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GM Fights Back Against BYD Seagull With Updated Wuling Bingo
  • I don’t think there’s any plan to bring this to the US. If they did, GM would manufacture it in the US a NAFTA country (see reply below).

  • [MacRumors] First Look at Messages via Satellite in iOS 18
  • They can’t realistically start charging for the emergency SOS satellite feature (“sorry your family member died but they didn’t have a paid subscription”).

    I think this will be a way to charge for non-emergency texts to subsidize the free usage. Plus it’s a cool feature of course.

  • iOS 18 in one image. What are you most excited for?
  • The one that’s not shown: Standalone Passwords app

  • The Memorial - by Steve R Dodd (2023)
  • I see Valles Marineris on a partially-terraformed Mars with, perhaps, Phobos in the foreground.

  • [MacRumors] RCS Coming to Messages in iOS 18 for Improved Texts With Android Users
  • Their implementation won’t be gimped. Apple’s lock-in does not depend on RCS sucking. Instead, it depends on Apple adding new features to iMessage -- real features like group messaging, or gimmicks like “Genmoji”. RCS is a moribund carrier-controlled standard and has no hope of keeping up feature parity with iMessage. It will always be outdated, no matter how good or complete the implementation is (or isn’t).

  • [MacRumors] RCS Coming to Messages in iOS 18 for Improved Texts With Android Users
  • No mention of end-to-end encryption. Hopefully the carriers + Apple + Google can work something out.

    Yes, Google has end-to-end encryption on RCS. It is proprietary and requires using Google software. Yes, Samsung also supports it — using a special API that Google made for them. No way in hell Apple is using that. But it could be extended to become an actual standard.

  • [MacRumors] Apple Introduces Standalone 'Passwords' App
  • Can’t wait for this. I also noticed the screenshots show family sharing. The one thing I hope it does (but not getting my hopes up) -- is fill passwords in other browsers. The previous version filled passwords in Chrome on Windows, but not on Mac.

  • “Failed to mark post as read” errors
  • I’m on now and so far it appears fixed.

  • Does support the “mark post as read” feature?
  • Thanks. I’ll follow up with the app author.

  • “Failed to mark post as read” errors
  • Good advice., this appears to be a change in the API for marking a post as read. See the reply in my cross-post.

    As a workaround I turned off the “Mark Read” settings in Settings → Content Settings.

  • Does support the “mark post as read” feature?
  • I’m seeing this error in the Arctic Lemmy client and I’m not sure if it’s a client bug or an unsupported feature. Does have this feature?

  • Does support the “mark post as read” feature?

    cross-posted from:

    > “Failed to mark post as read” errors > > I see this error almost every time I open the comments on a post. > > My server is Does it not support the “mark as read” feature?

    “Failed to mark post as read” errors
  • And you’re also on

  • Malicious VSCode extensions with millions of installs discovered
  • True, it’s a private (not local) IP. It could easily have connected to a remote system, as their proof-of-concept did.

    This code execs cmd.exe and pipes output to and from a hardcoded IP. That’s pretty weird. What’s running on that IP? How does the extension know something is there?

    It looks like VS Code has no review — human or automated — or enforced entitlement system that would have stopped this or at least had someone verify it was legit.

  • Dial Tone
  • Are you sure about that? Dial tone is a sound you hear before dialing, not the sound you hear when you press a key.

  • “Failed to mark post as read” errors

    I see this error almost every time I open the comments on a post.

    My server is Does it not support the “mark as read” feature?

    Malicious VSCode extensions with millions of installs discovered
  • Their findings included an extension that opens an obvious reverse shell.

  • Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs?
  • The Fisker Ocean has solar panels on its roof. It can add 4 or 5 miles a day if fully exposed to the sun.

    Not enough to matter. It’s a gimmick.

    If you don’t have an EV, you may think that EV owners are worried about range, and they’d welcome any increase. I have not found this to be true.

    It’s more like having a car that starts every day with a full tank. You’re never going to burn through that in a single day. Pretty soon you don’t care about range, efficiency, or pay much attention to the battery meter. It only matters if you’re on a road trip, which for me is a couple times a year.

    I would not want to give up a nice full-roof sunroof for a few extra miles a day.

  • Apple might reveal a new “Passwords” app next week
  • Thanks. That’s good to know.

  • Apple might reveal a new “Passwords” app next week
  • Use this shortcut from Ricky Mondello, the lead for Apple’s password development team.

    I get the feeling they wanted to do a Passwords app for some time but needed to get, probably executive-level, buy-in to get it done.

    Apple will get bad PR about this: they are “Sherlocking” password managers. 1Password will write a blog post about how this is actually good for them because now password management is mainstream; 3rd party password managers will decide to focus more on the enterprise market; Microsoft will come out with a competing password manager that re-uses the name of a previous product and is bundled with Edge, etc. How it always goes.

  • The Paradox of Blackmarket Wired Bluetooth Apple Headphones
  • Any USB-C headphones work.

  • Automobile - Ramon Casas (1901) 🇪🇸
  • Do I sense a bit of sarcasm here?

  • Spoiler tags

    I don’t know when they were added, but I just noticed that spoiler tags are supported.



    Apple Store across the street from an Apple Store -- are there any closer than this?

    Comedian Lewis Black has a routine about “a Starbucks across the street from a Starbucks”. Apple Stores aren’t nearly as common.

    Unless you’re in Glendale, California -- where Apple Glendale Galleria is across the street from Apple The Americana at Brand.

    Are there any other Apple Stores this close together?

    The stores are less than 150 meters apart, but unfortunately they aren’t within sight of each other. As you exit Apple The Americana at Brand, you won’t see the other Apple Store — only a notably uncrowded Samsung Experience Store.

    !map of Glendale Apple Stores

    How reliable are EV chargers?

    New EV owner here. We charge at home so I don’t need to use them, but stores nearby have chargers. I tried them to see how they work. They are often broken.

    One store has a Volta charger (free!). It worked great the first time; the next time I went it was broken.

    Walmart has an Electrify America fast charger. The first time I went, 1 of 3 was not working. The next time I went, 1 of 3 was not working, but it was a different one.

    Was I unlucky, or are these charging networks unreliable? Has it been getting better or worse over time?

    Spoiler tags

    We need ‘em!


    This is a spoiler. It should be hidden until you tap or click on it.

    In space…


    kinttach kinttach
    Posts 10
    Comments 170