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  • The professor that taught my algorithms & data structures course said if we were going to keep one book it should be the one for that course. I followed that advice and it's the one textbook I still have. It's been 8 years since graduation and I haven't opened it once. I tend to just read Wikipedia if I need to understand a particular algorithm or data structure.

  • Did you choose for Linux for freedom or ...
  • I first got into Linux because I was a kid with an old hand-me-down laptop that was meant to run Windows 98 but I somehow stuffed Windows XP on there (it had a 4gb HDD and it was filled to the brim, I'm shocked in hindsight that it actually installed). Then I discovered Ubuntu (I think version 6.06?) and installed it, and it ran great! Once I got newer computers I ended up using Windows primarily but usually had a Linux PC kicking around. In college I started dual booting my main machine since Linux proved to be useful for my courses (Computer Science). Then I built a PC and just installed Windows 10 on it, but now that my 7th gen Intel CPU is "too old" to run Windows 11, I said screw it and installed Linux again. Plus I just really like having a bash shell natively, and a proper package manager is really nice.

  • Any good Linux Tablet recommendations?
  • I have a Surface Pro 4 (I think from 2015) and the battery life now is awful. I might be able to get an hour or two depending on the performance mode, I usually just plug it in while using it now. If I forget to plug it in between uses, it will definitely be dead the next time I go to use it.

    Plus it's starting to feel pretty slow. I do still have Windows on it, perhaps installing Linux would help make it faster but it sounds like it takes some work to get everything working properly so I haven't bothered.

  • Notification when new app versions are released
  • No, I mean doesn't it only look for updates of the current tag? That works fine if you set every container to the "latest" tag, but if you set your containers to specific version tags then you won't get a notification unless that specific tag gets updated.

  • Daylight saving creator left the chat....
  • But if time travel is a thing, imagine the whole new time nightmares! Oh you went back a year with your phone? Now all your TLS root certs are invalid because you're before the start date. Or you have files/emails/whatever that are dated in the future. I guess you can get to that state by just setting your clock forward but I imagine some stuff would break.

  • My Git Knowledge
  • Rereading it, I now understand what you meant. I interpreted the "like regex" as an example of advanced git knowledge. I'm not sure the comma helps make it unambiguous though.

  • the first sign of trouble is feeling rested
  • I one time woke up at like 3am and mindlessly went through my whole morning routine (ate breakfast, showered, got dressed). Then I realized it was 3am and had like 5 hours before work... I think I just went back to bed

  • RIP my photos from 2017 and contacts from 2005
  • To play devil's advocate, tab completion would have also likely caught this. OP could have typed /mnt/t<Tab> and it would autofill temp, or <Tab><Tab> would show the matching options if it's ambiguous.

  • Me after I got fired
  • This looks like a C macro. Basically what it does is replaces the word "true" in the code with (rand() > 10). The rand() function will return a random number from 0 to 32767. So (rand() > 10) will very likely return "true" but not always.

    So say you have some code like this: if (someVar == true) { // Do stuff } It would replace "true" with code that usually evaluates to "true" but not always. So every so often your code would just do the wrong thing but it would be hard to debug because it would be rare.

    Granted, in that example you probably would just write "if (someVar)" making this moot, but there are more realistic cases where you'd use the constant "true"

  • What was the last time you clicked on an ad?
  • I'm confused by this. Your company had to pay when employees clicked ads in Gmail? I assume this the enterprise version? But then that implies that Google puts ads in the enterprise Gmail which sounds both unsurprising and crazy to me.

  • I love those path
  • Ehh I wouldn't say variables in programming are all that similar to variables in algebra. In a programming language, variables typically are just a name for some data. Whereas in algebra, they are placeholders for unknown values.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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