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This is Beleth. According to Christians, this is a demon
  • I think they impart knowledge of math? Not sure.

  • This is Beleth. According to Christians, this is a demon
  • He will never be as cool as Stolas (noooo I don't mean the Helluva Boss version. I mean the actual demon that just looks like a normal ass owl lmao)

  • This is Beleth. According to Christians, this is a demon

    TERRIFYING!!!! 😱😱😱

    >When appearing, he looks fierce in order to frighten the conjurer or to see if they are courageous. The conjurer must be brave, and hazel wand in hand, must draw a triangle by striking towards the south, east, and upwards, then commanding Beleth into it by means of some conjurations.

    !kitty-cri-screm "FEAR ME MORTAL!"

    Christians of Hexbear, pls explain?

    Sunday is Gaming Day: What Are You Playing Weekly Thread
  • Bro it's Monday, I'm studying.

    Ok yesterday I was playing Voices of the Void. It's a free indie atmospheric horror/shitpost that's still in alpha

  • Hoot hoot hooooo

    Squirrels are dicks

    I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • Thanks but I feel bad about using it again when so many others are there needing help. Also I'm worried people might get compassion fatigue from me if I use it too often. I am pretty desperate though, I don't know. How often do you think is OK?

    As often as you need. That is what it's there for and we will never, ever get tired of it. If you need it, you need it and you should never feel guilty or shy about using it. Please.

    Also when I was finally diagnosed they said the recommended treatment didn't have any side effects. Then when I had a stroke and developed heart problems they were like "Oh yeah those are side effects of your meds."

    Jesus that sounds like severe malpractice.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • Please, please, please continue to use our mutual aid com any time you need it. It infuriates me that you've been so mistreated by the NHS.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • :yea: I wish I knew how to undo the hold capitalist propaganda has on people

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • this

    Pokemon was never meant to be edgelord shit. It was always about having fun learning about creatures. It can be enjoyed by all ages without forgetting that it's also for kids.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • Yeah, shits fucked. I'm a "younger" millennial (early 30s) so I'm scared that when I get closer to 40 I'll become more fash or something ohnoes

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled

    Much like a lot of Gen X, some of the older Millennials in my life (particularly the white working professionals) are parroting the age old mantra of "I don't care about passing my skills on to the younger generations or helping those in need, no one ever helped me in my life.". My response is always "That's not a good thing!" because I never know what to say. Debate is not my strength.

    My working class grandparents were never like this. They lived through the great depression and two wars and never wanted anyone to suffer as much as they did. I miss them and their kindness dearly. It's only from boomers and younger that I've seen this attitude. Capitalism is crushing our instincts as a social species. If we can't stand on the shoulders of giants... well then we will stop advancing as a species. We will stagnate and go extinct because the challenges we face now need all of us. It goes against everything that is human to be this alienated and antagonistic to one another. Particularly frightening is the hatred and contempt modern society has towards children.

    This is not going to end well.

    I appreciate all the people here, whether you're 20 or 60, for not becoming the thing that hurt you. We need people with a soul more than ever.

    anti onion action
  • Yes you just described why I hate it so much, it's insanely hard to avoid.

    I can stomach a small amount if it's mixed in well enough where you're not biting into a mouth full of sulphur.

    The worst is when chunks of it are in rice.

  • anti onion action
  • I can tell. It overpowers every dish it's in.

  • tag urself
  • I promise I won't U can trust me owl-wink

  • anti onion action
  • What the fuck is America?

  • anti onion action
  • For real though I hate onions why the fuck do they put them in literally everything.


  • Bearded Reedling

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > ! > > ! > > !!

    Monster Hunter Wilds Armor Sets Will No Longer Be Gender Exclusive|Game8 Monster Hunter Wilds Armor Sets Will No Longer Be Gender Exclusive|Game8

    2024.08.30 Monster Hunter Wilds will now allow players to wear armor sets regardless of their character’s gender! Read on to learn more about how fans reacted to the news and how this revolutionizes ‘fashion hunting.’

    Monster Hunter Wilds Armor Sets Will No Longer Be Gender Exclusive|Game8

    !lets-fucking-go FUCKING FINALLY

    Love getting depressed randomly for no good reason


    Fucking aye.

    Sometimes I feel like an alien on the wrong damn planet.

    I don't get you humans at all.

    It feels lonely sometimes.

    I just had a dream that called me a liberal.

    Seriously I just had a dream where I was taken into an office by one of my professors and she was like "so can you get this done on time" and I was like "yeah, sure, totally!" And she replies "Oh, thank god you're a capitalist!" And I was like !what-the-hell "NONONO I'm definitely not a capitalist!" And she goes "Uh huh, sure. Me too. !janet-wink "

    !kitty-cri does this count as bullying myself if my brain creates my dreams?"

    [CW: very cringe and nerdy] I just had a cool thought about how what we do lives on through more than just genetics

    Okay so, basically, the game EarthBound, yeah? The music in that game was written by a dude who was heavily influenced by the Beatles and other 60s/70s music. To the point where there is even sames from Beatles music used in EarthBound.

    Ok so EarthBound, including its music in turn heavily inspired a bunch of Millennials including a fellow named Toby Fox whose work is heavily based on EarthBound to the point where Undertale and Deltarune use the soundfont and sound effects for a lot of things.

    Which in turn inspired a ton of zoomers, and yeah you get the idea.

    It's just a cool reminder of how we are all connected in the most cringe, nerd way I can think of. Everything we do touches other's lives, whether we realise it or not.

    !sicko-ness !kris-love !flowey-wink

    Same Old Story- Instrumental

    Reject Palword, embrace Cassette Beasts.

    Sex is hilarious

    Think about it, it's pretty funny

    "Ooo touch my peepee" lmao what a dweeb.

    You would never catch me doing a sex. That's nerd shit.

    Conservatives and centrists are exhausting to be around

    For people that complain about how easily offended leftists are, they sure do get offended a lot.

    No, Chet, I don't give a shit about the sexy M&M. No Helen, kids aren't using litter boxes.

    Saw an advert for a documentary about "The New Zealand Maori having too much power" on Aussie TV

    Cue a white ham hock ranting "One group of people shouldn't have more power than the other!"


    I fucking hate this racist ass country. Yeah sure, New Zealand should be more like Australia where we just build tacky hotels for corrupt rich white dickheads on top of a sacred indigenous graveyard.

    I hate this place. Fuck white colonial mentality. I hate that I'm related to a people that built empires on the skulls of "non-whites."

    Dirt_Owl Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]


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