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For real though, who do the Dems run after Biden?
  • They'll crack open one of the same brand of birthing vats that Buttigieg squelched out of, this time less gay and more boring looking. This procedurally generated and Langley gestated homunculus will be the only available option

  • vote biden because porn
  • Damn that's crazy.

    But imagine for a second that we had an internet where credit card handlers and big tech companies were the deciding factor if NSFW content could be allowed on an internet platform and they started hammering down on any website big enough in order to block pornographic or illustrated erotic content on them. That would be horrible. Thank god Biden won't let that happen

    wait hold on a second I'm being informed that--

  • The Star Fox-style roguelite whose dev refused to use AI voices to cut costs is adding an entire "anti-capitalist revenge" campaign about a cat-girl destroying AI
  • Most procedurally generated height maps and textures are made via Perlin Noise and math equations. Procedurally generated dungeons are usually just a bunch of rules deciding where to place human designed rooms on a grid.

    People have historically considered these types of things to be slop, yes, but its not the same thing as machine learning output, pink sludge machine or otherwise.

  • Says something about society
  • I still don't understand AI bros' fixation with wanting to teach the AI to do text when that is by far the easiest thing for a layman to add to an image.

    I guess it stems from a refusal to even open MS Paint or whatever image editor they put on phones

  • It Only Gets Better:tm:
  • It's funny. If you asked any of these AI hyping effective altruists if a calculator 'understands' what numbers mean or if a video game's graphic engine 'understands' what a tree is, they'd obviously say no, but since this chunky excessive calculator's outputs are words instead of numbers or textured polygons suddenly its sapient.

  • It Only Gets Better:tm:
  • You're actually giving it too much credit here. It seems to have lifted the text from a reddit joke comment that got shared/archived/reposted a lot (enough?) and therefore was the one of the 'most frequent' text strings that are returned on the subject

  • Sunday Was Gaming Day: What Are You Playing Weekly Thread
  • Modded Terraria is so fucking good oh my god. I'm trying to work but my brain is busy thinking about accessory crafting trees and the bosses I still haven't beaten.

    I'm not even in hard mode yet and I still got like seven bosses to go

  • You can't play all of the video games


    You just can't. There's too many of them. And they keep making more of them! When will the suffering end?


    They should stop making games for at least a year so I can catch up.

    Soon the youtubers melting ipad babies' brains won't even be human

    This is not a high effort bit, this 'youtuber' has already made a name for himself outsourcing his videos to other people writing scripts and running it through an AI model of his voice. He's almost certainly doing it as a proof of concept tech demo to sell the AI pipeline and consulting to other media agencies but yeesh

    lol. lmao.

    I have bought two secondhand copies of a fairly common Wii game and both of them were scratched to the point of being unreadable

    Anti-piracy Nintendo paypigs have failed to consider how effective the wear and tear aspect of data rot is at eroding media preservation

    look at this goofy ass fish

    look at its fuckin peets.

    you just know it would go flap flap flap if it waddled across a linoleum floor

    I have at least 500 games immediately available for me to play and instead I'm trying to start another Skyrim playthrough

    !todd !NOOOOO


    In my defense I picked up a cheap used VR headset and playing Skyrim in VR and holding all the sparkly spells in your hands is genuinely a pretty novel and magical experience

    Fuck it, TF2 Mass A.I. set to Propane Nightmares

    >Uploaded 15 years ago

    Bit Idea: Compare Tiananmen Square to January 6th in front of libs

    "Pro Tiananmen Square posts get removed off of Chinese social media? No shit. Imagine if the January 6th protestors had strung up and set a bunch of the National Guard on fire and you posted saying they didn't go far enough, most places on the web would remove your posts, except maybe Elon Musk's twitter."

    Pros: Any libs wanting to engage would have to either read more about the events leading up to and during the Tiananmen Square protests or admit that January 6th was a nothing event

    Cons: none

    It took me way too long but I'm finally done with Spotify for good

    I will take a moment to defend myself: I paid for Spotify because I was a power user (listening to music 4-12 hours every day while working) and also because I had the family plan so a few other family members could piggyback off of my sub.

