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Be like the French...
  • The problem is that the french workers going on strike has basically become a meme. Look at Canteloup's Monsieur Regis character. SNCF go on strike for fun and no one really knows why.

    The last major strikes were because of the retirement age raising to 62. The rest of the world looked on and thought "I'd love to retire at the age you are all complaining about". Hell, I don't even WANT to retire at 62! What will I do with myself?

  • What's inside the London Tower Bridge?
  • Fun fact:

    I went to a private school where some of the teachers were freemen of the city of London. Apparently, they could request that tower bridge be raised. None of them ever tried, but I believe it is some weird legacy law. They also had the right to drive their sheep across London Bridge, but that one has burnt down, burnt down, burnt down.

  • This is what peak performance looks like
  • Had project manager at previous job the same. Worked about 3" from his screen. He was the proof that a good project manager is worth their weight in gold though. Guy was absolutely brilliant.

  • What is the most difficult problem that you have fixed in linux?
  • A couple of weeks ago I moved Firefox to one side. Window disappeared, but Firefox was still running "somewhere" on my desktop, but was not actually be rendered to the screen. Killing the process and relaunching just resulted in it be rendered to this weird black hole. Log out of gnome and log back in? Same! Reboot? Same!

    Ended up deleting it's config folder and re-attaching to Firefox sync in order to have it working again. No idea what went wrong, nor will I ever most likely.

  • USA Will Invest in High-Speed ​​Train to Fight Climate Change
  • The US invented neither trains nor cars.

    It is true the US was basically built on railroads, so I agree that it should have an awesome network, but it is just too big. Even if France ships you all a bunch of TGVs it will take days to go from NYC to LA. Something that takes hours by plane.

  • Joy of the Fediverse Bear DeLune (

    Attached: 1 image I’m loving the Fediverse 🥰 You’re all beautiful and appreciated

    Bear DeLune (
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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