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Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • I have noticed there is a point in time when a product is newish but not brand new, so it might be more available on a grey day. And then after that short window the pickings are slimmer.

    I guess when something gets too popular others will find out about it and the shelves get cleared.

    We’re still talking about moisturiser and eye drops right? 😉

    Edit: Oh yes! And sometimes if things are getting very dry I will search for a ‘slime tutorial’ just to smooth out a rough patch.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • Sometimes when life is dull I use a product called cough Snaily Lotion to brighten my eyes, especially when I can’t get New Lube (there seem to be worsening supply chain shortages or price hikes of this brand)

    You do have to carefully peruse the products as some may have misleading labels or only be sample sizes. Avoid the third party stockists.

    But sometimes if you keep checking for stock you might get what you need

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • I just remembered that I used to use oil when it was very long, and rubbing 1-2 small drops through the lengths before washing helped combing a lot.

    (I don’t have almond or olive anymore so it was just sunflower oil from the kitchen)

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🌃 Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • For some reason the Cetaphil cleanser burnt my skin? I think they've changed something because there are other reviews about it. Otherwise I'd go back to using it, it was alright before. QV might be an option.

    I do well with Cerave lotion but was trying to see if the cheaper Kmart option was any good

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🌃 Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • Tried the Kmart unscented moisturiser - I had my fingers crossed but within seconds there was a faint growing sting. Guess I have to keep getting the one that does seem to be ok.

    Life is a sensory nightmare 👍

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🌃 Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • I used to find Voltaren or Dencorub seemed to help a little. I would also tuck the injured arm inside my shirt before sleep so it wouldn't flop around as much and I couldn't unconsciously put it in an aggravating position.

    Just some suggestions that may or may not be useful. I hope something brings some relief soon. I remember how much it hurt

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🍲 ☕🍵 Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • The suck cut machine is basically the same as my normal method. Just pulling my hair into a ponytail on the top of my head to cut off length and then soften the ends with vertical snipping for long layers.

    I could genuinely just do that method much shorter to end up with the Siouxsie, but I don't have the volume without styling and need something I can just yank back in one swoop.


    Having a body is bad

    I am removing my head

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🍲 ☕🍵 Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • I get very stressed by the entire hairdresser experience, and short is just too much hassle for me. (Constantly going back for trims, enduring the whole experience and constantly paying for it would be a nightmare.)

    If it wasn't for all that I would. I really liked having a modified mohawk in the past, and considered a Chelsea cut but can't stand fringes

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🍲 ☕🍵 Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • I do both of those things. But for me that way leads to much more ripping out of knots. It's like letting any knots dry only tightens them. And this is with a gentle shampoo and conditioner, because I'm using these bottles up before they expire.

    I'd rather just find something very wide toothed I can rake quickly through damp hair but the teeth on the shower comb look a bit blunt and the 'wet care' style is basically the same as the comb I have. The wet brush is very similar to the brush I have. The tangle teezer style I have can be used to detangle individual bad knots in lengths (wet or dry) but has such short bristles that it's difficult to get through hair when trying to brush the top. I might try the combs with angled double teeth.

    For context

    I had extreme length hair for decades and it was well cared for. I managed it by combing extra products like leave-in through while damp, plaiting it, and brushing it morning and night starting at the tips.

    But I think it just tangles very easily because it's so fine and even 'normal long' is now too much for me. It's harder to lift my arms to brush or plait my hair. I also don't want to buy expensive luxuries like extra hair products.)


    I'm also considering how much shorter I can go while still being able to tie it back. For me actual short hairstyles are the most fuss of all so that's a no. My home cutting method results in layers so can't go too short without turning it into a wolf cut (which means short pieces getting in my face or requiring pins/clips/styling).

    Or I could suck up my intense dislike for salons and pay the money to get a low maintenance straight cut bob that's barely long enough for an elastic. (If I could cut a neat straight line of the right length at home I would have already done it.)

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🍲 ☕🍵 Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • Quick question - are those shower combs any good for detangling towel dried hair? Or do they only work well in the actual shower for spreading conditioner through? (That isn't really what I need it for.)

    My hair's growing out a bit long again and I am going to do something to deal with it.

