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*Permanently Deleted*
  • What in the actual fuck? Does he have to collapse the ambling corpse even further so he can discover why the ability to block existed and then re-invent it but shittier to convince himself it's necessary?

  • Removal of piracy communities
  • dude is such a piece of shit

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You can mourn the loss of the tolerant left as you fuck all the way off, bigot.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Have you considered climbing something very tall and toppling off of it?

  • Removed
    shhhh dont tell them :)
  • Ah fuck well you just determined the course of my weekend with this comment

  • Now that smaller instances are disappearing, which instances do you think will stand the test of time?
  • If it's ever something you want to try, it's one of the easier servers to self host and there's a lot of helpful resources out there. There really isn't any coding involved outside of editing a few configuration files unless you want there to be.

  • Now that smaller instances are disappearing, which instances do you think will stand the test of time?
  • This is one reason that I think many people should consider running their own single-user instance or tiny instances for close friends/family.

    One of the problems with centralization is literally the fact that this can happen. The more small servers the fedi is comprised of, the stronger it is. There are also a huge number of benefits to this configuration on an individual level as well.

    EDIT: Re: importing/exporting your old account is, unfortunately, a thing that cannot be done currently. I'm happy to be corrected on that, though.

  • How to ACTUALLY Survive on a Desert Island

    hi dont die on ur island

    So Elon's a "visionary" who wants to turn X into a single website where you can do everything — kinda like Yahoo!
  • Unrelated but I'm very impressed with how well this posted to Lemmy from Mastodon. Exceptional

  • Removed
    Musk's new idea
  • I think he's finally figure out The Thing this time, guys.

  • NBCUniversal to Be Fined $250 After Strike Tree-Trimming Controversy
  • They probably spent more than $250 in labor just filing and sustaining this dumbfuck fine.

  • YSK: There's a website with seemingly never ending offers on VPS.
  • I have a racknerd KVM VPS running a socks5 proxy and a mastodon instance. It's been great!

  • Youtube added shorts to the subscriptions page, pushing the subscriptions almost entirely off the page...
  • Watching every platform ruin itself to become a facsimile of every other platform is deeply infuriating and exhausting

  • Wallpapers Brad Ganley
    Leaves and nothing else

    If it is not a leaf, it is not present in this image. I can assure you with a level of confidence you are unlikely to ever see again that, contained within this image, no item that is not a leaf is present. It simply shows only leaves. You may say to yourself "But how is this possible? Only leaves? Surely there must be something else!" but you are wrong, dear reader! No matter how deeply you scrutinize this image, leaves will be the only object that emerges. Perhaps, as a result of my astounding confidence, you think that perhaps there IS a non-leaf object present in this image and my forthright enthusiasm about this fact is simply a ruse to misguide the gullible would that only the truly remarkable would share knowledge of it. To that I must say that, while clever, it is not the case. I must, at this point, really put my foot down on this subject. It is leaves and nothing else. If you came here for something that isn't a leaf, you have been misguided.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thank goodness I had to say the pledge every day in school or I might have forgotten that we actually have liberty and justice for all while reading this

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I would argue that it's not even modernized. It's just the same argument.

  • Wallpapers Brad Ganley
    Something Sciency Probably

    "It's the worst thing I've ever seen. Please take this somewhere that it can damage my heart and mind no further"

    \- My parents in the delivery room, circa 1987

    Wallpapers Brad Ganley

    "Well that's just a countertop without all the useful parts of a countertop"

    \- Bill Murray when asked about Queen Elizabeth

    Wallpapers Brad Ganley
    8-bit Cityscape

    "I find it disgusting and I want it away from me"

    \- Person who hates good wallpapers

    Wallpapers Brad Ganley
    A Black Hole

    "Oh shit, that's a fucking black hole!"

    \- Benjamin Franklin when asked about this image

    Wallpapers Brad Ganley
    It's some ferns
    Wallpapers Brad Ganley
    A pleasant night sky
    Wallpapers Brad Ganley
    A map or some such thing
    "I Made a 32-bit Computer Inside Terraria"

    This is pretty fucking banana sandwich. Very impressive and may even help you understand compsci a bit better.

    Here's an AI generated summary of the video: > In the video "I Made a 32-bit Computer Inside Terraria," the creator shares their remarkable accomplishment of constructing a fully functional 32-bit computer simulation within the popular game Terraria. They utilized the game's wiring mechanics to create complex circuits and successfully developed a computer capable of executing instructions and storing data. The video mentions future plans to create a simplified version of Terraria within the game as the next milestone. The project is open-source and can be found on GitHub for further exploration.

    Just redacted 13 years of interaction and helping people on Reddit

    It honestly feels good. I have been mentally divorced from reddit since they doubled down on their API fuckery. I enjoyed my time there but, at this point, I don't have the energy to move anywhere but forward. I'm glad to have stripped Reddit of my content.

    Here's to starting another life. I hope we can make it a good one.

    Reactiongifs Brad Ganley
    MRW I have a chance to get the top post in here because nobody knows about it yet
    A friend of mine wrote a book that released today about plants and fungi

    We got our copy today and my kids LOVE it and I figured it was worth sharing

    If you host a feed reader (or just use one a lot), Morss is amazing – Get more out of RSS feeds, for free

    Get more out of RSS feeds, for free. Turn truncated RSS feeds into full-text feeds. Turn any web page into a RSS feed.

    Got the suggestion from a comment yesterday (I'll link when I find it) and I'd been using FreshRSS on it's own for a long time. Morss is a godsend for feeds that like to give you only the headline. It's also especially awesome for the Hackernews and Lobsters feeds because it will expand the posted links for you which I appreciate a great deal. Hosting it takes like 3 seconds and it's so worth it.

    brad Brad Ganley

    I'm an engineer with history in reverse-engineering, logic-level troubleshooting and design, software, and whatever else.

    I think of myself of more as an agroecologist/farmer type guy though no matter what the paychecks say on them

    Posts 22
    Comments 172