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Nick Offerman Slams ‘Homophobic Hate’ Against His ‘The Last of Us’ Episode: ‘It’s Not a Gay Story. It’s a Love Story, You A–hole!’
  • A love story without affection sounds hollow. The original comment specifically singled out an expression of affection displayed by gay characters in a romance story, they did not say in their original comment that public affection in general is what bothers them. That led me to believe they have some homophobic feelings in their original comment, which is where my response came from. With either original intention, be it a distaste for love stories or homophobic origins, you're quite aggressively upset. I suggest maybe you don't watch love stories if you don't like public displays of affection, just a thought.

  • Tyler Perry Puts $800M Studio Expansion on Hold After Seeing OpenAI’s Sora: “Jobs Are Going to Be Lost”
  • Unfortunately you're mistaken, Sora is not Google it's OpenAI and CEO Sam Altman was taking live requests on xitter and posting back the outputs and they were just as impressive as the "cherry picked" video, that's not to say they weren't without issue, but the technology just improves. It's currently worse than at any point in the future, but it will get better

  • Is concentration some kind of magic conspiracy?
  • I often remind my significant other to participate in mindfulness exercises along side me to take a moment to look at "the bigger picture" what that is for her or for you is in my mind personal. For me I like to just observe everything in my environment, I try not to focus in on any particular feeling or sight or thought etc. One practice that has helped with this immensely has been Chinese Gong Fu Tea. Every weekend my partner and I take about 2 hours to sit and have tea and be observant of our lives and worlds in a way that doesn't focus on any one particular thing. It's almost like meditation, which is something Buddhist monks practice for decades and sometimes never achieve their enlightenment. For you your enlightenment might be achieving that defocused state and becoming more present with what's around you.

  • Israel’s economy slumps 19.4% in the fourth quarter as war takes a toll | CNN Business
  • Not saying that is actually how it will play out, I agree with you that it only actually happens to refrigerated or frozen products (that get discarded when misplaced). That's not to say it doesn't also happen to shelf stable products too and we don't know about it, but I think that is unlikely.

    I was just clarifying what I interpreted the original commenters intentions behind said protest would be, not that it would be effective. I believe the interpretation that it's just about messing with low income workers to be not quite what the intention was.

  • Israel’s economy slumps 19.4% in the fourth quarter as war takes a toll | CNN Business
  • The idea is that once it's moved by customers to a different section, the store will treat the product as bad and toss it out. Yes you're right more work for the minimum wage guy who has to throw it out now, but the idea is that enough loss on that specific product and the manager may stop ordering that/those brands all together. They might not realize the products are related to Israel, just that the other brands are still selling, so by happenstance, the Israeli dates look inferior due to perceived customer purchasing habits. Eventually they may not be ordered anymore and that affects the parent company in Israel.

    It's a really long game, but that's what I gather the goal of that specific protest would be.

  • razor blades
  • It just dumps out to the empty space in the wall all the way to the floor, it would take a very very long time to fill that up to where it's "full", you'd have to fill the wall to that height in a wide area near the hole

  • Body.exe has stopped responding
  • I have R-CPD which is a condition that causes me to not be able to burp typically. I just got a treatment done to enable me to burp, Botox in the upper esophagus to weaken the dysfunctional muscle in there. This means it has been especially hard for me to swallow for the past few weeks while the Botox was at peak efficacy. Now with that said...

    The amount of times in the past few weeks I have choked like this is unreal, relatable as hell. Thanks for reading if you stuck around, I know it's uninteresting

  • As if the tip actually goes to the dashers.
  • No way is driving 5 minutes to pick up food in town worth an hour's wage to me. And on top of saving me fees and tip money for myself I will get my food faster hotter and fresher and it also won't smell of cigarettes. I do not order delivery at this point. I only pick up or make food at home. Delivery is a waste of money

  • As if the tip actually goes to the dashers.
  • Maybe I'm wrong. I think you're misunderstanding the person you're replying to, and I didn't not get from them did they find it inconvenient to pay a stranger more money because it's a stranger, just saying that they find it to be inconvenient to spend an extra $20 on top of the meal anytime they want delivery and it would probably be better off to go pick it up themselves or make food at home which is what I do. Haven't ordered delivery in months because it's such a waste of money.

    That person also never said anything about how "that's somebody's job and they signed up for it" and that was you that brought that into this mix. I don't know why you're getting so offended or pissed off about that comment. They're just saying that paying an extra $20 for delivery is inconvenient and costly.

    If you are a driver and you make money from doordash or Uber, you might want to consider getting into a different line of work because those companies are just scamming the hell out of you and there's no need to be so defensive of them.

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