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The Paradox of Blackmarket Wired Bluetooth Apple Headphones
  • I don't understand why you don't blame Apple first of all for their methods of locking up open standards and/or modifying them just enough that non-apple products won't work.

    I don't support Chinese companies for doing shitty products, but fuck Apple for everything they do to lock you in their "ecosystem."

  • [Solved] Trouble setting systemd timer

    I'm trying to move away from cron jobs, not that they don't work, but I want to get on with the times and also learn some things.

    I created two user timers (and the associated services), one for backing up my data and the second to upload to B2. I'm using two scripts I had in my cron jobs for a few years and they worked without problems. But with systemd timers both scripts fail with exit code 15 (process terminated) and I have no idea why.

    I run Debian 12 Bookworm.

    Here's the output for the status of the upload service: ```shell > systemctl --user status rclone-up.service ○ rclone-up.service - Run rclone up for b2 Loaded: loaded (/home/clmbmb/.config/systemd/user/rclone-up.service; disabled; preset: enabled) Active: inactive (dead) TriggeredBy: ● rclone-up.timer

    Apr 11 06:10:39 tesla systemd[1698218]: Starting rclone-up.service - Run rclone up for b2... Apr 11 06:12:18 tesla systemd[1698218]: rclone-up.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM Apr 11 06:12:18 tesla systemd[1698218]: rclone-up.service: Failed with result 'signal'. Apr 11 06:12:18 tesla systemd[1698218]: Stopped rclone-up.service - Run rclone up for b2. Apr 11 06:12:18 tesla systemd[1698218]: rclone-up.service: Consumed 12.811s CPU time. ```

    Also, here's the log created by rclone while running: ``` 2024/04/11 06:10:42 INFO : integrity.2376: Copied (new) 2024/04/11 06:10:43 INFO : hints.2376: Copied (new) 2024/04/11 06:10:43 INFO : nonce: Copied (replaced existing) 2024/04/11 06:10:47 INFO : config: Updated modification time in destination 2024/04/11 06:10:55 INFO : index.2376: Copied (new) 2024/04/11 06:11:40 INFO : Transferred: 443.104 MiB / 2.361 GiB, 18%, 16.475 MiB/s, ETA 1m59s Checks: 1503 / 1503, 100% Transferred: 4 / 19, 21% Elapsed time: 1m0.8s Transferring:

    • data/2/2328: 19% /502.259Mi, 2.904Mi/s, 2m19s
    • data/2/2329: 52% /500.732Mi, 10.758Mi/s, 22s
    • data/2/2330: 14% /501.598Mi, 3.150Mi/s, 2m15s
    • data/2/2331: 0% /500.090Mi, 0/s, -

    2024/04/11 06:12:18 INFO : Signal received: terminated ```

    Where should I look to get some more information about what's going on? Why would the service be terminated like that?


    Setting TimeoutSec=infinity inside the [Service] section of the unit file seems to help. Not 100% if it's a good idea, but I'll experiment with it.

    Traefik for two domains, one internal and one external

    So, at the moment I'm using Nginx Proxy Manager, but lately I started seeing it moving slower and slower and even though I tried traefik some time ago, I didn't manage to make it work.

    Anyway, I want to start using traefik again, but I want to use it like this:

    • I want to access all my services/containers in my LAN through http (port 80) on something like sub.mylan.home
    • I want to access some of my services over the internet through https (port 443) on

    I know this is possible, but I don't get the hang of the configuration. Somone care to share some tips?

    [Solved] Need some wireguard help

    I've used wireguard for a pretty long time on my server and the phone as a client. I've had the same configuration for at least 4-5 years and never had issues. Last week I moved to using pihole in a container with a macvlan interface, so it has a different IP address than my physical server. Then I went and changed the DNS server IP on the wireguard config on the phone. When I reconnected I see I can't connect to any local IP address like I used to and I can't figure out why.

    The local LAN is, the VPN is on

    Here's the server wireguard config:

    ``` [Interface] Address = ListenPort = 11194 PrivateKey = ...

    PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o enp3s0 -j MASQUERADE PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o enp3s0 -j MASQUERADE


    Galaxy S20+

    PublicKey = U59JZqVbk2eFxTb7tteyu0WHlMTZsk68E7CF7v2AX2U= AllowedIPs =


    narwhal - T480 job

    PublicKey = Ja9OL13IoZA17GJq0/LbwizB9s2dRQLHHgW2C4TcFyY= AllowedIPs = ```

    And here's the phone's wireguard config:

    ```[Interface] Address = DNS = PrivateKey = ....

    [Peer] AllowedIPs = Endpoint = my_dyndns_hostname:11194 PublicKey = 6aF1cJhH9oeQWr9LYOpH3wk+lN4k9/tSiAqV6LkUQ1Y= ```

    I am able to connect and can ping, the IP address of the server, but nothing else. I have two RPis running as mpd servers and I used to be able to connect to them too, but not anymore. Their IP addresses are and .106.

    Also, before the dns change I was able (of course!) to use the local DNS I set up on the pihole, but now I'm not able to connect to the new DNS (.55) so I can't get any local address to resolve.

    I'm looking for some hints on what I'm doing wrong. Please help.

    [Solved] Posts don't appear in account section

    Going to my account I can see all the comments I've made, but not the posts, even though there's the posts count showing the correct value.

    PSA: Intel Graphics Drivers Now Collect Telemetry By Default PSA: Intel Graphics Drivers Now Collect Telemetry By Default

    The latest version of Intel Arc GPU Graphics Software introduced an interesting change that isn't reflected in the Release Notes. The installer of the 101.4578 beta drivers add a "Compute Improvement Program" (CIP) component as part of the "typical" setup option that is enabled by default. Under the...

    PSA: Intel Graphics Drivers Now Collect Telemetry By Default
    PSA: Intel Graphics Drivers Now Collect Telemetry By Default PSA: Intel Graphics Drivers Now Collect Telemetry By Default

    The latest version of Intel Arc GPU Graphics Software introduced an interesting change that isn't reflected in the Release Notes. The installer of the 101.4578 beta drivers add a "Compute Improvement Program" (CIP) component as part of the "typical" setup option that is enabled by default. Under the...

    PSA: Intel Graphics Drivers Now Collect Telemetry By Default

    Intel graphic drivers collect Telemetry By default in windows.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    I'm on fosstodon

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