    But for now I'm wondering if the shower comb would easily get the knots out after the shower, or if I should get a different style of wide tooth comb. (It would be from Kmart/Big W or Colesworth so I can chuck it in with the things I was going to buy anyway). A third alternative is a generic brand 'wet brush' from Ebay.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🍲 ☕🍵 Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • Some disabilities come with chronic nausea 👍 Or something like cyclic vomiting syndrome. Probably the simplest explanation.

    Still not fun to hear, sounds distressing. I swear Aussie builds are so shit and close together

  • An ounce of prevention: Now is the time to take action on H5N1 avian flu, because the stakes are enormous An ounce of prevention: Now is the time to take action on H5N1 avian flu, because the stakes are enormous

    Our approach to combating pandemics must shift to one that prioritizes prevention of human infections with zoonotic viruses, rather than focusing on rapid response once human infection is widespread.

    An ounce of prevention: Now is the time to take action on H5N1 avian flu, because the stakes are enormous

    I really don't want to do this again

    Four charts that prove the huge financial pressure many Australian households are under Four charts that prove the huge financial pressure many Australian households are under

    From people spending less to increasing inequality and money worries even among the affluent, data shows widespread pain

    If the same cunts start talking about smashed avo and financial responsibility now I'm stealing their bones for soup

    Energy support backfires with welfare recipients to end up with less than $300 Energy support backfires with welfare recipients to end up with less than $300

    Financially vulnerable Australians stand to miss out on the full value of the budget's $300 energy bill relief, because the policy will slash the indexation of their welfare payments.

    This is from May but I just saw it.

    The federal government has given an online age verification pilot the green light. Here's what we know about it Three in four Australian children accessed porn before they turned 18. Here's how the government plans to tackle the problem

    The government is pursuing age verification for online porn. It's going to be complicated. Everyone agrees kids shouldn't be able to access porn online. Stopping them is much harder than you might think.

    Three in four Australian children accessed porn before they turned 18. Here's how the government plans to tackle the problem

    I saw that they weren't going to go ahead last year, but now apparently there will be a pilot.

    Homemade Ice Magic (microwave, 2 ingredients) Instant Chocolate Hard Shell

    Instant chocolate hard shell for topping ice cream is deliciously crunchy and easy to make using 2 simple ingredients: chocolate and coconut oil.

    Instant Chocolate Hard Shell

    Colesworth jacking up the cost of Ice Magic? You can make some with chocolate and coconut oil to work out much cheaper.

    There are heaps of recipes for "chocolate shell" so try them out

    Hwachae - hydrating Korean fruit punch/dessert

    This is a bit more expensive due to fresh fruit but doesn't require a freezer except for ice cubes. So could be possible for people with only a bar fridge. You can use what you have (you don't need dragonfruit) but watermelon is usually always an ingredient. Traditionally the liquid was a floral/berry tea but in modern day it's a mix of strawberry milk and Sprite.

    "This is called ‘Hwachae’, a popular Korean fruit punch

    Ingredients used:







    Ice cubes

    Strawberry Jelly

    Strawberry milk

    Lemon soda

    Strawberry ice cream"

    Freeze yogurt or smoothies into icypoles

    cross-posted from:

    > I don't have a recommended recipe (I'm not big on smoothies and haven't tested this out) but there are heaps of recipes out there depending on what you have. > > Apparently using full fat coconut milk or Greek yogurt helps the icypoles stay a bit softer, as will adding cornstarch, and blending in pre frozen fruit. > > You could even chuck some protein powder in and have a frozen smoothie on a stick for dinner when it's too hot to cook. > > The freezing container is a bit awkward without dedicated equipment but depending on freezer space you could freeze it onto teaspoons in small cups or muffin tins. > > Or freeze it as small icecubes and blend it again into something thick and semi-frozen like soft serve or a thickshake. Make sure your blender is up to handling ice though. I'm not liable for puffs of smoke. > > > Ps. Yogurt by itself is also ok to freeze this way. Warning: It's kind of hard so you might have to chip at it slowly, and the texture will change into something gross on defrosting though. At least Greek yogurt did when I ate it. It doesn't freeze smooth and soft like froyo from the shop. >

    Homemade Iced Coffee/Big M

    (Sorry, I should have shared this here as well.)

    cross-posted from:

    > This is probably something you already know but a reminder doesn't hurt on such a hot day. > > You don't need syrup or real coffee to make an iced coffee or Big M style drink. > > Stirring instant coffee and sugar into a very little hot water first dissolves the crystals, avoiding the grittiness and unsweetened taste of throwing them straight into cold milk. Ice cubes or icecream optional. > > If you have any icecream toppings or another kind of syrup those can also be a milk flavouring.

