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Fucking grim
  • My mom took a self-defense course when I was a teen and she was so excited about the training that I pretended like the throws and techniques were working when she asked to try them on me

    I felt like I couldn't ruin her self confidence even though I could have destroyed her even at 14

    Until her trainer was sentenced to 7 years for SA

    The only thing worse than not being prepared is a false sense of security

    And the only way to go even lower is giving that responsibility to children

  • Biden administration moving towards allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine
  • Of course there is, this is just a way to pay for them without any middle men

  • Biden administration moving towards allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine
  • Just make sure you hide any of your relatives from them

  • Three Ideas to Beat the Heat, and the People Who Made Them Happen
  • Don't worry, the padlock on the door is only for the criminals

  • Three Ideas to Beat the Heat, and the People Who Made Them Happen
  • I love all of these people so much that I invite them to my sauna

  • Any day now!
  • -You don't understand, the ::: spoiler analysts cia ::: have shown this with DATA!

  • Follow-up to old post about man-made horror: man-made horror has been commercialized and is also live-streamed. (Brain organoid computing)
  • Oh no, I hope they don't develop fingers and find a stash of assault rifles i forgot nearby

  • Landleech error in my favor?
  • All of this depends on the jurisdiction, but most western countries have some kind of defense for corporations making mistakes

    Usually it's something like "if the offer is clearly a mistake, you don't have to honor the sale", but rental agreements are a bit of a grey area, since they are a contract between two individuals instead of a sale

    I'd say go for it, but be prepared to be sued

  • Gooners 4 Corbyn
  • Fuck it, if corbyn asks i'm a gooner

  • A cop I maybe can actually respect and they're fucking trying to shame him
  • I hope he doesn't end up like Dorner, but acab

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • I don't trust anyone who uses "ephebophilia" outside of academic texts, "hebephilia" is instant re-education camp

  • Elsevier
  • Tbh they already do everything they can, if you ever need a paper, e-mail the author and they'll most likely send you the "last version" before publication they still hold the rights to distribute

  • Am I the dumbest Hexbear?
  • I mean that's a pretty stupid claim for a bird to make

    Have you ever seen a bear?

  • Elsevier
  • One lecturer actually had notes on their slides for the differences between the latest version of the course book and the one before it, since the latest one wasn't available for free anywhere but they wanted to use couple chapters from the new book (they scanned and distributed the relevant parts themself)

  • Elsevier
  • I feel like most of the academia in the research side would be happy to see it collapse, but the current system is too deeply tied in the money for any quick change

    I worked in academia for almost a decade and never met a researcher who wouldn't openly support sci-hub (well, some warned their students that it was illegal to type these spesific search terms and click on the wrong link downloading the pdf for free)

  • NSFW
    "Nick Fuentes' BADASS security!"
  • I'm built like a crack house and could take them out alone

  • Hexbear fundraising idea: make a website to raise money for Trump to challenege the stolen 2024 election. Start fundraising now!
  • Can you drop ship union made merch? I would love to sell some "i intend to participate in a violent revolt if i don't agree with the election results signed: _____" t-shirts

  • --- E. Hemingway
  • I hope he finds someone to share the rope with

  • What's up with the ruling class choosing the most unlikable representatives

    All of them are the people who wouldn't get offered coke at illuminati's annual meeting

    They are the people snitching to the security at bohemian grove about all the drugs and extramarital affairs happening there

    I don't really want to police language, but some dead languages should stay dead


    Teaching latin to redditors was one of the worst mistakes the west has done

    Only superseded by telling them that they are clever for that (and all the genocide)

    My SIL asked for help with a college group project

    She was mostly looking for validation, since the guys in the group thought that hashing the passwords on an online banking application is waste of time, and the best way to handle login is to send the whole user database to the front-end so you can match the unhashed password to the correct account

    Colleges should lower their limits for stabbing

    I'm out

    I can't be a socialist anymore, I wanted to buy weed but the bus drivers are on strike so I have to walk for an hour both ways

    This isn't what I signed up for

    mayo_cider mayo_cider [he/him]

    3 tbs of mayonnaise

    33cl of cider

    Mix vigorously

    Commit white genocide

    Serve cold

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