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How do YOU apply dialectics to broader analysis of society, theory or in practice?
  • you may be getting lost in the weeds if you're thinking about the fichtean 'thesis antithesis' thing. for an easy understanding it's basically just the idea that nothing exists in a vacuum - things are always affected by something else. this just means looking at contradictions and context first, so the example you used of capitalist to feudal lord is an example of dialectics but its not necessarily limited to that sort of thing, more the understanding that things tend not to happen 'just because'.

    tensegrity is a pretty useful irl example imo of the role of contradiction in a lot of systems if you're confused about that too.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • iirc a lot of the board were ea people. anthropic is a good example of what oai would look like if they sutskever/board faction had won.

  • Helpful life tip
  • 'the ick' seems to just mean 'neurodivergent person did something neurodivergent' when i see it used colloquially tbh

  • A new age of conflicts being fought with old-standby weapons has exposed the move away from making basic munitions as a strategic error.
  • the US MIC has been jerking itself raw to ODS for 30 years now and they still think that high tech wunderwaffen are how peer wars are won because (?)

  • Note Taking: What's Your Strategy
  • i literally never took notes throughout the entirety of my formal education process so whilst you probably shouldn't do what i did it's pretty possible to have postgrad qualifications without being a 'good' student. idk, i just couldn't be bothered to write shit that seemed pretty self-evident from inference personally.

  • 45% of business leaders admitted they were making major business decisions with ChatGPT. 😂️️
  • this is fucking hilarious, do people really not see how vapid and meaningless most of the slop generated by language models is? especially regarding any 'advice' applications XD

  • "You WON't bE miSSed WheN TRumP dEpoRtS YoU!!!"
  • uh sweaty no minority could ever be against biden, only online white teenager tankies are against him.

  • We love our cishet Hexbears.
  • im as cishet as they come, but does anyone else feel like we're too sexualised? how are the gays ever going to accept us if we're so hypersexualised? you know i just really feel like it's pushing our movement backwards being so open about it

  • Is there a concept of 'imperialist realism'? As in, similar to capitalist realism concept except the default state is imperialism
  • fwiw i agree with this, viewing great power competition as the default of inter-state relations is basically the closest to 'imperialist realism' if what 'imperialist realism' means is the assumption that states always do antagonistic/competitive actions to further hegemonic aims, which is more or less what people mean when they say 'imperialism has always been a thing'.

  • U.S. Navy Battleships Would Be a Waste of Steel in a War Against China
  • the worst part is they could easily have just said it's been a while since we last operated a battleship and the people who knew are gone so there's a learning curve, and that would have been a plenty acceptable excuse.

  • U.S. Navy Battleships Would Be a Waste of Steel in a War Against China
  • telling a naval officer from the 30s we have 100000 ton nuclear powered capital ships and turning away blinking the tears off when they ask how big the main guns are

  • Sexism really do be getting me down
  • i feel like tensions about dating and romance have really begun boiling up the past few years in general. there was a short period a few years ago where i thought incel-ism was dying out as an identity, but these days it seems bigger than its ever been

  • Dare I ask what the man vs bear meme is all about and why it seems to be upsetting men so much? [CW: sexism]
  • i honestly dont know how men are getting so mad about the bear thing tbh. like how is your first thought when confronted with women expressing how unsafe rape culture makes them feel 'but what about men's feelings though'?/??

  • NSFW
    300k fake likes on a fake AI image
  • zuckerberg is desperate to be the machine learning leader, facebook has like the most or second most A100s purchased from NVIDIA and he seems really obsessed with the idea of LlaMa being a GPT competitor.

    (i would wager oai's huge first mover advantage is too big to surpass for the time being, 'chatGPT' is synonymous with LLMs for laymen even though the model running it is practically obsolete at this point)

  • The US spent so much time fighting insurgents that it forgot 'what it means to actually fight a war,' a US vet in Ukraine says
  • saying the US 'barely participated' in WW2 is pretty egregious, just because the USSR did the majority of heavy lifting and very much could have won by itself doesn't mean that's what happened.

    the majority of post-normandy heer formations deployed in the western front were the best equipped ones, the western front was denser than the eastern front and lend lease was large enough in scale to certainly have made a material difference. that doesn't mean that the US won the war by itself, or that the american sacrifice was anything comparable, but this sort of revisionism comes off as pretty crankish tbh.

  • Why the hell is Victoria 3 DLC so expensive
  • ck3 still feels really boring and underdeveloped however many years into its lifespan now, it's so cooked

  • Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • out of the big streamers of that tier im pretty sure asmon was the one that parked his bus or w/e the phrase is with the gamergate chuds, every time i see a screenshot of an 'asmongold clips' upload it looks like some bullshit about video game waifu booba not being big enough.

    compared to like xqc debating andrew tate or smth lol

  • NSFW
    CW:Nazi imagery "When Hexbear finds out Nazi stands for National Socialism" - Lemmy.World
  • tribalism

    the problem with humans is that we view everything as us vs them sports teams, everything would be better if we could just compromise centrist


    Musk is suing OpenAI. Musk's legal teams' argument in two premises is:

    1. OpenAI's 'contract' as stated in their founding agreement was to make any AGI system for the benefit of humanity.
    2. GPT-4 is an AGI system ∴ OpenAI, by licensing GPT-4 exclusively to Microsoft, has effectively breached this agreement by making the first AGI system beholden to corporate interests. Musk's team also alleges that OpenAI is effectively an Microsoft subsidiary at the moment.

    OpenAI deserves the lawsuits, but alleging that GPT-4 as a base model is anywhere close to AGI is probably not the angle to put it lightly.

    Some other arguments: > OpenAI has comitted promissory estoppel by moving away from the open source non-profit model Musk initially invested in.

    (This means that OpenAI has breached a promise enforceable by Law)

    > OpenAI has committed a breach of fiduciary duty by using Musk's funding on for-profit projects against the initial understanding of that funding's usage - letting Microsoft on OpenAI's Board of Directors and not open-sourcing GPT-4 are their examples of this.

    (OpenAI had a legal responsibility to act in the best interests of their clients, which they failed)

    > OpenAI has engaged in unfair business practices by convincing Musk they would commit to the 'Founding Agreement'

    (I think this is self explanatory)


    Musk wants:

    A. Court to order OpenAI to follow their 'Founding Agreement' which means cutting the Microsoft connection and open sourcing.

    B. A judicial ruling that GPT-4 constitutes AGI, and any followup models related to it.

    C. Return of all money Musk invested into OpenAI that was spent on 'for-profit' projects.

    D. General damages to be determined by court.

    Personally, I think banging hard on the 'GPT-4 is AGI angle' is a really mistaken line of argument and it's a huge weakspot in their case. OpenAI can probably be sued for a lot of things, as we're seeing with NYT, so it's not like this is their only angle of approach. I want to see them get sued in court just in a vindictive sense, but I don't think this is how you do it.

    BTS ARMY doing BDS

    bts stans hiring a truck calling for the sacking of the zionist ceo of their label, truly iconic

    'a small number of super prototypes don't work as well'

    using NATOID hardware to demonstrate the superiority of mass over quality in modern warfare goes crazy, imagine being this willfully clueless

    dinklesplein dinklesplein [any, he/him]

    trying to move forward

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