    Woolworths issues recall for Christmas mince pies over potential metal contamination (in NSW) Woolworths issues recall for Christmas mince pies over potential metal contamination

    Supermarket says there have been no complaints and the New South Wales recall is being done as a ‘precaution’

    Woolworths issues recall for Christmas mince pies over potential metal contamination

    This is a day old. But if you see this, are in NSW and have those specific pies check the date on them

    Kooking With A Koori (budget cooking) Four retro recipes from Kooking with a Koori by TikTok star Nathan Lyons

    Wiradjuri man Nathan Lyons began cooking comforting dishes at a young age he learned from his nan and aunties.

    Four retro recipes from Kooking with a Koori by TikTok star Nathan Lyons

    I saw the actual book for this heavily discounted at Big W but don't think it's there anymore. If you don't have the money there's always the Youtube Channel

    (if Youtube keep trying to strongarm you into paying for subscription you can get ublock and constantly update it with pasting in little snippets of code in an arms race. There are guides. I need to learn the specifics but just stubbornly wait out the ads)

    Local fruit trees on public land | Local Food Connect

    I was posting stuff about foraging from public fruit trees a few years ago on Reddit and in this cost of living crisis/food insecurity it seems timely to give it another bump here.

    Though we shouldn't have to. :(

    The Local Food Connect map posted for the main article seems really limited to inner Melbourne which is annoying.

    The map from Public Fruit Melbourne requires you to request access.

    However the article links a much more comprehensive map at the Falling Fruit website. This also offers locations for the outer suburbs of Melbourne as well as quite a few other Australian states.

    Chicken Cacciatore

    So... it seems I may know a few budget meals that might be appreciated.

    Cacciatore is a fairly cheap old school family recipe or it freezes for meal prep. It can be a one pot with a Dutch oven or large skillet.

    Apologies for the non-Aussie measurements. I was looking for a fairly simple one without flour dredging, limited and cheaper ingredients and having both a stovetop/oven option.

    Obviously this can be done in a slow cooker, pressure cooker or instapot to save gas or electricity.

    This was picked for posting because chicken drumsticks are currently very cheap at Coles ($6.40 for 1.6kg Coles RSPCA drumsticks). I vaguely heard there might be some chicken shortage coming? so this might change.

    Definitely use bone in drumsticks or thighs because they're cheaper, more flavourful and more suited to the long slow cooking.

    I made sure to choose a recipe that uses canned tomatoes for the lower unit price.

    I suggest using carrots, zucchini, celery etc if you don't like capsicums. Check the price on the mushrooms and the capers. Asian grocers can be cheaper for veg if you have one near you, or if you have a market. Obviously access varies.

    For the wine use $5 Aldi plonk or use chicken broth (cube should be fine).

    Also if you don't have rosemary consider just using dried Italian herbs from the Hoyts bags. Smoked paprika also goes very nicely.

    Serving this with rice, potatoes, pasta, polenta, couscous or bread will soak up the sauce and pad it out.

    Some bakeries used to sell their day old bread on a table. Not sure if they still do that. Or if you learn the supermarket restock day and go right before closing time you can get some deals. Honestly any kind of bread would be fine.

    This is an 'easy' one for chicken breasts

    Greek Roasted Potatoes and Whipped Feta Greek Roasted Potatoes and Whipped Feta

    My most viral recipe: Greek roasted potatoes and whipped feta, the perfect small plate or side dish! Mouth-wateringly good.

    Greek Roasted Potatoes and Whipped Feta

    I'm intolerant to almost everything in this but it looks delicious - have at it for me

    New Nat’s What I Reckon cookbook coming out

    Smash Hits. I saw it on preorder while browsing the Big W site and figured that this is the place for that info. I’d suggest it as a Christmas gift but no idea when it actually comes out

    Healthy recipes (The Australian Institute of Sport) Recipes

    Delicious recipes that can be used by anybody with a busy lifestyle


    The physical recipe books are called Survival For The Fittest and Survival From The Fittest but if you don't want to buy them everything is free on the AIS site.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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