deranger @ deranger Posts 9Comments 1,000Joined 2 yr. ago
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Get a deep UV flashlight (365nm works well, 395nm is okay, avoid anything >400nm) with a high pass filter on the end to eliminate any stray visible light it emits. Fire it up in your own home in the dark. Deep UV is great for making things fluoresce and the high pass filter increases the signal to noise ratio, so to speak. Even things that weakly fluoresce will stand out in a dark environment with this type of light.
You will be absolutely disgusted. There are drops of liquid and other flakes of random shit everywhere. There is no escape, it would be a Herculean effort to clean it all and keep it clean. I think the only place you wouldn’t see things would be one of those clean rooms at chip fabs.
Not saying that hotels aren’t nasty, but you’ve probably got a bunch of similar stains in your home or apartment right now. It’s not necessarily blood or body fluids either, UV lights show where nearly anything was spilled.
The author is stating the specific Apple Intelligence term is not one specific feature or app, it’s a collection of all related features, like Continuity.
It’s a fine idea for Apple to brand its AI features under an umbrella term like that, similar to how a bunch of disparate features that allow different Apple devices to interoperate are under the “Continuity” umbrella. But there’s no such thing, technically speaking, as “Continuity” … It’s a marketing term, but a useful one — it helps Apple explain the features, and helps users understand them.
I’ve got a Samsung that works just fine completely offline with no app. I don’t need some app to block it from going somewhere I just put some things in the way. Takes 3 minutes to prep for it driving around.
Trip to Costco every 1.5-2 months to stock up on meat and whatever else we can buy in bulk and freeze. This trip completely fills the freezer and requires reorganizing it and breaking down the bulk packages and vacuum sealing smaller portions for single meals for two people. We also do a similar trip to H-Mart for Korean things and a huge bag of rice.
Trip to the grocery store weekly to grab smaller things we might need. Sometimes it’s much larger than others. Big meal prep day on Sunday so we don’t have to do as much work during the week.
Lists are essential so I can free up that memory for something else. I also will think of things at the most random times and I’d never remember them without immediately putting them on the list. Also helps ensure that if either my wife or I go to the store we can pick up things the other has thought of.
Here’s a look into Silicon Valley’s ‘executive psychedelic slumber parties’ that cost over $3,000
Ketamine is not a psychedelic, it’s a dissociative. There’s a huge difference in terms of subjective experience and chemistry. Ketamine acts on NMDA receptors, psychedelics on serotonin receptors.
Dope, I’ll get a large SUV or truck to replace my small hatchback so I don’t have to slow down at all. Larger vehicles improve pedestrian safety right?
Speed bumps are a bandaid being used as a solution. They fuck with emergency vehicles, encourage rapid braking and acceleration, incentivize getting a larger vehicle, reduce gas mileage, and create noise from braking and acceleration. I’ll take literally any other traffic calming measure over a speed bump.
The same way it works in any vehicle with a motor and a transmission. The motor connects to the input shaft of the transmission, runs through some gears, and the output shaft spins at a different speed from the input shaft.
Giants trucks and SUVs are getting more and more prevalent and don’t have to slow down as much. This trend doesn’t appear to be slowing down. You can’t make the bumps big enough otherwise it’s going to wreck cars. People also haul ass immediately after getting off the bump, so you end up with lovely brake squeals and engine sounds for a few hundred feet of decreased speed. They prematurely wear suspension components and brakes and lead to increased fuel usage.
They’re shit and I’m so glad I’ve moved out of the southern US and back into snow country where speed bumps simply can’t exist. I don’t know why speeding through residential areas is so much less prevalent in the north, where there are far fewer speed bumps, but I love it.
Speed bumps are such a shitty solution to speeding. I’d prefer speeders to speed bumps.
Global Positioning System, I sleep
Universal Positioning System, real shit
For one shot I imagine
Unreal 2 black hole cannon
That’s instagram in the screenshots.
You’d have to have the most insanely strong calves in history to push up using your feet only.
I don’t feel college is about teaching you how to do
<current technique>
so much as it is about teaching you how to critically think and teach yourself.I’m currently working in healthcare IT as an EMR analyst, I’ve got a degree in biochemistry. My IT experience is from fucking with my own computer since ~1999. I don’t feel I missed out on much by not getting a degree relevant to my current career.
I never performed a Western blot a single time outside of a classroom lab but learning that process, how it worked, the precision and attention to detail needed to do the thing, how to troubleshoot a failed test, etc have been relevant regardless if I’m doing clinical lab stuff or implementing a new cardiology computer system.
Then again I also didn’t go to college for tech so maybe I’m not understanding the issue here. Are people in IT not expected to learn on the job about how things are done at that organization? That’s been my admittedly narrow experience in the field.
Right, that’s what I’m saying. Not enough data to make hard claims, which is why I’m saying this statement is a bit of a stretch:
if a dolphin needs to they can breathe thru their mouths just fine.
As far as I can tell this has happened once ever. I’m not sure that qualifies as “just fine” when there’s more evidence that plugging a blowhole is very bad for the dolphin.
Do you have a link for that? Everything I’m finding says they can’t breathe through their mouth. There’s one scientific paper where they found a mouth breathing dolphin and said this has never been described in a scientific paper before. As far as I can tell there’s just this one dolphin who’s been seen doing it.
Here’s a paper describing a dolphin that died due to blowhole obstruction:
To me it seems more like a one off case that a dolphin was able to mouth breathe, not that all of them can.
Horses still breathe through the same pharynx that food goes through. The question isn’t mouth vs nose breather it’s “what animals have separate pathways for food and air”, so a horse doesn’t qualify. It’s harder for a horse to inhale food because of the soft palate but it’s not impossible.