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YouTube isn't happy you're using ad blockers — and it's doing something about it
  • Guaranteed they’d find a way to double dip. Price gouging, restricting content behind further paywalls, adding ads anyway… absolutely they’ve investigated all those and undoubtedly more.

    Switch to Firefox, Chrome is their biggest lever to force this kind of stuff onto people. While Firefox exists and it remains uncool for them to block it they’ll have to compete against piracy and adblockers which will limit their ability to aggressively monetise.

    Switch to firefox!

  • MyPillow lawyers say CEO Mike Lindell owes them millions of dollars
  • It’s pretty common for corporate stuff (legal or otherwise) to start with no payment changing hands, just a contract. Then an invoice lands either monthly or on completion afterwards.

    That makes it easier for the work to actually start (otherwise you need to engage the finance dept up front and they’re often slow), and once the contract is signed and the work started that’s the sales process complete.

  • Deleted
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  • On mobile: multiple top and bottom tool/nav bars that automatically show/hide themselves when you scroll. They’re invariably more irritating than if they were just pinned at the top of the page (or perhaps viewport, but ideally page - I can scroll to the top of I want it back)

    On desktop: animations tied to scrolling.

    Anywhere: any kind of popup, modal, etc that I didn’t click on something to get. Please fuck alllllllll the way off.

  • Deleted
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  • The browser implements the text selection behaviour, but how infuriating it is depends on how convoluted your page construction is.

    On a simple page with no floats, overlaid elements, negative margins, absolute positioning, hidden stuff, and other css layout tomfoolery, it’s perfectly predictable. It’s only when designers do designer things does it start to break down.

  • reddit r/movies isn't doing too well
  • Reddit has long paid mods to be “Community Builders”. Ostensibly they’re there to help other mods build their subreddits, but actually what seems to happen is they spam low effort posts like the ones described (the “question style” post is very popular) in lots of subreddits.

    I’ve posted this before but here’s more info:

    Have a look at this user’s posts prior to the blackouts: Lots and lots of low-effort posts in various UK subreddits.

    And read this (which was posted after he got accused of being a karma farming bot), note the admin comment confirming it:

    This link confirms that Community Builders are “vetted and paid by Reddit for their time”:

    Despite claiming they work with mods, the mods of those subreddits don’t seem to be aware of this, as evidenced by this post:

  • Largest Farm to Grow Crops Under Solar Panels Proves To Be A Bumper Crop For Agrivoltaic Land Use
  • Ooh so it’s mainly a way to dodge regulations so you can use land designated for farming to make money by generating electricity.

    That makes sense, because a much more practical way to install solar is above open air car parking…

  • Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly
  • But Steam doesn’t have a monopoly. There’s Epic and GOG and whatever Origin’s called now and probably others. They’re all free to exist, Valve doesn’t do anything to stifle competition, and even lets other companies sell games that start their launcher from Steam.

    The only thing you have to lose by using a different system is that it’s probably not as good.

    All they’ve done is produce a really fucking exemplary product and it’s become really popular because it’s honestly just good. The second it stops being good or Valve stop being awesome there’s plenty of alternative ways to buy games that I’m sure will be there to replace it.

    But for now.. it’s pretty good.

  • Why am I having so much trouble drying filament?

    I’ve got an esun dryer box, it seems to be working ok (it gets hot, fan works, it stays on for several hours) but I don’t seem to be able to get it to actually successfully dry my filament.

    I’ve got a roll of PETG that’s been out for a while, had problems when printing (popping, lots of stringing, and it keeps crashing when bridging), I figured it’s just wet, but even after 8 hours of drying it’s no better.

    So I just need to dry it for longer? Am I doing something wrong?

    Louis Rossman gets Zoom to sponsor a video about Zoom's anti-consumer terms

    cross-posted from:

    > Absolute madlad!

    Reddit dan
    /r/pics employing weaponised bureaucracy in the fight against Reddit

    Having worked at a company that had a massive influx of GDPR requests we weren’t prepared for, this one could actually cause them some trouble if Reddit don’t have that process properly automated.

    Any chance of a favicon?

    It's not a huge deal but it'd be nice to be able to differentiate tabs and bookmarks.

    Pic is my current "solution" (would you believe there's no lemming emoji?!)

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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