    But even saying that, I have spent way too much money on Spotify and the thought of spending any more money on it gave me the heebie jeebies., so this year I set out to put a stop to it.

    I got some suggestions here for how to rip my Spotify playlists, but I eventually went with Spytify as opposed to anything that hooked into the Spotify API, just to make sure I wouldn't do anything that would get my normie family members' accounts banned. It has some issues such as incorrectly determining song duration and cutting some songs off, and the fact that you need to rip the songs by playing them in real time, but it worked "good enough" for my purposes.

    I also went out and downloaded the high quality lossless music files for bands I listen to a lot, and honestly it's making me start to turn my nose up at mp3s a little lol.

    I also was able to set up yt-dlp in order to download all my shitty song mashups and SiIvaGunner rips that aren't hosted anywhere else.

    Just about the only thing I'll probably miss from Spotify is getting introduced to random indie bands via Discover Weekly, but hey I'll always have the web browser for that.

    So that's my success story I guess. It's never too late or too early to quit subscription services comrades!

    People just let me walk around with an expired driver's license for five months without telling me wtf

    My license expired five months ago and I KNOW that I've been using it as an ID since then for various appointments but it was only today when I went to Costco that someone finally said to me 'hey your ID is expired' since they couldn't give me my prescription without a valid one.

    what the hell man

    Just started up Pokemon Quetzal and good lord

    You get a choice of like 18 different playable trainer skins and 80+ different starters

    Then you learn that you can have all 6 of your party pokemon following you around on the overworld

    Then you got the fact that you encounter pokemon via pokemon walking around in the grass, including visibly distinct shinies.

    Oh and it has the full 1000+whatever pokedex so every different route has 20 pokemon walking around so as someone trying a Nuzlocke I'm just standing there struggling to decide which one to take

    Oh and also since it's a romhack so I'm playing it on my 3DS

    GBA era romhackers are something else

    Knockout is once again being very normal about China

    imagine posting that not as a bit and with no self reflection whatsoever

    Yeah this is a reasonable reaction to a Deviantart style microdrama

    Dudes, relax

    Before anyone wants to be contrarian about this: no one is going to stop you from using a stranger's weeb digital art as your profile pic. It is not illegal to use someone else's art for your profile pic without permission and no one is saying it's should be.

    The point of this post is that this is an extreme overreaction to a conversation that concludes with 'pwease ask this other person for permission, the art is of their character design not mine 🥺' in a niche art community that operates on an honor system for the sake of being polite to one another.

    What's bleak is that the US has the strongest propaganda engine in the world and it's not being used to terrify people about Climate Change

    For fucking years both the Repubs and Democrats have been aware of the science behind Climate Change. They know, their donors know, the military industrial complex knows, the information has been out there.

    And both parties have had the opportunity to just blast the airwaves with constant propaganda for years priming people to be shitting their pants in fear over the climate, and they haven't.

    They could have been dragging the most dewy eyed, trembling elderly farmers in front of cameras every week and have these sad old Classic Americana™ white men sobbing as they talk about how scared they are of crop failures and famines. They could have been showing piles of dead fish and animals against the backdrop of classic American landmarks. They could have done medical featurettes about how wet bulb temperatures would easily kill people (especially cute old grannies and children!) in the south eastern US.

    And they could have kept doing this, all the time, week after week, the most dire doom and gloom predictions and warnings, whatever it would possibly take to start warming the chuds up to the need to make infrastructure changes in the US. Until people come to them demanding big structural changes.

    And they haven't. They haven't done it. They still aren't doing it.

    They're really going to run the clock out on this until they die of old age or they can all go to their defensive bunkers while everyone else dies of famine and war.

    They're not even going to try stopping it. They're not even going to try proposing any Big Changes that could make a difference, because they know the majority US population would never agree to it. They're just going to keep promising miracle tech and gun down refugees at the border until they can sneak off stage while no one is looking.

    They won't even paint the fucking roofs white, man.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    laziestflagellant [they/them]
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