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MODERN WARFARE: How Call of Duty 4 Changed a Genre Forever
  • While I preferred MW2 to MW, I still really liked MW and thought it was better than all others besides MW2. I just got really good at cheesing certain class combos in MW2, which was the only way for me to be good at those games. I'm only OK at FPS games and was able to make use of things like the riot shield for holding points or heartbeat sensor and reload perks for C4 to get good K/D ratios. In MW I got a decent percentage of my kills from Danger Close because I died a lot, and goddamn that was a funny way to kill someone. I also felt MW2 was less sniper-friendly, and I suck both as a sniper and against snipers.

  • EVs still have major quality problems, and it’s mostly about the software
  • I was pleasantly surprised how good the Bolt was and still liked it after 3 years of leasing it. I was ready to get another one after the lease was over, but the pandemic changed my decision (working from home meant I didn't really need a nice car and definitely wasn't driving enough for the price plus-up for EV to make sense, so I got a used beater).

  • EVs still have major quality problems, and it’s mostly about the software
  • The headline is very misleading.

    This is NOT just about build quality of EVs or engine problems or problems inherent with EVs, it includes minor annoyances that aren't quality problems. Also, this is from reported problems on a SURVEY, not actual problems taken to a dealer to fix. Dodge has the worst rating here while Ram has the best, because Ram owners don't report problems on surveys and not because Ram has better quality (though it likely does as well).

    And most of the issues are with tech that is included in higher end cars (rear collision avoidance, rear seat safety belt alarms, lane keeping assist, automatic braking assist, etc), and almost all EVs in the US are higher end cars that are chock full of these up-sells. People are also complaining about entertainment system software and phone pairing, which isn't different from EV to ICE.

    Finally, Tesla is one of the worst on the list while also making up the majority of EVs. So the company that has notoriously bad quality and bad design choices strongly skews the metric, since they ONLY make EVs. If Tesla made an ICE it would be just as bad.

  • Can Biden be replaced as Democrat nominee? Who could replace him?
  • This is the thing with a primary season. If something happens late in the season, then how do you go back and change the results from earlier in the season?

    Let's say for instance Biden listens to all the "sky is falling" pundits and retires now. How does the DNC choose its candidate? I'm not very familiar with procedures for a closed system like that. Do they do an open convention and let the delegates vote on whoever they want? Do they have a list of candidates to vote one at the convention? Who makes up that list?

  • Trump–Biden Debate Conspiracies Have Already Flooded the Internet
  • It was a legitimately bad performance from Biden. Every media outlet is reporting how bad it was.

    Even if the overall debate wasn't that bad from him, his few moments of mumbling gibberish will overshadow everything else. Trump rightly pointed out at one point he couldn't understand anything Biden was saying to try counterpointing it.

  • Trump–Biden Debate Conspiracies Have Already Flooded the Internet
  • Are you seriously so stupid you can't imagine ways it gets worse? A) The humanitarian aid we give Palestinians would stop. That is worse. B) The military aid we give Israel could get much higher. C) The tacit approval we give to Netanyahu to commit war crimes could become overt approval, giving him freedom to commit worse atrocities. D) The US could put troops on the ground, which might almost be better since our troops are both better trained AND not so intent on committing genocide compared to the IDF, but in the end is probably worse since Trump would just order eradication of everything.

  • Fact-checking CNN’s presidential debate: How accurate were Joe Biden and Donald Trump?
  • You got a downvote for speaking the truth. Every media outlet is reporting on Biden not looking good out there. This isn't just biased reporting from one side to make Biden look bad. I'm a big fan of Biden and all he has tried to do AND actually done in his time with a split legislature, but watching the clips of him was rough. He actually talked about playing golf with Trump during a debate???

  • [Discussion thread] Euro 2024 - the group phase is over. Which team is your favorite? Favorite player? Biggest disappointments so far? Predictions for the winner?
  • I was impressed by Spain. Didn't expect them to be so dominant. I was disappointed by France. It feels like they are wasting a golden generation.

    I don't predict Spain to win, but I wouldn't bet against them. I have a feeling it will be Austria and Spain in the final, with no real justification why. Germany - England is also a strong guess from me.

  • Supreme Court allows cities to ban homeless people sleeping outside, even when shelter space is lacking
  • I was hoping the ruling was narrow and that nuance would make available solutions to move forward, but no. This is a broad decision that allows criminalizing using a pillow in public (that is part of the law in Grants Pass, which was ruled as acceptable). Justice Sotomayor said it correctly: sleeping is a biological necessity. If you don't have a place to sleep, you have to choose between not living and going to jail.

  • Fact-checking CNN’s presidential debate: How accurate were Joe Biden and Donald Trump?
  • Fact checking Trump is pointless. The people who don't like him know every word out of his mouth is either a lie or a personal attack. The people who like him either don't care or won't believe you.

    Fact checking Biden at that debate is pointless because everyone on both sides is going to care about how he lost his poise and fumbled so many words.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • You're right, I misread the number of people in the West Bank.

    Israel has 10 million people, 7.3 million of which are Jewish. West Bank has 2.7 million, 670,000 of which are Jewish. Gaza has 2.3 million, roughly zero of which are Jewish. So 8 million vs 7 million.

    But calling me cowardly because I'm trying to figure out a much more difficult situation than "just do it" is terrible. You have to realize it is much more difficult than just saying, "create a new government." You are trying to do what George W Bush did in Iraq. Just get rid of the old government and start a new one. It's that easy! Just do it! If you half-ass the implementation of the solution, you're going to get a horrible outcome. These details need to be discussed if you want to get to your desired solution.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • I never said I was against that. I'm just trying to figure out the much harder act of implementing that very simple view of the world. If you just say, "here's a new country that's fully democratic with equal rights for all... but it now includes both Gaza and West Bank and is 73% Jewish," you have effectively given Israel an even larger country. Hell, in the US we have universal suffrage and equal rights for everyone from the ocean to the ocean... but only theoretically. Ask a black man how equal he feels in the US, even though he has all the rights and suffrage of a white man. That's how Palestinians would be treated except probably way worse.

    The details beyond that are what is actually difficult and why peace hasn't been achieved. It's all fine and good to say, "we should all be happy brothers" but it ignores how hard that is to do when the two brothers want each other dead. I'm in favor of a two state solution along with reparations, but that will also be very difficult to achieve, as evidenced by the many times it has been attempted over the decades.

  • Community on Federated Instance not Updating/Syncing

    Is there a way to force a sync/update of a federated community? When I go to I can see all kinds of recent activity. When I go to I don't see any new posts for the last 16 days.

    Subscribed community is not updating, but it does when not logged in

    I found a very active soccer community randomly while surfing not logged in. When I got back to my computer that was logged in, I had the hardest time finding it. And when I finally found it, the community didn't show any new posts for the last 7 days and was far less active. I swapped to a different browser that wasn't logged into lemmy and could see all the newest posts.

    So I tried subscribing to see if that would force a sync, but it didn't do anything.

    Basically, when I'm logged into I cannot see any new posts on but when I'm logged out and go to the exact same address I can see all the newest posts.

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