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And the band plays on...
  • omg if you rearrange the letters it spells "BEWITCHERS" and "ML". And we all know "ML" can only stand for one of two things:

    • machine learning, as in the robots are taking over and ruining society, or
    • :3 mlem :P
  • Featured
    First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • I tried muting the TV and just reading the captions for a little, and it made me a fair bit more confident in Biden. And he did have some good moments after I turned the sound back on. I'm just worried it won't be enough. Maybe it's the anxiety of realizing that we've actually reached election season.

  • Featured
    First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • I keep tuning in and out. I tune out when Trump speaks because everything he says is just such an affront to objective reality. But then I also tune out when Biden speaks because... He just comes off as so old it's making me cringe. Like, this is the best we could come up with to combat a literal fucking fascist.

    Then I wonder, what part of this am I listening to? The questions?

  • What's the most stupid trend (or fad) you participated in yourself?
  • Five Nights at Freddy's. So much wasted brainpower.

  • How big is your desk?
  • That's why programmers have all those monitors. They're each hooked up to a different computer.

  • How's your week been?
  • This past week hasn't been too bad. There were some stressful moments, but I feel like I got through them okay.

  • A cool guide on emailing like a boss
  • I'd say this is more like how to email effectively. If you want to email like a boss, you need to master the subtle art of the one-word email.

  • How's your week been?
  • What were you thinking it'd be less painful than? It's pretty painful for me, but not the worst thing I've ever felt. Somewhere in the neighborhood of touching a hot stove and stubbing a toe. I've heard it compared to getting snapped by a rubber band, and that's not too far off either. Some areas are worse than others, like above the lip or around the jawline. Fortunately, it subsides a few seconds after each zap, and my technician goes pretty slowly.

    I think it'll be worth it, but it takes a while. I did 1 session per month for about 5 months at one place, didn't see much change, took a break for about a year, and then resumed at a new place. 2 more sessions later, and I've finally started noticing some obvious clear areas. But they don't last longer than a week or so before new hair starts growing in, so I've still got some sessions to go.

  • How's your week been?
  • After 2 months of being on antidepressants (again) and feeling pretty great, I finally had another one of my little depressive episodes that come on from time to time. Erratic sleep, erratic diet, erratic work schedule... I even ended up crying after finishing my laser hair removal session. I mean, I cry a little bit at the end anyway cuz it hurts like hell, but I cried more than usual this time.

    On the bright side... I did get laser, so I'm glad that's moving along still. And I got to use the weekend to recharge. Hopefully this week will be better.

  • What's your clickbait headline that describes your life right now?
  • Fail compilation 2024 (watch till the end 😂👌)

  • A cool guide Types of plugs in the world
  • Type 🅱️ gang

  • Space is pretty gay
  • Who knew e-scooters could be so hateful

  • I never thought of it that way before...
  • doubters will waste time arguing about what kind of logical fallacy this is

  • Saw this and thought it was fake until I googled. It's real.
  • For more irony: they're grooming kids to make them more accepting of exploitation.

  • When It Comes to the Environment, There Really Is No Such Thing as a “Good” Car
  • I get you now. But I still feel like "car" is intended to be (or ought to be) narrowly defined as a 1000-lb metal box on wheels with an engine. I think referring to other vehicles as "cars" just muddles the discourse.

    Then again, I'm conflicted. If I replace "car" with another word like "meat" or "milk", I have a different reaction. If someone wrote an article about factory-farm chickens vs free-range chickens and said, "There really is no such thing as 'good' meat," I'd definitely chime in with, "What about vegan meat?"

    Maybe it's because I perceive the gap between animal meat and vegan meat as narrower than the gap between 1000-lb metal boxes with engines and other types of vehicles. Like... if I have to pedal, it's not a car.

    Is the Flintstones car a "car"?

  • When It Comes to the Environment, There Really Is No Such Thing as a “Good” Car
  • Do those really count as cars in the usual sense of the term?

  • Why we gave up on learning how to play an instrument?
  • I think I'm one of the lucky ones with a natural aptitude for music, but I don't quite take it seriously enough to really hone my skills and become an expert at it. Whenever I've tried, I've found it to be more stressful than it is fun. I'm not trying to make it a side hustle, so if it stops feeling fun, I back off of it.

    I guess it also depends on the instrument a bit. I mostly play solo, and some instruments don't seem to lend themselves well to that for me. Piano is my instrument of choice these days.

  • Thank you for your service
  • The food menu may be buried under several photos of the drink menu (or vice versa), but it'll probably be there.

  • TikTok resurfaces video of Trump saying US shouldn't have a president with felony conviction
  • Ah crap, you're right. I've been so focused on the one case that reached a conclusion that I tend to forget all the other cases still pending.

  • it's basically rulesday

    and apologies if this one's too US-centric

    lolola lolola

    just a sad trans girl looking for laugh-out-louds

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