but this news still makes me want to punch Ajit Pai in the face.

  • PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • I keep seeing posts about ml recently. Is it time to migrate off? I joined it because it was like the only instance available during the start of the reddit migration and it says "FOSS and privacy enthusiasts" which I am. I didn't even care to know what a tankie was until my all feed started to fill up with so. much. politics. including from lemmygrad and hexbear for the last few months. Fellow ml users seemed normal too.

    Idk friends I just want to wear linux knee socks and engage with my niches. I didn't expect all the hail china or seeing "removed" all the time or to end up being grouped in with lemmygrad and hexbear by users from other instances.

  • How do we feel about Meta joining the Fediverse?

    Personally, I want nothing to do with them and I'm not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I moved to the Fediverse to get away from all these corpos.

    archchan archchan
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